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Posts posted by Thud

  1. When I look at the screens of the new hueys I drool and go mad with desire and everything but I also think about the almost sacrilegious act of shooting them down. And maybe with something else than an rpd. Is there a possibility of a zsu-57 being in the pack (yeah I know, unlikely with the huge workload these guys have) or a heavy aaa- or dual purpose machine gun.

    I believe that choppers in SEA were usually too low to be shot at with real aa grenades ( i mean those altitude set black puffs of smoke, you know em) but correct me if i'm wrong, but could you not simulate the jets supporting the ground troops being attacked by aaa through setting of the usual artillery explosions of ofp at an altitude. So actually elevate those satchel charge like explosions into the air. Possibly aircraft in the vicinity would be damaged, I know it works that way on the ground tounge.gif . If it would be possible to give the yellow-reddish ball of fire a more smoke-like (black, duh) appearance we would have real heavy aa fire in ofp. Just a thought, anyone thinks this can be or can't be done???

  2. The NVA had a few ZSU-23-4's, though they were not ready for combat deployment till '75 and only saw limited action in the south during the final offensive.

    Maybe better for Nam missions:

    A couple of months ago I saw a twin stationary aa gun, also 23 mm on some in-game shots at ofp.info, these could be used very well as authentic vietnam era aaa. And recently there was a zsu-57-2 3d-model somewhere which could be used also.

    BTW Great work on the Nam pack (as always)
