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Everything posted by Texas

  1. Texas

    Resistance crash

    Game works well with every option. But when I go to mission edit and I have a choice of the maps I click any map, it loads to the end and ... Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Version 1.75 Fault address: 01591645 2B:0012EB1C ÃŽ'Å‘wÅ'Å‘w Other than that it works fine.
  2. Texas

    Second cursor

    Hey, could someone help? I have 1.46 buid of the game. I get 2nd cursor when I switch to 32bit mode. One from the game, another is window's original. One is faster than another. When I switch back to 16bit, everything is fine, I get one cursor only. I have GeForce 3 Ti200, WinXP, latest drivers and etc. Please advise.
  3. Texas

    What i hate the most in ofp?

    I hate the houses. In Delta Force 3 implementation of houses was so much better. I'm not saying that DF3 is a better game though. OFP is coded nicely but the code for the inclosed spaces sux. The development team didn't make "houses" their priority, so that feature sux. Since I switched from DF3 to OFP, it is very hard for me to picture the fight without the houses. You all know the bugs of indoors (you can call them horror houses where you can go through the wall and etc). What's up with that? Putting anger aside, the game is superb!
  4. Texas


    Why trees do not fall when you hit them at the root with a tank shell? I mean the explosion produces so much thrust that the trees around the explosion should fall outward. This would create a better feel of explosion. When you have a dead body and you hit near with mortar it moves a body away (game feature). So you can feel-see the explosion, not only smoke. Well, trees should fall too.