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About Tubbs

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    Computer Programming, Music, Guitar, Skiing, Snowboarding & Windsurfing :)
  1. Tubbs

    Street lamps

    Cheers I'll try it.
  2. Tubbs

    Street lamps

    It still ain't bloody working. Their there but they ain't on at night. It's So pissing annoying
  3. Tubbs

    Street lamps

    Thanks That was a real help.
  4. Tubbs

    Street lamps

    It's stupid 'cause I sifted through the gunslinger streetlamps .PBO file and the f*ing thing defines them with lighting charictaristics. I just don't understand. They should opperate just like the pre defined ones in the map. They even say that they light up in the flippin' read me file!!
  5. Tubbs

    Street lamps

    It's stupid 'cause I sifted through the gunslinger streetlamps .PBO file and the f*ing thing defines them with lighting charictaristics. I just don't understand. They should opperate just like the pre defined ones in the map. They even say that they light up in the flippin' read me file!!
  6. How can I make a street lamp appear on.