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About Trekhaak

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  1. Trekhaak

    Irritating bug

    hehe, no, i don't have an ibm "rapid access" keyboard. I DO have some of those useless buttons i believe for "faster browsing". btw, i use my right shift for turbo, and arrow up for normal movement. Are you suggesting that my rightshift is sticky then? It seems fine to me...
  2. Trekhaak

    weird problem

    If you run ofp and XP you need at least 256 mb. xp alone, almost takes up your 128 mb.
  3. Trekhaak

    Irritating bug

    nope, they still persist A friend of mine has the same problems btw, and he has an entirely different configuration. So i reckon more ppl should have this problem??
  4. Trekhaak

    Irritating bug

    This bug seems to happen after replaying some missions. Suddenly i keep running on full speed and can't walk anymore. I also crawl on full speed. When driving vehicles and pressing the forward key, i always drive at turbospeed. To summon it all up: Everything goes fullspeed. And when i type, i type with caps lock like letters. I have to press the caps lock key to type in small letters but then i keep seeing the chatsymbol in my screen which is annoying. and probably the most irritating is that i can't zoom out. I can zoom in, but i can't zoom out. These bugs happen simultaneously. Hope this is usefull. Athlon 1333 @ 1466 512 mb Gf 3 ti500 msi k7t turbo Detonator xp 23.12 4in1 4.37a via driver Windows xp pro DirectX 8.1
  5. Trekhaak

    Enemy vehicles are target magnets

    hmmm i was probably drunk when i read your post. But i would indeed be neat, an AI without superhuman senses.
  6. Trekhaak

    Enemy vehicles are target magnets

    i have the same problem, Your allies start shooting you when entering an enemy vehicle. Weird...
  7. Trekhaak

    Zoom in/out

    hi! I have the same probs. Also, i can't walk anymore and i always have to run and crawl on full speed. Also when i type, i type like i have my caps lock on. Turn capslock on and i type with the smaller letters. hmmm. Athlon 1333 @ 1466 512 mb Gf 3 ti500 msi k7t turbo Detonator xp 23.12 4in1 4.37a via driver Windows xp pro