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Everything posted by Toumaxx

  1. Looking forward to it, Conan
  2. I'm building a mission here ... The plot: Your unit is sent to scout for a tank platoon (consisting of 16 armoured units, all empty, not grouped). Upon detection of every single unit, the mission shall end. As to my problem: Is it possible to check for multiple units inside a single trigger (for the trigger's activation)? If so, how do you do it? I've only been able to connect the trigger to a single unit.
  3. Whoa ... I'm sure with all that information I'll get it to work, one way or another. Thank you, guys !!
  4. Indeed, this has helped me. I'm not that big into maths, so I've probably never would have figured this out myself the way you described it  . But I'm learning as I go. Thanks, man !!!
  5. Toumaxx

    Radeon 8500 and t&l

    I own the same card; Hardware T&L is working fine. Have you tried out the newest official drivers from ATI?
  6. Toumaxx

    Radeon 8500 and t&l

    I own the same card; Hardware T&L is working fine. Have you tried out the newest official drivers from ATI?
  7. Kegetys, thanks for refreshing my memory on the subject :-).
  8. Hmmm ... Birkoff, you can see things coloured on a dark night without a decent light source? OK: The human eye may be able to realize colours, but the brain cannot recognize them (or so - biology is lightyears away from me now). Or: Yes ... smoking certain things gets you to see colours at night time,too :-).
  9. Maybe this is a feature, because without proper lighting, you really can see things in black & white only. Never noticed that on a dark night while you're outside ?
  10. Toumaxx

    Green sky still there

    I had the 'green sky problem', too. I have an Asus A7V mainboard, and the whole time (HW T&L & W-buffer enabled; I'm using DX 8.1) the d*amned screen went green while playing OF. Finally I came to try out enabling only 2X AGP, not 4X, as I used to. Seems to be fixed now; never had a green sky after that.