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Everything posted by Thehamster

  1. Thehamster

    Any need for Kiowa Warrior...

    1.80megs is rahter a large file for just a reskinned heli. Well thats what I think but your welcome to prove me wrong and no doubt you will. *runs away to cries*
  2. Thehamster

    These tracers suck

    Tracers are quite funny at night you get your very own laser quest games going. I think they look sort of cool at night In quite a large fight say about 12+ squads each per side of men.
  3. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    Yeha I would like a co pilot but when your landing in a hot spot whats to stop them killing your co. When shooting from the blackhawk it helps a #### of a lot if you not going full speed an ideal speed for shooting is about 70-100 km any thing over and it is almost usless to try and shoot at them (Edited by Thehamster at 8:44 pm on Dec. 26, 2001)
  4. Thehamster

    Skipping Missions

    yeha but only use it when you have failled the misson 20 times okay You got press leftshift and minus key on the numpad bit then you type endmission
  5. Thehamster

    OFP Runs well with Windows ME?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from RN Malboeuf on 7:30 pm on Dec. 26, 2001 if you have a OS stick with it for a few more months and then chip in for XP, I'm waiting at least 6 more months and I get mine free from my store so i'm in no hurry<span id='postcolor'> Yeha great for some but have already tossed my cash down the drain on XP it now just sits in a cupboard waiting for use as I can't find the drivers I need for it to run properly on my system. I'm now thinking about buying a DVD rom that has XP surport and a modem as The pople who made my DVD don't do drivers for some legal reason and my modem drivers are not out yet. I think it is rather poor that my pc is only about 4-5 months old and still what you would call top of the range in pc terms. My older PC about 2 years old can run Xp for some reason with no problems and this has pissed me off somewhat as my old pc ain't any good for games anymore it is a shame.
  6. Thehamster

    Any need for Kiowa Warrior...

    Nice paint job now the russian will repect my heli. yeha this will show whose the hamster is yeha.
  7. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    The guy in the chinhook seems to be a good shot. I have been killed by one of the chinhook gunners tons of time.
  8. Thehamster


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Rob on 2:14 am on Dec. 26, 2001 then if you dont know anything why are you a maniac? <span id='postcolor'> I know other stuff and can do this little thing called spam but thats about all.
  9. Thehamster


    I would help but I know squat about editing.
  10. Thehamster

    Smoke grenade on vehicles

    A lot of tansk just have artifical smoke makers which would be even better than smoke grens but it would slow down the game somewhat. I'm am nearly sure BIS could add the smoke gren launcher to the tank if they wanted and it would have to be under the weapon selection options as in the engine only surports one gun being fired from a vehical.
  11. Thehamster

    Will X-mas trees every be removed

    It should go by the end of this week proberly (Edited by Thehamster at 10:16 pm on Dec. 25, 2001)
  12. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from RedStorm on 8:48 pm on Dec. 25, 2001 Try killing the pilot in any of the Russian helicopters <span id='postcolor'> I just did and out of the 10 I tried I got 6 with my m16. There just as ripe targets if your a good shot. The other 4 times I got killed by them. And granted 2 of the 6 times I got crippled by them but not to bad I think.
  13. Thehamster

    OFP Runs well with Windows ME?

    I have a full version of professional xp but it is usless as I can't use my modem or dvd rom with it so I'm still using 98 while my copy of xp sits unused. upgrade the drivers you say well I can't the people who made my dvd rom don't do driver and I can't ge through to the tech surport people who made my pc. The same prob with my modem. Windows xp can't even detect them which means I can't upgrade so I'm stuck with 98.
  14. Thehamster

    Nice BI........

    Thoes trees rock, so don't slag them as if you could do better. It is nice BIS even botherd to do it.
  15. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    who would be the co pilot in sp you be dead so it would really matter and in mp who the #### would want just sit next to the pilot on he off chance that some one got a lucky shot off and killed him.
  16. Thehamster

    OFP freezes...

    Maybe you ain't got enought ram or something and it is loading someing in the leval up then it crashes.
  17. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MotherRussiaAK74 on 12:56 am on Dec. 25, 2001 Well the AI doesn't try to shoot choppers... not many human players I know do either..<span id='postcolor'> I shoot them or at least the area where the pilot is. It is a effective way of getting rid of them.
  18. Thehamster

    Its Christmas in Everon

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Pete on 12:54 am on Dec. 25, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Thehamster on 1:50 am on Dec. 25, 2001 Are the trees only in the mission as I looked for them in the map editor but I could see them.<span id='postcolor'> they are normal trees, found on most maps......but they just got decorated by small grey imps at night. hurry up and take a chopper ride in kolgujev before they fade away :-)<span id='postcolor'> Thanks for the info but the idea occured to me suddenly so I bootted up OFP and did more a less what you told be to do. any way Merry Christmas.
  19. Thehamster


    Do you mean me or Ruskierules? Becasue I'm not going back to the nut house :biggrin:
  20. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from FetishFool on 11:50 pm on Dec. 24, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Thehamster on 6:43 pm on Dec. 25, 2001 It don't have too losse it all you can just eject. <span id='postcolor'> Safe ejecting height for soldiers is at least 75 feet. How often do you ever fly even 60 feet high? @Mister Frag: Â That would explain why the Mark II's gun doesn't operate properly. Â Sad. Â And I thought OPF's engine was limitless.<span id='postcolor'> I fly more than 60ft high most of the time I average about 90ft which gives me all the safety I need to fly and top speeds.
  21. Thehamster

    Its Christmas in Everon

    Are the trees only in the mission as I looked for them in the map editor but I could see them.
  22. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    It don't have too losse it all you can just eject.
  23. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    Hey shooting the pilot is a fair tactic when some git it tring kill you in is AH64 and you aim carefully and put a bullet in his skull fron the ground is quite satisfying to see ti crash and the gunner eject wondering what the #### just happened to the pilot.
  24. Thehamster

    Air to Air combat

    The only air to air combat in OFP is two helicopter dulaling it out which is a total arse to do. So I usualy ram my heli in to there and eject just before crashing but this needs very good timing.
  25. Thehamster


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from TwIce on 10:03 pm on Dec. 24, 2001 Thanks for your input, DayGlow. Â It's posters like you who prevent the discussion from degenarating into namecalling.<span id='postcolor'> ummm poopypants But seriously I find ghost recon to be just a bit crap the mission are poor infact the mission I onyl enjoyed was the embasy one the rest were poorly thought out. The Ai can be just a little bit dumd sometimes but ocansionly they can do quite impressive stuff.