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Everything posted by Thehamster

  1. Thehamster

    Backpacks for US and Russian Infantry

    In the game why would they need the backpacks as the Island are small right they have no need to carry a large surply of food and ammo with them do they?
  2. Thehamster

    bad idea or knot?

    No leave it to the professionals.
  3. Thehamster

    bad idea or knot?

  4. Seen it before but still funny
  5. Thehamster

    bad idea or knot?

    Yeha this thread is great
  6. Thehamster

    Will X-mas trees every be removed

    Get a helicopter and fly around looking for them
  7. Thehamster

    nice lil airplane

    Yeha I want a C-130 it would provide a good form of duck hunting in game.
  8. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    The machine gun is usally used for killing the ground troops not killing tanks.
  9. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    They share the same attributes because the attributes are good and why have something less?
  10. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    Yeha most things seem to blow up after a couple of 120mm he shells can't think why.
  11. Thehamster


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Black Op on 12:08 am on Dec. 30, 2001 n00bs crying cos i said lol *y-a-w-n-s* <span id='postcolor'> You impertinate whipper snapper you.
  12. Thehamster


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from RedStorm on 8:46 pm on Dec. 29, 2001 I'm still here. <span id='postcolor'> He said mature people. :biggrin:
  13. Thehamster

    Implent Hand-signals

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Scooby on 11:12 pm on Dec. 28, 2001 Topic about serious and important suggestion went down to drain because of some immature kids. Anyone who has been in army knows how important handsignaling is.<span id='postcolor'> Would that be me? No topic has to be totaly serious ypu know life can just be a little bit fun it's a game for christ sake not a matter of life and death.
  14. Thehamster

    A addon CD ?...

    I can't say I have heard of it but that don't make in untrue. But on the chance of being right I will say not a chance of this addon for us gamers.
  15. Thehamster

    Implent Hand-signals

    Hey you could use the hand moves for a dance cut scene with all the troops dancing away to pop music :biggrin:
  16. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    yeha who is baracus?
  17. Thehamster

    Drive by shootings

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from ALDEGA on 10:12 pm on Dec. 28, 2001 NO.<span id='postcolor'> spoil sport
  18. Thehamster

    Drive by shootings

    yeha but the engine don't surport it
  19. You could use the animals for planning your assaults like the did in Three Kings and the cow stepped on a cluster bomb very funny scene.
  20. Thehamster

    Could BIS please implement "peek around corner"?

    Swat 3 had a lean option of sorts which was useful. and you could fire when in it.
  21. Thehamster

    Any need for Kiowa Warrior...

    Well your paint job is good but thats a #### of a lot of helicopter version you have there. Your mode would be better if there were half as many helis in it. You got to many to tell apart as some of them do the same thing nearly.
  22. Thehamster

    Adding a Co-Pilot and 2nd Door Gunner to Blackhawk

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from FetishFool on 8:12 pm on Dec. 27, 2001 I always prefer to travel on the ground in OPF. I just don't trust those pilots! It's like transporting in Star Trek (bare with me). If even one particle is missing, POOF, you're done with. Same with choppers.  If one bullet hits that pilot, odds are that he's dead!  Then, POOF, you're done with. <span id='postcolor'> That’s why heli have bulletproof glass or what ever they use for windows and amour around the pilot
  23. Thehamster

    Any need for Kiowa Warrior...

    ohh I see you get 3 differnt helis or something