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Everything posted by Thehamster

  1. Thehamster


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WhoCares @ Mar. 21 2002,16:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Stealt Eagle @ Mar. 21 2002,16:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">U totally lost me with the first thing, is Albert Sweicher, or what his name now is, Hamster<span id='postcolor'> Not as far as I know. I just like to tease the Hamster from time to time  <span id='postcolor'> *Cries* Why me why me...hamster have feelings you know etc... *Stops crying* Damn it thats not fair if I filled about 4 pages of a topic with that kind of tripe I would get banned.
  2. Thehamster

    Ever get the feeling that

    Nope can't say I get that idea. What a strange notion.
  3. Thehamster


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Mar. 20 2002,22:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yes, file transfer protocol indeed.<span id='postcolor'> hmm, what you on about?
  4. Thehamster

    Bye bye cm forum

    Yeha with all this fur you go up like a firebomb
  5. Thehamster


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Mar. 20 2002,22:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Soccer? pfft.<span id='postcolor'> Yes Soccer, not some other crappy sport which no else plays.
  6. Thehamster

    Bye bye cm forum

    This thread is just too much for me... Note: Don't try what that kid is doing....well unless your called George "dubba" Bush don't try it. *Hamster thought cam*(Hmm must stop posting these damn pics...hey is that camera on turn it off you buggers) *camera gets smashed*
  7. Thehamster


    Doah ahh well the Pope likes this thread.
  8. Thehamster


    This says it all really.
  9. Thehamster


    Ahh well you have worked put my evil plans with that one but you can now try and work out this one
  10. Thehamster

    What is wrong with this room?

    lol we should all keep away from Wobble he has a devious mind.
  11. Thehamster


    Well beat this
  12. Thehamster

    Visited a military camp!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Pete @ Mar. 20 2002,20:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Oligo @ Mar. 20 2002,15:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This tip is from a U.S. canteen: "For water only. Do not apply this (plastic) canteen on open flame or burner plates." I always wondered why is it that they are assuming that a person who would apply a plastic bottle to open flame is actually capable of such feat as reading?<span id='postcolor'> huh uh...i did that. i was stupid enough to fill the canteen with water 100%, so the water didnt move when we were out walking...this made it to freeze.....so when i got thristy and wanted to drink nothing came, i used a knife to break the ice but it was completely frozen..so then i tried to heat it over a open fire, succeeded only melting a part of the canteen but the ice didnt melt...... i still have that canteen....its buckled cos of the water that froze (is expands..) and its partly molten perhaps this belongs to military stupidity? <span id='postcolor'> Only takes one numb nuts to start a epidemic of safety labels I guess you were that numb nut
  13. Thehamster


    Ahh you lair has been found now just to steal all the pics and turn them in to spammer’s art.
  14. Thehamster

    My kind of site

    It must be a good site it has spam incorporated into the web address.
  15. Thehamster

    Get sued for saying a company sucks online ?

    Death to McDonalds... ohhh yeha they suck as well.
  16. Thehamster

    What type of graphics card do you have

    I'm manging with me Geforce 2 Mx200 64mb which is crap
  17. Thehamster

    Celebrity boxing..

    Beavis vs Butthead
  18. Thehamster

    Missed me by that much!

    Yep not the first I'm sure
  19. Thehamster


    Be cool if they did have a pistol in the game.
  20. Thehamster

    Now i put my feet up...

    BAN BAN that picture is sick and disturbing.
  21. Thehamster

    Early easter greetings

  22. Thehamster

    We're not already forwards

    Yeha a ghost ship of OFP.
  23. Thehamster

    My grandma has ass breath

    Her breath is probably flammable you should make use of this on the central heating front or something.
  24. Thehamster

    Danger! warning! beware!

    So that what that button is for and all these year I have been using a mini crowbar ahh well you learn something new every day. BTW- does any one know a good way of opening beer bottles with out having to use your teeth I'm running out of teeth for the job at the moment.
  25. Thehamster

    Before you have too much to drink consider this

    it not that funny