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About Sleek78

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Sleek78

    Congratulations BI!!!!!

    @JW Custom Those who deserve rewardings for their effort will get my support and money,piracy is a broad subject,think of it as a demo before the demo !anyway i'll save my 2cents on that for a thread that addresses the issue.
  2. Sleek78

    Where do you live?

    I guess i'm the only Arab here..Damascus,Syria FTW LOL
  3. Sleek78

    Can You Run It ?

    guys that version is still in beta ..they have a stable version but Arma2 is not listed there
  4. Sleek78

    Can You Run It ?

    Now you can REALLY check weather you can run this game or not ....with graphs and info How ? by simply clicking here http://beta.systemrequirementslab.com/srl/ The website will install ActiveX on your sys ..its totally harmless and i have used this website many times .. Tell us what you result is I`ll go first: btw i get around 20 FPS with custom setting from meduim to low and disabled shadow... so that ru watting for ? lets see your results :j: Aupdate: This version of can you run it is still in beta stage...if your IE stoped responding try with firefox or check your activex settings ..or run a registry cleaner if you have 1 like winaso reg optimizer or sumthin...good luck ...and thank you all for participating :D
  5. Sleek78

    ArmA 2 players

    <--- Other:Syria
  6. Sleek78

    OFP addons into ArmA!

    is it possible that some 1 port the Tunguska and the mig-29 ? i really miss those in Arma..
  7. Sleek78


    cant wait for your mod ...i loved the Arma one,the icons are too big in arma2 and takes a big chunk of the screen... good job
  8. im new to this and i`d like to make my own skins ....will some 1 please reffer to a tutorial or/and what tools you need ? and how it can be done ? i searched the fourms but i got no answer ..and google didnt find any good ones...so please help btw i have PS and tried to unpbo and edit in PS but it didnt work when i pboed the air.pbo again !
  9. Sleek78

    Graphics engine improvement

    i`d like to see option for Brightness,Color,Contrast option ....i think that would make the game feel/look better ...please BIS consider it
  10. long time ago when i used to play Jane's USAF i was tought to taxi at 25 kmph speed ...also in ofp it was real easy to taxi but i find it very hard to maintain that speed in Arma and Arma2 when taxing ! so you got my vote
  11. i voted yessss ....i made a vid with hookers "thats what they were called in the editor" but youtube banned it heheheh
  12. Sleek78

    How to make screenshots?

    i use FRAPS for screenshots and videos ...google it ;)
  13. voted yes ....and honestly i`d love to see BIS and DCS working together on something
  14. i was hoping that the AT-pods and Vikhr missiles have spiral flight behavior in Arma2 ..too bad they dont !
  15. Sleek78

    Am I the only one?

    i get less than 18 FPS all on high 70 when i look straight up :P i dont like the normal or the low setting so till i upgrade my rig or the community make some patches like in Arma im sticking to Arma