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Everything posted by Sarp

  1. Sarp

    Black Fluffy stuff, help!

    Hi, I had this issue a few months ago and in a thread I made I got the following answer from Dwarden It solved the issue straight away. Hope this helps.
  2. I just wanted to cross post from the Nvidia thread to get maximum exposure. Hope thats ok?
  3. That's done the trick!! Thank you. Any idea how to get rid of the texture opo ups and rendering lag on objects? I have an SSD so I'm not bottlenecking at the read/write process... Thanks Sarp
  4. Hi all, Thought I'd post my issue here first in case it's Nvida related. Recently I have been having issues with ' darking clouding ' around objects. It is especially noticeable around trees, foliage and objects requiring AA such as Ariels and poles etc. Whilst moving foliage renders slowly and goes much darker than it used to. The overall effect is like playing with a dirty, oily screen... Whilst always having texture issues with pop ups on foliage and lagged rendering on objects it has been made worse with the clouding issue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are a couple of screen shots. Please note these won't give a clear idea as motion makes the issue worse. In the first one you can see the power lines to the left of the Merlin are dark and cloudy, these flicker when in motion. In the screen shot it appears as a dark line along the ground... Image > 100kb In the second one you can see the ariels on top of the control tower doing the same thing. also a dark cloud appears near the top of a ' street light ' to the right of the soldier and infront of the Bradley. Image > 100kb These shots just give a very slight idea. Motion makes the issues much, much worse. Below are my current settings. All lowish just to show that I'm not stressing my comp. Image > 100kb I run the game off ARAMA 2 Launcher with ' skip splash screen, CPU count 4, Max Mem @2047 and priority high ' all set. FPS is between 45-50. Nvida settings are: My comp specs are: i940 @ 3.5Ghz 1 x GTX 460 @ 825Mhz 128 GB C300 SSD 10G DDR3 RAM Driver is 266.58 WHQL .
  5. Sarp

    People with i7's

    Ok. Thanks. I PM'd you to save de railing the thread further. :o
  6. Sarp

    People with i7's

    I OC'd mine because the stock was 2.9Ghz and I believe it's made a difference. I guess the only thing holding me back from getting a SSD is moving my OS onto it. I really don't want to re-install and I don't think cloning will align the drives right, or have I got it all wrong? Edited to add: I also have an Asus P6T Deleuxe MB. I read conflicting info on the sandforce SSd's compatibility and performance on this board. anyone got any experience with it?
  7. Sarp

    People with i7's

    I keep reading conflicting information about SSD's. The post above about texture loading got my interest as one of the issues I have is delayed texture loading, which at times is very annoying. I've got : i7 940 running at 3.5Ghz Gpu = 1 GB GTX460 running at 825Mhz RAM = 10GB Corsair XMS31600MHz CAS9 DDR3 @1600MHz (9,9,9,24) HDD = 1 TB SATA-II HDD UDMA 300 7200 32MB I play mainly MP and get between 25 - 40 FPS. @ 1900 X 1200 with 120% 3D. All settings V.High except ground texture - low and PP - V low. AA and ASF are at normal. View distance is 2000 Would running ARMA2 OA off an SSD REALLY make all the difference?
  8. I just wanted to say thanks again. I did the above last night, with a MSI afterburner and resource checker running as well and tweaked a few things. i now have a great looking game running at between 35 - 60 fps depending on load. I've managed to reduce the texture pop ups, but those bushes still pop up just in front of me and render slowly. It's better than it was, but still...
  9. Thanks for your input, it's greatly appreciated. Could you recommend a suitable mission that you think works as a good test bed?
  10. View distance is 2100, Object detail, high or V high. Depending on overall quality preference. I also have the Nvidia 3DPhysx tool enhancing a few things like AA etc, I wonder if thats a contributing factor? i'll try lowering the texture and I'm sure it will help the FPS, but I'm confused why i'm having to do this when others on similar systems can run everything fine...
  11. If I may I'd like to make an addition to the above post. After reading the GTX 460 thread and hearing of peoples performance I'm concerned that maybe my system is bottlenecking or that my HDD isn't fast enough. FPS wise on BAF Showcase I'm getting 15-20 with V high quality, low terrain texture, normal AA, AF, 1600X1050. With High settings it's 20-25 FPS. At 1900x1200, my native res it's a little worse on both quality settings I get awful texture pop ups with all settings, i.e bushes appearing just infront, vehicles rendering as you get near etc. My specs are: Optical - LG (GGW-H20L) Blu-Ray/DVD Disc Re-Writer & HD DVD-ROM. HDD - 1 TB (1000 GB) SATA-II HDD UDMA 300 7200 32MB Graphics - MSI GeForce GTX 460 Cyclone 1024MB GDDR5 OC'd @ 825MHz CPU - Intel Core i7 940, 8 MB 4.8GT/s 1600FSB OC'd @ 3.5GHz MB - ASUS P6T DELUXE SKT-1366 S/L 6.4GT/S (Intel X58) Mem - Corsair 6GB (3x2GB) XMS3 1600MHz CAS 9 (DDR3) Monitor - Dell Ultrasharp 2408WF OS - Vista 64 ultimate I'm looking for a nice compromise of quality and performance. 95% of the time I play multiplayer. I hope someone can help. Many thanks. Sarp
  12. Would someone be kind enough to explain the main contributor towards texture pop ups. When fine tunning my settings I always have issues with bushs etc poping up as i move nearer. There also seems to be a line of sorts in front of me where detail improves as the line passes over the ground. It's constant and moves forward as I do. It's quite obvious at times. Any help would be great. thanks
  13. Ok after your helpful pointer I did some searching on this forum and google and tweaked the SC. It now stands at 200000. (default being 500000) I've also defaulted the file to read only so that value remains. I'm still getting the ' lag ' in detail and shadow generation though. I frapsed about 20 seconds worth of moving through grass / trees / compounds to highlight this and will post tonight all being well. The odd thing was I was still getting upper 40's low 50's FPS the whole time... In the mean time any other ideas as to what it might be? cheers Sarp
  14. I prefer the slightly softer edges it gives and also noticed a slight FPS increase on multiplayer. So far, yes. As for editing anything, I get quickly out of my depth typing in my username and password..:icon_redface: I hope I've explained the issue well enough. It just seems that the detail levels and / or objects struggle to generate quickly enough. It's not a game breaker, more an annoying immersion spoiler that must be curable somehow as its not evident on the numerous videos I've seen and my system is far from slow...
  15. Hi all, quick question if I may. This thread is huge so apologies if this has already been covered. I'm tweaking my settings atm in OA, I haven't played in a while so any lessons learnt previously have been forgotten. I'm noticing that various objects are slow to reach full detail as I move forward. Grass / Bushes etc appear as I get closer rather than already being there. FPS doesn't seem to be an issue, but the ' lag ' in object generation is very annoying, there seems to be an imaginary line in front of me as i move in which detail becomes better. I have settings on normal, with overall quality on high. Screen res is 1900x1200 with 3d res at 87%. Post Process is at low, shaddow detail at high. System specs are: HDD - 1 TB (1000 GB) SATA-II HDD UDMA 300 7200 32MB Graphics - XFX GeForce GTX 260 216 Black - 896MB - 666 mhz CPU - Intel Core i7 940 (2.93GHz) 8 MB 4.8GT/s 1600FSB MB - ASUS P6T DELUXE SKT-1366 S/L 6.4GT/S (Intel X58) Mem - Corsair 6GB (3x2GB) XMS3 1600MHz CAS 9 (DDR3) Also I'm using NHancer which really helped previously, but not convinced this would be the problem though. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Sarp EDIT: oh and running off Vista 64 ultimate - Yeah i know...