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Everything posted by semedar

  1. I've seen Domination maps with this feature but I can't figure out how they did this. Can anyone tell me how to implement this into my mission? :D
  2. I've got a mission when you destroy an enemy radar, you (player) get the option to use SATCOM Trigger: Condition: !Alive Radar On Act: player addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("SATCOM") +"</t>"), "pxs_satcom_oa\start_satellite.sqf"]; But the problem is: When the player dies and respawns, he looses the ability. Can anyone help me with my predicament? :D
  3. Ah! Sweet man, thanks! :D EDIT: I tried using the above example but I can't seem to get it to work. =\ I'm using a Save Layout respawn and tried this: WaitUntil{not isNull player || isDedicated}; player addEventHandler ["Killed",{ player spawn { _unit = _this; private ['_magazines','_weapons','_backpack','_backpackweap','_backpackmags']; if(isNil "savedloadout") then { _weapons = weapons _unit; _magazines = magazines _unit; _backpack = typeOf unitBackpack _unit; _backpackmags = getMagazineCargo unitBackpack _unit; _backpackweap = getWeaponCargo unitBackpack _unit; } else { _weapons = savedloadout select 0; _magazines = savedloadout select 1; _backpack = savedloadout select 2; _backpackmags = savedloadout select 3; _backpackweap = savedloadout select 4; }; WaitUntil{alive player}; [color="Red"]player addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("SATCOM") +"</t>"), "pxs_satcom_oa\start_satellite.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","!alive Radar"];[/color] removeAllWeapons player; removeAllItems player; removeBackpack player; {player addMagazine _x} foreach _magazines; {player addWeapon _x} foreach _weapons; if (primaryWeapon player != "") then { player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player); _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> primaryWeapon player >> "muzzles"); // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher player selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0); }; if(_backpack != "") then { player addBackpack _backpack; clearWeaponCargo (unitBackpack player); clearMagazineCargo (unitBackpack player); for "_i" from 0 to (count (_backpackmags select 0) - 1) do { (unitBackpack player) addMagazineCargo [(_backpackmags select 0) select _i,(_backpackmags select 1) select _i]; }; for "_i" from 0 to (count (_backpackweap select 0) - 1) do { (unitBackpack player) addWeaponCargo [(_backpackweap select 0) select _i,(_backpackweap select 1) select _i]; }; }; }; }]; EDIT 2: Hah nevermind ;) User error.
  4. If I add it to the respawn script, if the player dies before destroying the object (Radar), then he will automatically have said AddAction. I want it to be conditional somehow to where it detects if object "Radar" is destroyed first. And this is where I'm having problems with.
  5. Aye, thanks for the help! :D Picture: http://tinyurl.com/4yj25dy
  6. Aye awesome this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks! :D Is there any way you can have the addAction command in-game text be grey? (The part where it says "Take ACU Pack") I've seen it done in someones Domination mission before, but never figured it out.
  7. Like the title says, is there any user made mission for ArmA 2/OA that comes close to this mission? Dynamic Sahrani: SABOTAGE http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2732. I've searched ArmaHolic and these forums for something similar on where you take what seems to be dynamic missions in a somewhat contract kinda way. Sorry if I'm not making sense right now, it's 5am and still haven't gone to sleep. :bored:
  8. Lol I also get annoyed by this. -_- I believe there is a script by Mando that you can use.. Edit: Maybe you can set him at careless? this setBehaviour "CARELESS";
  9. Sure? I have Win7 and my directory is as follows: C:\Users\Semedar\Documents\ArmA 2\missions
  10. Did you put it in the right mission folder? Lol OA uses the same ArmA2 mission folder. Example: C:\Users\Semedar\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\Silent_Woods.Chernarus Not: E:\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Missions My ArmA2 OA directory is most likely very different from yours. But only because I have it on my SSD so I doesn't use the whole Program Files folder just straight the the cheese. :rolleyes:
  11. I'm trying to spawn a unit via a trigger in my mission with: nul = this execVM "UPS_Woods_Spawn.sqf"; USP_Woods_Spawn.sqf "Ins_Soldier_1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "UPS_Woods", "nul=[this,""UPS_Woods"",""random"",""nofollow"",""min:"",40,""max:"",50,""delete:"",300] execVM ""ups.sqf"";"] I've put double quotes on there since I was reading up on trying to figure it out and someone suggested using double quotes.. :confused: I also tried: "Ins_Soldier_1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "UPS_Woods", "nul=[this,"UPS_Woods","random","nofollow","min:",40,"max:",50,"delete:",300] execVM "ups.sqf";"]
  12. Alright tried that and when they spawn, they all spawn next to each other.. How can I set them to spawn at a random position and have a min/max number of clones spawn and get deleted after 300 seconds (5 minutes)?
  13. Can anyone help me with making a script that makes an enemy group and have them init the Urban Patrol Script that you can call in with a trigger? :confused: I'm doing it this way because my mission is big and I dont want a bunch of units already spawned in all over the map when the mission spawns. I want the groups to spawn and follow the UPS script when triggered by BLUFOR. I tried making egroup1.sqf ups1 is the marker, _egroup1 is the group name _grp = Creategroup EAST; _grp createUnit ["SquadLeaderE", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 5, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEMG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEAT", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierESniper", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; Then after that I tried to call it in but kept giving me errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D
  14. Ok it's getting very frustrating for me to figure this out :confused: 1. The script I'm using to spawn a group does in fact work 2. This is the error I get: I found out it's from the UPS script. What I'm doing to try to get this script working: I'm trying to spawn an enemy group from my Init.sqf for now to just test and find how to add a group and make them init the ups.sqf: [this,"marker"] execVM "ups.sqf" From my init.sqf: //Spawns Group With UPS [] execvm "ups1spwn.sqf"; Sleep 1; [_grp,"ups1spwn"] execVM "ups.sqf"; From ups1spwn.sqf: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: Semedar //exec: [] execvm "ups1spwn.sqf" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _grp = Creategroup EAST; _grp createUnit ["SquadLeaderE", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 5, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEMG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierEAT", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; _grp createUnit ["SoldierESniper", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"]; I have a rectangle marker named GrpM to spawn the units there. I'm trying to make them follow the ups script from the init.sqf So, to summarize: Does anyone know how to spawn an enemy group and make them init: [this,"marker"] execVM "ups.sqf" And make them spawn with a trigger? If so, can you post detailed instructions?