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Everything posted by semedar

  1. Just wanted to post and share this video I uploaded with you guys since you might appreciate it. :D
  2. -__________________________- :rolleyes: Well I'm stupid. I'll go check it out right now. :p
  3. Can anyone tell me why "UH60M_MEV_EP1" isn't in the editor? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/UH60 I want to add it in my mission when I find out it's not there. :confused: I'm running ArmA 2 in CO mode and also tried running just OA.
  4. I have mine on Steam so it's always up to date. I currently have 1.59. (Not 1.60RC)
  5. Just tried it and didn't work. _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position C130; while { true } do { _light setLightBrightness 25; _light setLightAmbient[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; _light setLightColor[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]; _light lightAttachObject [C130, [0,0,0]]; Sleep 3; _light setLightBrightness 0; }; [/Code] Edit: I fixed it, it just needed another Sleep after setting the brightness to 0. [Code] _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position C130; while { true } do { _light setLightBrightness 25; _light setLightAmbient[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; _light setLightColor[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]; _light lightAttachObject [C130, [0,0,0]]; Sleep 1; _light setLightBrightness 0; Sleep 1; }; [/Code]
  6. Hah, that seems to have done it! Thanks. :) Wonder why it needs to be so bright when it's bright enough at ground level. :confused: ---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 PM ---------- Ok, I'm trying to make the light blink and I tried creating a light, attaching it to the C130, detaching it, and attaching it to another object but I can't seem to get it to work. _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position C130; while { true } do { _light setLightBrightness 25; _light setLightAmbient[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; _light setLightColor[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]; _light lightAttachObject [C130, [0,0,0]]; Sleep 3; _light lightDetachObject [C130, [0,0,0]]; _light lightAttachObject [C130_Off, [0,0,0]]; }; When I try to just create a light it works: _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position C130; _light setLightBrightness 25; _light setLightAmbient[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; _light setLightColor[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]; _light lightAttachObject [C130, [0,0,0]]; I've also tried to delete the light and creating it but can't seem to get that to work. C130Light = true; while { C130Light } do { _C130Light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getPos C130; _C130Light setLightBrightness 25; _C130Light setLightAmbient[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; _C130Light setLightColor[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]; _C130Light lightAttachObject [C130, [0,0,0]]; Sleep 3; _C130Light lightDetachObject [C130, [0,0,0]]; deleteVehicle _C130Light; }
  7. So I made a mission where I have this: ["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#4E7906'>Weapons</t> | <t color='#2265BC'>Ammo</t> | <t color='#8A896A'>Backpacks</t> ]",position Ammobox,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits; ["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#D10000'>Field</t> <t color='#BDDFB5'>Hospital</t> ]",position MedTent,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits; ["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#808080'>SATCOM</t> ]",position UAV,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits; ["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#4A4A31'>Heavy Equipment</t> ]",position HeavyEquip,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits; In a script ".sqf". When I try my mission out in the editor, I can see it, but once I host a game, it doesn't show any no one can see the text. Anyone help me out? :confused:
  8. Tried a different method but I haven't tried it out yet. Init.sqf http://pastebin.jonasscholz.de/1620 3DText.sqf http://pastebin.jonasscholz.de/1621
  9. How would I add a sideChat feature to it so every time I kill someone, it plays a random sound AND the person who killed the enemy would say something like: "Tango Down" along with a sound file I have that says exactly that. I thought it would be simple to just put something like this: waitUntil {!(isNil "bis_fnc_init")}; _responses = [["GotHim","Got Him!"],["Contact","Contact!"],["TangoDown","Tango Down!"],["BingoBingo","Bingo Bingo!"],["ThreatNeutralized","Threat Neutralized!"]]; _indx = floor random 3; playsound ((_responses select _indx) select 0); player sidechat ((_responses select _indx) select 1); But everyone says the response (assuming they're an actual player). And if an AI kills an enemy, it will make me say the response. I just want the killer to say the response. tl:dr: How would I be able to make the killer say the response but everyone else be able to hear the sound file?
  10. How I do it: Place an object (Sign) in game Init: this addAction ["About..", "About.sqf"]; About.sqf "This is the title" hintC [ "Paragraph 1 / line 1", "second", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "These are all seperated by bullets, btw." ] Something like this: This is the title Paragraph 1 / line 1 second 3rd 4th 5th These are all seperated by bullets, btw.
  11. That worked to execute an .sqf but still can't figure out how to do the sideChat feature. =\ I got it to play a random sound but not the sideChat bit. :386: KillSound_Test.utes
  12. Aye, in my post it shows I'm using .sqf now instead of my previous .sqs. But I'm trying to call this script with one single trigger to add all the OPFOR an event handler to have them call the script one they're killed. I don't want to put an execVM in all my OPFOR units in the mission. And all my units in my existing mission aren't in any group whatsoever. So I don't want to create a unique group for each unit in the mission because that'll be inefficient. IE: foxmist1, foxmist1_1, foxmist1_2, foxmist1_3, foxmist1_4, foxmist1_ect.. Also, I've changed {_x addEventHandler ["killed", "(_this select 1) [b]exec[/b] ""KillSoundTest.sqf"""]} forEach thisList to {_x addEventHandler ["killed", "(_this select 1) [b]execVM[/b] ""KillSoundTest.sqf"""]} forEach thisList In the trigger On Act and ArmA doesn't really like that and doesn't even call in the script when it did before. :confused: Lol Basically, all I'm trying to do is have this script have the ability to also do a sideChat feature as to the one you posted: http://www.semedar.com/arma-scripts/killsound
  13. I'm wondering on how I could implement a part of that script into mine. I have something very similar set up to that, but I just want it to sideChat the responses to it and I don't know how. Also, there won't be any groups involved. My version: KillSound.sqs waitUntil {!(isNil "bis_fnc_init")}; _sound = ["GotHim","Contact","TangoDown","BingoBingo","ThreatNeutralized"] call bis_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _sound; Trigger: Axis A/B: 999999 Act: OPFOR (ONCE) Present Cond: True On Act: {_x addEventHandler ["killed", "(_this select 1) exec ""KillSound.sqs"""]} forEach thisList I came up with this, it works by playing the sounds but it just doesn't do the sideChat bit. My Attempt: Trigger: Axis A/B: 999999 Act: OPFOR (ONCE) Present Cond: True On Act: {_x addEventHandler ["KILLED", "(_this select 1) exec ""KillSoundTest.sqf"""]} forEach thisList KillSoundTest.sqf waitUntil {!(isNil "bis_fnc_init")}; _killer = player select 1; _responses = [["GotHim","Got Him!"],["Contact","Contact!"],["TangoDown","Tango Down!"],["BingoBingo","Bingo Bingo!"],["ThreatNeutralized","Threat Neutralized!"]]; _indx = floor random 3; playsound ((_responses select _indx) select 0); _killer sidechat ((_responses select _indx) select 1); exit
  14. Easy fix for that: Right Click Shortcut>Run>Maximized It always fixed it for me. :)
  15. The way I'm using it to place objects like that on my mission is as follows: Castle.sqf if(isServer)then{ // Castle _castle = "Land_A_Castle_Bergfrit" createVehicle (position castle); // Stairs _stairs = "Land_A_Castle_Stairs_A" createVehicle (position stairs); // Walls _castlewall = "Land_A_Castle_Wall2_30" createVehicle (position castlewall); _castlewall2 = "Land_A_Castle_Wall2_End" createVehicle (position castlewall2); }; With a Game logic named castle, stairs, castlewall, castlewall2 in the map to tell it where I want them. I just don't know how to rotate them. >_<
  16. Mission Init: strobeOn = player addAction ["MS-2000 On","strobeStart.sqf"]; strobeStart.sqf: (Working Now) // strobeStart.sqf // By Semedar // Player Init: unit addAction ["MS-2000 On", "strobeStart.sqf"]; player removeAction strobeOn; Sleep 0.1; strobeOff = player addAction ["MS-2000 Off", "strobeStop.sqf"]; strobe = true; while { strobe } do { _irstrobe = "NVG_TargetC" createVehicle getpos player; _irstrobe attachTo [player,[0,0,0.2],"neck"]; Sleep 0.8; detach _irstrobe; deleteVehicle _irstrobe; Sleep 0.1; }; WaitUntil{not isNull player}; player addEventHandler ["killed", {strobe = false}]; strobeStop.sqf: (Working Now) // strobeStop.sqf // By Semedar // Player Init: unit addAction ["MS-2000 Off", "strobeStop.sqf"]; player removeAction strobeOff; Sleep 0.1; strobeOn = player addaction ["MS-2000 On","strobeStart.sqf"]; strobe = false; detach _irstrobe; _irstrobe setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000]; deleteVehicle _irstrobe; Strobe_Test.utes.zip Edit: Fixed :D Reason being the actions were local Edited the script I posted in case someone wants to use it. :D
  17. Hah, it was that simple, huh? :D It worked, though! :D while { true } do { _irstrobeplayer = "IRStrobe" createVehicle getPos player; _irstrobeplayer attachTo [player,[0,0,1],""]; Sleep 15; detach _irstrobeplayer; _irstrobeplayer setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000]; Sleep 0.1; deleteVehicle _irstrobeplayer; Sleep 0.1; }; Question now, though: How would I be able to start/stop this script via Action Menu How to stop it when the player dies ---------- Post added at 03:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 AM ---------- Would something like this work? // Strobe2.sqf // By Semedar // Player Init: p1 addAction [("<t color=""#FFFFFF"">" + ("Strobe") +"</t>"), "Strobe2.sqf"]; strobe = true; while { strobe } do { _irstrobeplayer = "IRStrobe" createVehicle getPos player; _irstrobeplayer attachTo [player,[0,0,2],""]; Sleep 14.8; detach _irstrobeplayer; _irstrobeplayer setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000]; Sleep 0.1; deleteVehicle _irstrobeplayer; Sleep 0.1; }; WaitUntil{not isNull player}; player addEventHandler ["killed", {strobe = false}];
  18. Won't work either. :( while { true } do { _irstrobeplayer = "IRStrobe" createVehicle getPos player; _irstrobeplayer attachTo [player,[0,0,2],""]; Sleep 10; [b]_irstrobeplayer setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000];[/b] deleteVehicle _irstrobeplayer; }; My test mission: Strobe_Test.utes.zip
  19. semedar

    CIT: Most voted bugs

    Would it be an easy fix for #13742: IR Strobe flashing lights remain after deletion? I was trying to make a script where you can have an IR Strobe follow you so allies can see your position at night. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=125183
  20. I'd recommend the "Lite" version myself so other people don't have to download the editor update just to play your mission. I don't like making things inconvenient. Only thing is though that I don't think the "Lite" version has vegetation.
  21. If you're using UPSMON, there's an option to enable the AI to place mines if there is an enemy vehicle nearby. Init_UPSMON.sqf //Enables or disables AI to put mines if armoured enemies near (use ambush2 if needed) KRON_UPS_useMines = false;
  22. Someone reported this bug already. Go here and thumbs up it! :) http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13742
  23. Tried yours but it just makes the strobe spawn and stay on the ground. :( I think we're going to have to send a bug report because I don't think we can move/delete/mess around with an IR Strobe once it's been "deployed". As in the model disappears and all it leaves behind is the strobe light.
  24. This is what I have so far. It works, but when you start to run, the strobe eventually detaches from the character and is stuck on the ground. //Strobe.sqf //By Semedar //Player Init: p1 addAction [("<t color=""#FFFFFF"">" + ("Strobe") +"</t>"), "Scripts\Player\Strobe.sqf"]; while { true } do { _irstrobe = "IR_Strobe_Marker" createVehicle getPos player; _irstrobe attachTo [player,[0,0,1],""]; Sleep 5; deleteVehicle _irstrobe; }; Edit: I found out it detaches when the model disappears but the strobe is still on. Anyone know how to make the strobe light follow the character? Edit 2: I also found out that the IR Strobe model disappears somewhere around 13-15 seconds. So maybe having it delete the IR Strobe and then creating a new one every 12-13 seconds? Another Edit: I can't seem to delete the IR Strobe that I created via createVehicle with deleteVehicle. Anyone help me here?