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About semedar

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    US Army Infantry

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  1. I'm having the exact same problem now.. can't seem to convert my image to DX5 if that's the problem. I've been at it going on 6 hours now trying to figure out this stupid problem.
  2. Do you have anything else in the units init field? And if so, try adding the semicolon after that event handler. Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
  3. I actually have the .ogg sounds haha. I still have my Rogue Spear+Urban Ops CD :) Don't know what happened to my original R6 though. :(
  4. Since my problem is somewhat related to this. I have a Rainbow Six'y mission I'm in the process of creating and I'm trying to make this script so that the person who kills an enemy, he initiates the chat (Tango Down, Got Him, etc..). Currently, the script shows the local player on the client side show that he himself said it, even though someone else killed/triggered the script. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :) waitUntil {!(isNil "bis_fnc_init")}; _responses = [["GotHim","Got Him!"],["Contact","Contact!"],["TangoDown","Tango Down!"],["BingoBingo","Bingo Bingo!"],["ThreatNeutralized","Threat Neutralized!"]]; _indx = floor random 3; playsound ((_responses select _indx) select 0);
  5. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=129071
  6. Request: Add a code snippets thread as mentioned by Rommel here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101935 :D
  7. Awesome. :) And someone make a snippets thread right away! It would probably be the most popular thread in this section. :D
  8. Any chance for a non-ACE version? :)
  9. I'm trying to make my script more efficient by just having one .SQF file and I'm having problems with the following: strobeOff = player addAction [("<t color=""#FF003F"">" + ("MS-2000 Off") +"</t>"), "",{ strobe = false; detach _irstrobe; _irstrobe setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000]; deleteVehicle _irstrobe }]; Anyone care to help me out? :)
  10. I wouldn't know how to check if the player is inside the Static C130 as it's just an object, not a vehicle. :confused_o:
  11. Something like this? pilotHalo.sqf /* Script By Semedar */ // Creates The Trigger _haloTrigger=createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",getPos C130J]; _haloTrigger setTriggerArea [5,5,0,true]; _haloTrigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY","PRESENT",true]; _haloTrigger setTriggerStatements ["((getpos player select 2) > 4998)", "[player, 5000] exec 'ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs'", "deleteVehicle __haloTrigger"]; _haloTrigger setTriggerText "C130J HALO"; _haloTrigger setTriggerType "NONE"; // Teleports Player To The C130J player setPosATL [1484.71,13248,5001.20]; player setDir 0; // Tells The Player He Boarded The C130J TitleText ["", "BLACK FADED", 3]; titleText ["You Boarded A C-130J", "BLACK OUT"]; // Blur Effect When Action Activated "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [6]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 7; sleep 7; exit Edit: Just tried it and it still doesn't fix it.
  12. Everything works as it should, but the 2nd time I HALO drop, the ability to "Open Chute" is gone as well as the ability to move around while in HALO. I've listed anything relevant to the trigger. I'm stumped.
  13. As the title says, I have a mission where once I destroy an object (RadarTower), it adds an action to a pilot back at base where it teleports me to inside a static C-130. My current setup: Trigger: Axis A/B: 5 / Rectangle Activation: Anybody / Repeatedly / Present Condition: ((getpos player select 2) > 4998) On Act: [player, 5000] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; pilotAddAction.sqf /* Script By Semedar */ // Adds HALO Action Option pilotHalo addAction [("<t color=""#0099FF"">" + ("C-130J HALO Jump") +"</t>"), "Scripts\Structures\pilotHalo.sqf"]; // Adds 3D Text On Object (Pilot) waitUntil{(!(isNil "bis_fnc_init"))}; ["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#0099FF'>C-130J HALO Jump</t> ]",position pilotHalo,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits; exit pilotHalo.sqf /* Script By Semedar */ // Teleports Player To The C130J player setPosATL [1484.71,13248,5001.20]; player setDir 0; // Tells The Player He Boarded The C130J TitleText ["", "BLACK FADED", 3]; titleText ["You Boarded A C-130J", "BLACK OUT"]; // Blur Effect When Action Activated "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [6]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 7; sleep 7; exit The first jump works as expected, but once I land and go back to the C-130 and try to jump again the "Open Chute" action is no longer there and I can't control my character (move around) and ultimately die. :(