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Everything posted by STALKERGB

  1. Apparently one of the possibilities is the announcement will be that the Fordow Nuclear Plant is operational (and therefore capable of enriching Uranium).
  2. Looks like I'm the one with dementia lol, yeah I remember you sending over the beta, been one of those days for me! You sent it over in the pm with the TRF stuff :)
  3. Have I? :confused: Anyway, as da12th says, the AN/PVS-27 MUNS is what is used on the L129A1 at the moment, I did have a picture of it in use somewhere but can't find it at the moment. Anyway I did make one when I first used modo to get to grips with it (was the first thing I made in it in fact). The thing is, my L129A1 was just meant to be a placeholder "thing" until a better one appeared, it's not all that accurate at all so I don't have a huge need/want to add to it lol. Anyway do excuse the lack of proportion/accuracy in the image below, basically all of it has been hacked together.

    Any interesting books to recommend?

    If you've played any of the STALKER games, or seen the film Stalker, then "Roadside Picnic" is a pretty good read. Inspired the film and obviously heavily influences the games (Especially the first). It's a pretty short book too so is quite nice if you want a quick read at some point. Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
  5. @Fox, looking pretty nice there. I would say though, that to me at least, the bottom of the trousers looks a little "blocky" for lack of a better word. I think probably due to the little pocket the shape of the base of the trouser leg is quite square. It might be like that for a reason but thought I'd mention it.

    Music Recommendations

    lol PELHAM! I love the video to Lonely Boy! The pub I go to normally has a jukebox with it on and it plays the music video on all the screens round the pub too! Quite a WTF?! moment for half the pub! In fact The Black Keys have some pretty interesting videos half the time, I quite like the one for Howlin' For you, not that you get to hear too much of the song lol: Been listening to a fair old amount of Danko Jones too:

    Music Recommendations

    Yeah White Denim are really good! I remember when I was studying at school we had analyse the video to "I Start To Run" for media, lol: Personally will always be a huuuuuuge fan of Dallas Green from Alexisonfire, him as City and Colour is always worth hearing:

    Aliens and UFOs

    Lol I find UFO Hunters interesting but I don't take it seriously, same with Ancient Aliens, regardless of things like proper methodology i personally always find it interesting to see the ideas and views people come up with, doesn't mean I believe those viewpoints but also doesn't make them any less interesting.

    Aliens and UFOs

    Apparently they have an explanation for you Blue Balls walker... That said, they look a bit like Xploderz ammo to me, basically the same as the explanation above but still: Bizarre maybe, but that doesn't always mean impossible does it?

    Aliens and UFOs

    Saying that, I love UFO Hunters, not because the show revealed anything, but it was an enjoyable watch! :) As SA says, Ancient Aliens is quite interesting if you sift through the BS that is in there. Gotta love Gorgio though! Oh that HAIR!
  11. @Nicholas, Yeah I saw that Nick Ryan said it took him six months on the vimeo page. From reading his description I was under the impression that's just what they chose to spend the money on, rather than were required to. @Walker, I think the 6 months to do the special effects does say something with regards to the "dinosaur" media industry. But it's gonna be a while before that's ever going to compete (at least in terms of time) with mainstream cinema. If it took 6 months for 10 minutes, if you want to keep the budget at zero, how long will it take for 2 hours?
  12. The film cost 70,000 euros in 2007 when it was shot. It was an Irish Film Board scheme as far as I know. Not sure why it wasn't released until November last year, did it take that long to finish? After seeing the trailer the film looked quite good but, I dunno, I felt the actual ten minute final piece was just.. hmm... well left me slightly let down, maybe just a case of the trailer is better than the film but I'm not sure. Very good cinematography though.

    Fox '09s US SOF pack 2005

    Ah I see, I'm lazy so have TGA/PSD/PAA files still in my addon till I'm finished with it lol

    Fox '09s US SOF pack 2005

    Maybe I'm being slow tonight but what exactly do you mean? Has to be .PAA so obviously .TGAs will be converted? (my confused and tired brain lol) forgive me if I'm being dense.

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    Walker, I certainly agree that Murdoch is conservative in advancing and changing his business plans towards convergent technology. And that if the current terrestrial media companies like the BBC/Sky etc would probably prefer to keep it as a passively consumed entertainment product. My point was that there are people within those companies that have very innovate and creative ideas for moving them forward. Like you mention in your post, you very rarely watch broadcast TV, so do I. But as I mentioned in my previous post, both the BBC and Sky (and probably a lot of US TV channels/providers) already have pretty robust IPTV systems designed for once there is a larger take up of Internet enabled TVs. The BBC's iPlayer-esqe system works very well from what I have seen of it. The point with these is that it's not Sky or BBC heads leading this change, it's the people under them. Like you were, I am in the "media industry" (although I dislike the term seeing as it covers so many different areas) and every day I seem to have people lecture me on how things should be done, only to feel that they know less than I do about what the future holds. So I know where you are coming from with the "death of the dinosaurs" statement. That said, I would suggest that the dinosaur is indeed the owner rather than the company itself. Although (lets use Sky for this) they are something of an outdated business model when you look at the internet and modern ways of of getting media out there. I don't think Sky will go, they will change but I'd imagine they'd be there in some form or another for a long time to come. As for Murdoch, he won't. Indeed, it's the week before the Olympics that London switches isn't it? Bet that will cause a problem for someone...

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    Interestingly though, both Sky and the BBC have internet TV solutions ready to go once there is a larger take up of them. The BBC's at least looks something similar to iPlayer. Basically will scrap the TV license and have a Pay on Demand system instead. Pretty sure EMI hasn't shut down. In fact aren't they filing a lawsuit against Ireland at the moment lol?

    Helmet camera POV?

    At university I believe some students had some fancy transmitter box that they had linked to a small helmet mountable camera which (in theory) went to a satellite then down to a tv. So maybe it was something like that, a separate box for the transmitting?

    Is The Mossad planning another USS Liberty

    Lost interest and the first two words Alex and Jones :p even if some of the stuff he says has truth in it, just comes across as a bit of a nut job. Woah! He hits a single, a double a triple negative into touch! :p So you are saying you believe that it has been proven that the attack was on purpose?

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    @Viper, yeah that line caught my attention too, really makes it sound like "America against the World" kind of thing which is silly. Also half makes it sound like the US is the only place that has inventions and products worth stealing lol. Probably not what he meant but a strange sentence all the same.

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    SOPA/PIPA in it's current form is dead(ish). EDIT: Ninja'd by Martin :p

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    basis of the indictment if anyone wants a read:

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    And anyway, didn't SOPA (initially at least) have bipartisan support in the US? So I dunno how big a difference it would make to an election campaign. As for Megaupload, won't Kim Dotcom and the others arrested have to be put in front of a US judge (if they are extradited) to determine whether their arrest had just and probable cause seeing as it was an indictment? (based on my limited legal knowledge lol)
  23. Out of interest, why did Fisher develop the Space Pen? He hadn't been asked to had he?

    Boycott of E3 anyone?

    Very true but I believe Activision are against SOPA.