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Everything posted by STALKERGB


    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    haha yeah which one of those? AFAIK I'm currently using the DL from Armaholic so it might be an issue with the version on AA.info

    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    where from? I assume the issue occurs at all times immediately after placing a unit? does it occur on all of them or just the Squad Leader?

    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    Um nope lol. I can only assume it's to do with Kiory's SA80's going by the fact only the arms are deforming for the weapon hold animation. I believe he updated the addon after it's initial release so it may be worth re-downloading his addon. Not sure what else would cause that and I'm unable to replicate it on my end.

    Body armor

    I may be mis-interpreting the config entry but the standard NATO vests have: I would assume that to some extent simulates the protection they offer. (Unles I've mis-read what you meant by ballistic protection)

    Reality Check

    By the same argument I'd suggest modders don't tend to care if 1 or 1000 people download their mod because they made it for themselves first and foremost. Regardless of anything else surely you can appreciate being payed for doing something you enjoy?

    A List of Questionably Empty Promises

    Pretty sure those pictures you posted are from the tactical guide which was written by Dsylexci (so essentially a community member). The game manual itself is the "field manual" available in game. (Or so I would assume)

    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    Hmm that's odd, it should appear like this in the editor: @All, does it look like that for everyone else? or is there an issue that I need to see to? :)

    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    Well they are listed under the UK Armed Forces faction in the editor, but I'm guessing you mean something else? (being a bit slow today!) @banky, nice picture, good to see a screenshot not taken by myself of them lol!

    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    @Foxhound, thanks for the mirror! @Everyone, cheers for all the kind words, glad it's going down well :)
  10. Hello! So, it's been a while since I did anything. I have now done something. Sort of. Firstly, everything I have done so far is subject (and almost certainly will) change. Especially the MTP texture, can't seem to get the damn thing looking good. The "base" model is slowly being pushed about until I can get stock BIS vests fitting to at least a decent standard too. Larger So far I've gotten the PCS uniform base model, Mk7 helmet, (Mk4?) Osprey Armour, MOLLE/PALS belt and Pelvic Protection working nicely in game. The Mk7 helmet has been updated to new regulations, ie no tape round the rim, the new strap layout on the helmet and scrim on some of them. Obviously added as an independent item in game too like the BIS stuff. Completey re-modelled the Osprey Armour, needs to have pouches and what not strapped on but the armour itself is coming on. Added one of the backpacks used in my 3 RIFLE mod for ARMA:OA (originally from Johnny's samples). Seems to be working fine in. Although I can't pick it up if I spawn it in on it's own for some reason... The PCS is working in game as a uniform item, a few little weighting issues I need to sort but other than that the model is pretty much there. Like I say, still got lots of changes to make. Mainly MTP texture related! on't have a whole lot of spare time these days so don't expect them to be released next week. Will have to take my time with them. With that in mind though, is there anything you guys specifically want added or would like to see in the mod? I don't really have a formal "to do" list so any suggestions are very welcome :) Oh and in case anyone didn't know, SA80's by Kiory :) Might post another screen or two if my computer feels up to using screenshot worthy in game settings lol.

    WIP British Infantry

    See here: STALKERGB's British Infantry Have released a version of my British Infantry. Hopefully it's all working fine.
  12. @Dirty Haz, The code relating to vests that I use looks like this: class STKR_Osprey_R: V_PlateCarrier1_rgr { scope = 2; displayName = "Assault Osprey R"; picture = "\STKR_BritMTP\icons\Osprey_R_ca.paa"; model = "\STKR_BritMTP\equipment\Osprey_R"; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\STKR_BritMTP\equipment\Osprey_R"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 50; armor = "5*0.5"; passThrough = 0.7; }; }; I'd assume that by inheriting from the "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr" instead of "Vest Base" I've avoided a lot of errors so it might be worth trying your end.

    Bohemia SDK out yet?

    Depends what you are making tbh, like I've found that using the ARMA2:OA tools I've had no issues creating a full compatible (as far as I'm aware anyway lol) infantry mod (created mainly in modo). I;d imagine it's similar for vehicles if you have the right references for models. I'd imagine the biggest difference would be for world builders but I've have literally no experience with that so cant really comment.

    WIP British Infantry

    It's something I may consider, like anything I'd have to weigh up creating multiple versions of (for the most part) the same thing, and that becomes a case of deciding if bloating up the addon with extra choice is worth it (put against space/simplicity etc). Either way a change like that wouldn't make it into the initial release (mainly because I don't have the time before the 11/12th) but yeah like I say, it's something I'll look into!

    WIP British Infantry

    Currently have 4 variations in game: Larger I plan on having some more but won't be part of the initial release due to time limits etc. Have been talking to vade101 about working on different flashes/badges for different units, again won't be part of the initial release and it's something that needs to be implemented without being too complicated as far as I'm concerned. I imagine something like it could be implemented in a few different ways so it'll be working out what works best. If I get some time before release (still probably the 12th, maybe the 11th) I'm going to get to work on adding the blanking plate to cover the velcro on the arm pockets, I might ad the clan tag selection in the mean time to it so there is at least that functionality.

    WIP British Infantry

    Could you explain the first point in a bit more detail? (being a bit slow today lol), all my body armour models have mag pouches on the left hand side of the armour (at least, for the primary weapon) so I assume you mean in getting to the magazines on the "battle-belt"? As for the rolled up sleeves, although it might be a big no no, there's a fair few pictures of soldiers with rolled up sleeves, admittedly not all are in a combat situation and they are at least below the elbow in some of those, half of those are the lightweight jacket too. For the sake of variation it'll probably get left in. Speaking of the jacket/smock, it'll possibly get done at some point, like everything it depends on how much time I get lol

    WIP British Infantry

    Yeah there's not too much I can do about adding extra volume unfortunately. The way it's built is using "flat" pieces of geometry, so a lot of 2D triangles and squares. I assume the BIS scrimmed helmet was done in a similar (if tidier) manner. I could create 3D quares/pyramids but that would only lead to an already high poly count increasing. It's something I'd look at if I get more time. By volume I assume you mean you'd expect it to look more like this: http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b629/jssmitty96/B27FA335-B30C-410E-B44D-D67C3EF8395A-35617-000007404FADC445_zpsb2117983.jpg That said, there are some examples of less volumetric scrim setups or at least something I can say I based mine on :P

    WIP British Infantry

    Haha yeah to clarify, kiory's sa80 won't be included with my download but will be required for the add-on, as mentioned above there appears to be an error with the add-on giving a message about a missing thermal map and AFAIK it wasn't fixed with any updated version of his rifle. I believe some other sa80s are being worked on and I'll probably switch to using them when they get finished.

    WIP British Infantry

    Yep, the addon will be signed :)

    WIP British Infantry

    The plan would be to have clan tags working but I dunno when I'll get that one, I still need to do the blanking plate that covers the velcro on the arm pocket but I'm pretty limited on the time I have to work on them so it'll be done when it's done

    WIP British Infantry

    Bit of an internal changelog to show what I've been working on prior to getting these out the door. -Fixed all wound textures, now functioning on every unit. -Added thermal maps for each texture (although a knock off job tbh, will re-do when I have time) -Added gloved uniform model (placeholder gloves though) -Added rolled up sleeves uniform model -Added MG/AR body armour setup -Reworked scrimmed helmet (was changed after a BIS update as I reference their texture for it, still has no RVMAT yet though) -Added second scrimmed helmet for some variation -Moved HMNVS from left to right eye, no real real, just "feels" better I think. -Modelled a Motherlode(ish) rucksack. Still have some other rucksacks I'd want to do. -Instituted properly functioning faction class (so it will use the UK Armed Forces faction shared by a few different addon makers) -Other little bits of tidying work on the models/textures/rvmats/configs/modelcfgs etc. -Configured unit to take advantage of the UAV stuff. So, currently I have a Squad Leader, Rifleman, UAV Operator, Radio Operator, Automatic Rifleman and Grenadier. Issues with that being that the Grenadier doesn't actually have an underslung on his SA80 (using Kiory's addon). I think there is an issue with his SA80s too, I get an error about a missing ti_ map, might be something I'm doing though. Anyway, I'm sure pictures are more interesting than text lol. Larger Larger Larger Larger

    WIP British Infantry

    Will hopefully have a gloved character seeing as it's not too much extra work. Just not enough cookies on offer :P Good to hear the faction should carry over! Anyways... As for releases, seeing as ARMA3 comes out on the 12th I'm tentatively giving myself the same date as a deadline. That said, I am still a long way from what I'd consider complete, as things stand I have a Squad Leader, Rifleman and Grenadier working fine in game (minus the thermal textures and wounds IIRC). With that in mind, would people rather I release something containing maybe, 5 or 6 different soldier classes that *should* be largely complete, or delay until I have more of the whole thing finished. Things like aircrew/tank crew would be stuff that I'd add later with more time as well as obviously more infantry classes and groups etc.


    It's not derivative if you've created something from scratch, if you'd edited/copied/modified say, a BIS sample model then yeah it would be but AFAIK BIS have always maintained that the IP for a mod remains with the creator. As for ripping, well that's against the rules anyway.


    Most modders do not do it for the fame MassAsster. Most make stuff because they want to make something for themselves, just so happens a lot of the time they share that with the community. How and if a content creator chooses to share their work is completely up to them. Simply saying they are just editing the game is unfair too. I wouldn't categorise spending 10's or even 100's of hours modelling say, a new aircraft, followed by texturing and configuring it "just editing" the game. Almost all of that was done separate from ARMA.

    WIP British Infantry

    Possibly, will certainly have groups, as for what I end up naming them I'll have to see! As ROadKi11 said, I'm independent of RKSL with regards to the actual addon making but hopefully (and if nothing changes for ARMA3) it'll all come under the same UK faction so as to keep it all tidy in the editor. EDIT: As for a little update on the addon, I haven't had much spare time to do anything on them since the last time I posted pictures. Although I'll need to fix a few things the last ARMA3 patch broke (backpack stuff mainly) before continuing on. Have done a tiny bit more work on the shadow LODs but nothing major really.