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Everything posted by Solomani

  1. I wanted to pass along a solution that I found for issues concerning constant crashing to desktop and Nvidia display driver errors. The game has been pretty much unplayable for me over the last 8 months. Here is a breakdown of what I discovered: System Info: Intel QuadCore 8 GB RAM Vista 64 bit SP2 GeForce (PNY brand) GTX 460 Nvidia driver 314.22 DirectX 11.0 Arma2 OA 1.62 Default 'High' video setting (1920 x 1080 display and 1440 x 880 3D) Symptoms: Constant game crashing with corrupt video. Windows reports "Display driver nvlddmkm has stopped responding and has recovered" Variable length of play time before the crash occurs. Occurs in Arma2 1.11, Arma OA 1.62, and Arma OA 1.62 latest beta Troubleshooting: Changing resolution, 3D resolution, or display distance has no effect. Nvidia driver rollbacks to 301 have no effect. Game and video card driver re-installs have no effect. Changing power management (both Vista and Nvidia control panel) has no effect. Discovered Workaround: Change the game's video settings for 'Antialiasing' from 'Normal' to '6' or to 'Disabled'. For me, the game looks virtually the same with 6 as it does with Normal. Game play has returned to normal. Yeah!!! Hope this helps some folks out. :)
  2. URThis addon puts the teeth back into the Tunguska. This re-worked Tunguska models the 2S6M1 and the 9M311-M1 SAM. I based the AI gun burst modes and missile engagement ranges on published data. The 2S6M1 will engage any enemy air target within 10km given LOS. Features: Re-worked AI gun range/mode and missile ranges 18km detection radius Missile range: 2.4 - 10km Gun range: 0 - 4km Gun: Increased hit and dispersion to better simulate 2 x 30mm cannons AI will engage any air target within 10km if it has line of sight (LOS)
  3. Solomani

    2S6M1 Tunguska

    Yup wiki says 83 and 250. After testing, I turned the rate down to 60 (close) and 104 (short) to keep the unit from spending too much ammo.
  4. Solomani

    Self Shading

    I am building a new creation in O2 and I seem to be missing something. I have progressed to a working model complete with animation and textures/materials. In game, the model displays nicely and casts a shadow. However, shadows cast upon the model from another entity do not display on the model. Any thoughts?
  5. Solomani

    Self Shading

    The answer is: Don't filter your alpha channel silly! :) I am using Kegetys' PAA plugin-in for photoshop. When converting color textures, besure to uncheck the filter alpha box.
  6. Solomani

    2S6M1 Tunguska

    I am pleased to announce the release of version 1.1 of the 2S6M1 Tunguska. The newest version can be found here: Thanks to Kju for setting me straight on the whole event handler subject. This new version addresses some of the shortcomings of version 1.0. The script now exits properly and will re/start upon entry into the vehicle. I have integrated XEH into this addon as well which means CBA (Community Base Addons) is now a required addon for this mod. The good news here is that the event handlers for this addon should now be in their own sandbox. I have changed the class prefix for this addon to SOI_ SOL_ was already registered with OFPEC so I have chosen this tag as my own. As a result, I have signed this addon and have included the public key for SOI_ Lastly, I noticed during testing that the SAM's where falling away after ~8.5km. To address this, I have increased the thrust time and reduced the drag coefficient for the missiles. I now double dog dare you to cross the 10km line. :) Change Log: Ver 1.1: - improved missile performance (missiles were dropping off after 8km) - hardened acquisition script (proper loop exit, init/getin event handlers) - added XEH compatibility - changed prefix tag to SOI_ (SOL_ was in already registered) - signed addon Ver 1.0 - Initial release
  7. Solomani

    2S6M1 Tunguska

    Right now this is a standalone addon. The config has been altered such that it now matches a 2S6M1 and not a 2S6M. In addition, I am using a script to "aid" the AI in engaging targets at longer ranges. So, the config and the script compliment each other and are interdependant. Unfortunately, I made a beginner error and began using the tag (SOL_) which was already in use. I am awaiting my login at OFPEC so that I can register (SOI_). Once this is complete, I will release my updated and signed version. This change will break any missions that were made using version 1.0. My apologies for this.
  8. Solomani

    2S6M1 Tunguska

    Thanks to everyone for their kind words and constructive comments. It is much appreciated. :) Ahh...Kju you read my babbling prose? lol After reading up at your site, I felt I needed to do more learning and less commenting. :D Here's is a refreshed explanation of my methods: My intent for this mod was to give the Russian faction a more up to date and effective weapon system. To the credit of BIS, the Tunguska's config is spot on for a 2S6 with the exception of AI engagement ranges and the missile tracking speed. When I changed the engagement ranges, I noticed the AI still did not engage targets beyond visual range. This is where the script came to be (i.e. the "teeth"). The script seemed to work nicely, so I spec'd out the AI gun ranges and missiles for a 2S6M1. The targeting script (named ata.sqf) simulates radar and other external inputs (like AWACS) by grabbing all "Air" objects within 10km. Throughout my testing, I used just about all of the "nearXXX" commands before I tried nearEntities. This new Arma2 command doesn't seem to suffer from performance loss in a loop like nearObjects does. I started off using nearOjbects, but this command at 10000 meters was painfully slow even with 6 seconds of sleep time in the loop. To my amazement, nearEntities runs flawlessly in continual loop. After looking at my code again, I see that I can now add the suggesting wait interval without ill effects of AI behavior. There are a couple of behavior modes that I am trying to avoid; missile spamming and crazy turret traversing from conflicting commands. Stay tuned for an update...
  9. Solomani

    2S6M1 Tunguska

    Okie doke. I will look into integrating this with CBA/XEH. I will also update the script to address the issues that Kju noticed. When I have it all sorted, I will release both a pre-loaded and a standalone 2S6M1. This way mission makers can either call the script or use the ready-to-go editor icon.
  10. I am having a slight problem using proxies. I am currently using a couple of proxies to import the BIS mk82_rack.p3d's into my A-10. The racks are correctly displayed in the external view. However, they can not be seen in the pilot view (canopy up or down). I am also using proxies for the mk82's. The mk82's can be seen in the pilot view with or without the canopy.
  11. Solomani

    Proxy selections in pilot view

    Perhaps I should back up a bit to explain the situation. I am using the proxy method to import to 2 non-weapon models into the main A-10 model. I came up with this idea from reading the O2 manual. Importing the mk82 racks (not the weapon) was a lot faster using this method. Just as GNAT mentioned, I created them in the lowest LOD and then copied them around to other LODs. The racks are clearly seen from outside the vehicle whether empty or fully loaded and the release sequence is correct. The area where the racks are located is at the edge of what is visible from the pilot view. In flight, the racks are hidden by the edge of the canopy. So, the only time this shows up is when the engine is off/canopy up and the A10 is fully loaded. After 3 mk82's have been released and the engine is off/canopy up, one rack will appear (right side). The left rack is visible after 1 additional bomb is released. At this stage each rack still has 1 bomb on it. release sequence:            pilot view  ------------------------------------     4 6    8  10  9   7    5 3      2                 1 The weapon proxies run from 10 to 1 (counts down). So, proxy 10 is actually bomb 1 and proxy 1 is bomb 10. In the view pilot LOD, the weapon proxies run from 10 to 3. 2 and 1 are hidden from view since they are located near the centerline of the aircraft. I simply used the BIS maverick proxies as a reference. I'm inclined to think that this is a proxy "feature" where the pilot view is confusing static models with weapons. The alternate method is to copy the selections from the mk82_rack p3d into the A10 p3d. More time consuming, but it would eliminate this weirdness.
  12. Solomani

    Proxy selections in pilot view

    No worries. I'm just glad someone responded. Â Yes, the rack proxies are listed in the View - Pilot LOD. "proxy:/ca/air/mk82_rack.005" "proxy:/ca/air/mk82_rack.006" I also have proxies (mk82.003 though .010) in the pilot view for the mk82's which seem to work fine. New info: I just learned that each rack is visible in pilot view after at least 2 mk82's have been released. At first, I thought this might be a unique proxy number issue. However, the external view has no visual issues and the proxies in LOD's 1 through 7 are numbered the same way.
  13. Nice work! I noticed a curious rectangular shaped icon in the HUD. It seems to function as a CCIP at altitudes below 100m. Is this correct? If so, please elaborate on how you were able to do this. Inquiring minds would love to know...
  14. A few thoughts (wishes): Fixed wing aircraft systems: realistic east/west HUD systems with accurate symbology CCIP/CCRP/Gun and other combat related HUD info usable MFD displays FLIR/TV targeting within normal 3d cockpit ability to toggle aircraft system switches in 3d cockpit counter measure systems - chaff/flare Radar: Perhaps it is time to incorporate radar into the game. Specifically, aircraft radar as opposed to IR lock. Vehicle weapons: ability to use more than one type of guided missile. i.e. an A-10 with mavericks and sidewinder AA missiles. Currently, ArmA limits vehicles to one type of guided weapon. SAM systems: Would really like to see Tunguska and/or Tor type systems created. At the very least, perhaps Hummer Avenger/SA-9 type systems.
  15. Solomani

    CoC Command Engine X

    I can not say when the newest edition of CEX will be released, but I can say that the work continues. We are currently working to integrate fire support (Unified Artillery) into the command engine. Yes, just as in SP mode, any leader slot is able to control it's subordinates. For example, a company CO can give orders to any leader (platoon or squad). Platoon leaders can give orders to their squad leaders. Squad leaders and individuals can use the CEX to obtain info (enemy positions, waypoints, etc.). In my cavalry mission, I have 1 troop (company) that has 3 platoons each with 3 squads. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CEX { LaunchOnStart  = 0; CamEnabled   = 1; HudEnabled   = 1; SwitchEnabled  = 1; CamMaxHeight  = 100; CamMaxDistance = 100000; CamMaxAngle   = "45";  // "-atan(_this/100)"; HudViewRange  = 1000; class Company { IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_COMPANY"; Name = "Trp F"; CallSign = "Warpig"; NameMap = "F"; class SquadA { Leader = "cocomm1"; Name = "F/CV"; CallSign = "F/CV"; NameMap = "F/CV"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SECTION"; }; class SquadB { Leader = "pilot1"; Name = "3/A"; CallSign = "Rhino One"; NameMap = "3/A"; IconMap = "COC_NATO_AVIATION_HELOATTACK_MED"; }; class PlatoonA { Name   = "1st Plt"; CallSign = "Warpig One"; NameMap  = "F/1"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_PLATOON"; class pltldr1 { Leader  = "pltldr1"; Name   = "1/HQ"; CallSign = "Warpig One HQ"; NameMap  = "1/HQ"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SquadA { Leader  = "teama"; Name   = "1/A"; CallSign = "Warpig One Alpha"; NameMap  = "1/A"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SquadB { Leader  = "teamb"; Name   = "1/B"; CallSign = "Warpig One Bravo"; NameMap  = "1/B"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SectionA { Leader  = "teamc"; Name   = "1/C"; CallSign = "Warpig One Charlie"; NameMap  = "1/C"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_TRACKED_SECTION"; }; }; class PlatoonB { Name   = "2D Plt"; CallSign = "Warpig Two"; NameMap  = "F/2"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_PLATOON"; class pltldr1 { Leader  = "pltldr2"; Name   = "2/HQ"; CallSign = "Warpig Two HQ"; NameMap  = "2/HQ"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SquadA { Leader  = "teama2"; Name   = "2/A"; CallSign = "Warpig Two Alpha"; NameMap  = "2/A"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SquadB { Leader  = "teamb2"; Name   = "2/B"; CallSign = "Warpig Two Bravo"; NameMap  = "2/B"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SectionA { Leader  = "teamc2"; Name   = "2/C"; CallSign = "Warpig Two Charlie"; NameMap  = "2/C"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_TRACKED_SECTION"; }; }; class PlatoonC { Name   = "3D Plt"; CallSign = "Warpig Three"; NameMap  = "F/3"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_PLATOON"; class pltldr1 { Leader  = "pltldr3"; Name   = "3/HQ"; CallSign = "Warpig Three HQ"; NameMap  = "3/HQ"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SquadA { Leader  = "teama3"; Name   = "3/A"; CallSign = "Warpig Three Alpha"; NameMap  = "3/A"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SquadB { Leader  = "teamb3"; Name   = "3/B"; CallSign = "Warpig Three Bravo"; NameMap  = "3/B"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_WHEELED_SQUAD"; }; class SectionA { Leader  = "teamc3"; Name   = "3/C"; CallSign = "Warpig Three Charlie"; NameMap  = "3/C"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_RECON_TRACKED_SECTION"; }; }; class SectionA { Name   = "Combat Trains"; CallSign = "CT"; NameMap  = "CT"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_VEHICLE_MOTOR_SECTION"; class CTHQA { Leader = "cthq"; Name = "CT/HQ"; CallSign = "CT"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_VEHICLE_MOTOR"; }; class SquadA { Leader  = "cbt1"; Name   = "Repair"; CallSign = "Ford"; NameMap  = "Repair"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_VEHICLE_MOTOR"; }; class SquadB { Leader  = "cbt2"; Name   = "Ammo"; CallSign = "Winchester"; NameMap  = "Ammo"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_VEHICLE_MOTOR"; }; class SquadC { Leader  = "cbt3"; Name   = "Fuel"; CallSign = "Chevron"; NameMap  = "Fuel"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_VEHICLE_MOTOR"; }; class SquadD { Leader  = "cbt4"; Name   = "Medic"; CallSign = "Spirit"; NameMap  = "Medic"; IconMap  = "COC_NATO_VEHICLE_TRACKED"; }; }; }; };
  16. Solomani

    CoC Command Engine X

    This is a function of the BI game logic not CEX. ArmA will send out troopers to their death by having them "engage" a target rather than firing on the target from within formation. One idea, issue a halt order for the squad. I will have to try this to see if it will stop them from doing this.
  17. Solomani

    CoC Command Engine X

    I find that support vehicles will do their jobs without a support waypoint. I have a combat train (support platoon) in the mission below. The CT supports the troop by staying a few hundred meters behind the group. CEX_US_Army_Cavalry_Troop.zip However, as you pointed out there are issues with AI control (all the more reason to have only real people in every position on the virtual battlespace). Â Namely, that the AI doesn't always elect to have a tank repair itself. There seems to be a fine line between a broken main gun and ditching the tank. To get around this, sometimes I will use CEX to switch to a tank leader in order to force a repair. In addition, AI units will not use support if it is under fire or if the unit is set to combat mode. I think your idea of placing a support waypoint is a great one. It would enable radio calls for support (medic, repair, etc).
  18. I have been working on a little something for the community. This is my first attempt at creating an addon. Features: A-10A CAS:       2 LAU-130/A 19 Round rocket launchers (imported from AH-1Z)       10 Mk82 with Mk82 triple rail       Ripple counts 1, 2, and 4 (.01 sec delay) OA-10A FAC:       4 LAU-131 7 Round FFAR - armed with WP smoke rockets       Common launcher rails removed Textures:       JAWS paint scheme for A-10A CAS HUD/Instruments:       Removed compass HUD       Removed external lock (white box/diamond)       Removed speed/alt/armor/fuel from upper left (unit info area)       Changed HUD AGL to English (feet)       Changed pilot field of view to 0.6 (closer)       Mk82 has IR lock (to simulate CCIP)       Raised gunsights to .01 (was .07)       Fixed flight panel speedometer to read knots       Fixed gear lock light (daytime) - trade off; loss of indicator at night Future Plans:      Integrate CEX information into A-10 to provide air support via CEX/UA.      Provide HUD symbology for primary ground targets. The O/A-10A addon can be found here: http://www.thechainofcommand.net/downloads/zips/coc_a10_Beta_v0.1.zip Enjoy! Â
  19. Actually, I used this page for reference: http://www.clubhyper.com/reference/a10ajawsschemesdb_3.htm The GAU-8/A was configured from the BI sample model configs. I only changed the display name. I will take a look at the dispersion and tracer settings and compare them with the stock A-10. And yes, the Hawg is that slow.
  20. As Miles Teg noted, the WP rockets are used for marking targets. The WP rockets are modified FFAR rockets with reduced damage. Future versions of this addon will incorporate CEX target information. FO's, fire control centers, and unit commanders will be able to call in air support. This will give rise to a real FAC role. Target information will be transfered to the OA-10A in the form of a waypoint diamond in the HUD (just like real Hawgs). The FAC aircraft can then mark targets to help the CAS aircraft. Target uplink data will also be available to the CAS A-10A.