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About Spender

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  1. Spender

    Rotating Gunbarrels on a tank

    Sorry for the spam, but I got it :D Im posting the working config here. Apart from the minigun the APC has no "special" stuff, so its config is a good example for others to learn from. With this config, you just have to define one part of your model in Oxygen as "Gatling", and it will then rotate ingame.
  2. Spender

    Rotating Gunbarrels on a tank

    Ok I was able to open the "AL97 Hannbal"-addon, which is defined as a tank and features a minigun. Both utilize the same "class ReloadAnimations" lines in their config, and no exterior animation file. So it should be possible to just simply add the lines in my config, just where exactly I have yet to find out.
  3. Spender

    New Sci-Fi Mod

    Hey sorry for slightly offtopic, Im currently trying to get the barrels of my gatling gun rotating. I used your Warthog config to see how its done, but I have problems implanting it into my own config... Help would be very much appreciated, visit my thread here for more detailed information. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=96884
  4. Spender

    Rotating Gunbarrels on a tank

    Damn, Binview doesnt work for me (An unknown error occured, Errorcode= 32765) Ok I think Im going to ask in the 3148 thread...They should be able to help.
  5. Solved; Check last post for example config. ------ Hey Im currently trying to get the gunbarrels on a minigun rotating...Said minigun is mounted on an fictional APC. So, to figure out how to do it, I grabbed an addon which had rotating gunbarrels; the "Warthog" jeep from the 3148 SciFi Mod. Aparently, its done this way (correct me if Im wrong): Define something in Oxygen you want to rotate, (as "barrels" for example), then use the following part in the config: However Im not able to get it working. To be honest, I dont even know where to put it in my config... Also, my APC is defined as a tank. Does it even work with tanks? This is my config WITHOUT the minigun scripting. "HelAPC" is my APC, "Gatling" my weapon. Any ideas where to put it?
  6. Spender

    Little campaign-Lost solder

    What the fuck :confused:
  7. Spender

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    Again, it wasnt about FAB, but abut T_Roc;) Just a little missunderstanding.
  8. Spender

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    Didnt he said he would release the unfinished stuff and not work on it anymore? EDIT: Ahhhhh, that was T_Roc. Different matter altogether.
  9. Spender

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    I would be perfectly happy with the incomplete addons and a permission to work on them...
  10. Spender

    OFP Addon request thread

    Please dont tell me you never heard of it. :D Version 3 has been already released, and its one of the biggest OFP-Mods so far. http://s1.zetaboards.com/OFPWH40K/topic/1425760/1/
  11. Spender

    OFP Addon request thread

    I did two kitbashes, one was even inspired by the one from Avatar. But now I changed them again because Im working on a new pack for the Warhammer40K Mod, and I want them to look like they belong in the WH40K-Universe. EDIT: Wow, one minute after *Rellikki* :D
  12. Spender

    Ejection point of spent cartridges

    Problem solved. I took an addon where it worked, and copy+pasted nearly the whole memory LOD. I did it before, but it didnt work back then...No idea why. Oxygen sucks sometimes. Once I made a geomtry LOD which worked perfectly. But after I changed a path of a texture, you could walk through the model again :rolleyes:
  13. Spender

    Addon can not display properly

    Please try to be more specific...I know you made an addon: - Is it invisible ingame? - Is it visible but not "solid", you can just pass right trought it? - Is it not able to shoot?
  14. Spender

    Addon can not display properly

    Did you use Google translation? Try babelfish instead... http://babelfish.yahoo.com/ I had once the problem that addons ingame vanished into nothing the minute they were hit by something. I found out the .rar file must have been corrupted or something, because the Geometry LOD was missing. Downloading it again solved it.
  15. Spender

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    I have the impression that Desert Maps work the best with OFP, because on them the age of OFP shows the least. (on forest map the bushes, trees, etc. realy stand out - in a bad way)