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About Seth

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I`d like to see infantry units (models) from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.All factions,weapons.And a new island based on a map from S.T.A.L.K.E.R,that would be awesome Just imagine a multiplayer battle beetwen Duty and Monolith in Pripyat or somewhere near sarcofagus I think there even was a STALKERmod for Operation Flashpoint.
  2. Ahd what about modern tanks?T-12UM1 "Black Eagle" for example,or Leopard 2?I`d like to see more modern weapons in ArmA.Not only taks but rifles,etc.
  3. Hello.This is what i want to do.I want the AI soldier to place a bomb (pipebmb),and set timer to 30sec.But i`m not sure how to use "settimer" action. This is what i did: Soldier named SO is carrying a bomb,i,ve typed in waypoint activation field thi :"SO Fire ["pipebombmuzzle", "pipebombmuzzle", "pipebomb"]" It`s workin,he`s placing the bomb (but without annimation),but i don`t know how to use this line:"unitOne action ["SETTIMER", unitTwo, <bombName>]" What`s the unitTwo for?And what do i need to type in <bombName> field?Pipebomb? I`ve found it here setTimer Can anyone explain it to me please?
  4. Hello.This is what i want to do.I want the AI soldier to place a bomb (pipebmb),and set timer to 30sec.But i`m not sure how to use "settimer" action. This is what i did: Soldier named SO is carrying a bomb,i,ve typed in waypoint activation field thi :"SO Fire ["pipebombmuzzle", "pipebombmuzzle", "pipebomb"]" It`s workin,he`s placing the bomb (but without annimation),but i don`t know how to use this line:"unitOne action ["SETTIMER", unitTwo, <bombName>]" What`s the unitTwo for?And what do i need to type in <bombName> field?Pipebomb? I`ve found it here setTimer Can anyone explain it to me please?
  5. Seth

    Pingu's claymores

    Thank you wery much I appreciate the help
  6. Seth

    Pingu's claymores

    Please,anybody,i really need those classnames for claymores.I want to use them in my MP mission I can`t find them anywhere
  7. Yes,you`re right i forgot about this,sorry,thank you.
  8. Hi,i have a question.When AI spots the enemy it`s going prone.What i want to do,is to make AIs go crouch,without going prone,when they detect the enemy.I dont want them to be crouched all the time (via setUnitPos) but to make them crouch instead of prone.Is there a way to do this?I dont like,how they going prone in urban combat.Please,help me After a few hours: And here`s another question (about something different,but i don`t want to write another topic so i placed it here). Is there a way to force AI to select their secondary weapon (when they enter a trigger or via radio)?I was thinking about giving them a silenced pistols,and then there will be two options in radio: "Go silent"-the AI will switch to secondary (silenced) weapons,and "Go assault"-AI will switch back to their primary weapons.Something like in Ghost recon 2.Is there a possibility to do that?I dont know what commands i need to use.I was trying to do this by removing ammo from their equipment (by "removeMagazine "primaryWeaponMagazine" command),and then by giving it back,but it`s not what i want as they will never run out of ammo this way.Can anyone help me with this please?
  9. Seth

    Mobile respawn

    You can download Domination mission,use unPBO (for example) to unpack it,and then copy the unpacked mission folder to your editor missions folder.Then load it in the editor.I think its the easiest and quickest way
  10. removeallweapons arma ;arma addweapon "weaponName" ;arma addMagazine "magazineName"
  11. Ok,so here`s a few things which i`d like to see in arma: -US units from Ghost recon 2:Advanced Warfighter -a weapons from Ghost Recon 2 (of course only those which are not present in any Arma mod) -RAH 66 comanche (there was a great one for OFP,but i don`t remember who made it) -a LOT of bunkers -modern weapons (like XM8 or OICW for example) I was thinking about makind a few land warrior style missions.A few days ago i found nice script on armaholic called Sattelite View made by Vienna.This script enables a player to "use a "Sattelite" to view his surroundings." And,as a land warrior soldier,a player should have an opportunity to see a view from other land warriors cameras (players or AIs)on their helmets.I think it`s a good idea Just imagine a coop mission as a land warriors
  12. Seth

    Pingu's claymores

    Hello.Those claymores are really great.Good job But i have a one question-what`s the classname,so i can put it to equipment via init field in editor?I`m working on a mission,and i`d like to use them.Again-good job,thanks