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Everything posted by Statikzx

  1. Statikzx

    Will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack?!

    I agree 100% and would like to show my support for ALL camps. Personally, I like the DIY part and enjoy using the fruits of my labor. P.S. Quote edited to remove individualization.
  2. Statikzx

    TrackIR or FreeTrack

    I too would like to see both (all) supported, preferably by an industry standard API. Being on a fixed income with limited disposable finances, freetrack is my choice. Off the the FT forums to spam the creators into contacting BI ;) .
  3. Statikzx


    We may edit the 5 Tonne truck, But I doubt we will make the smaller truck unless we get some more help. Currently I dont beleive we can make our own vehicles from scratch, we are limited to editing the BIS vehicles, and creating static objects. What's limiting you from creating your own vehicles? Is it lack of help or lack of support from the tools?
  4. Statikzx


    I had the same question as a previous post that doesn't seem to have been answered. After a bunch of searching, I may have found AN answer on the IMWMOD.COM forums from Opteryx.