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Everything posted by Snacky

  1. I tried posting this in the release thread, but with well over 150 pages it just gets overlooked. I need help setting up the dedicated server using AC2. I had a ded server running Arma2 with no problem, but now with this new sync program it's like trying to learn a foreign language. How do I get a ded server running and please remember I am just a simple person so try to keep it simple stupid. Thanks
  2. Windows 7 64bit and I'm running the STEAM version if that matters.
  3. First of all I apologize if this has been asked, but I am at work and don't have time to read through all 114 pages of this thread to find out and search just sends me to the thread not the page. I run a small private dedicated server for my group and we want to run this new ACE2 mod. Now we have the client side working and I have installed everything on my gaming machine (client) and my server machine (Ded server) exactly the same. First issue is I do not know how to start up a ded server with the addon sync or what to setup. Second if I try to just add the -mod=@ACE;@ACEX;@CBA command line to my ded server icon and run it I get this: "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found" and the server won't run. Is there a detailed step by step guide to setup a ded server?
  4. First of all let me say that Xeno is awsome! lol Your Domination missions have given my squad and I more fun in Arma and Arma2 than any other mission I can think of. My request is this, I know absolutely nothing about mission making or how to modify a current mission like Domination. I see several servers online that have come up with different variations, but I can't seem to find the right variation that my squad wants to use in our private server. There is a version of Xeno's Domination out there with FARPs scattered around the map in random spots. These FARPS are very usefull because they allow you to rearm,refuel,etc and have equipment standing by to use. For a small group of guys it's really nice to have. We also like having AI in the map so we can recruit troops and crew members when we are in the server alone or with one or two guys. Is there any way someone could make a version of Domination with the FARPS, all the vehicles, and recruitable AI? If there is such a version where can I grab it from? I spend a lot of time just going around to different servers seeing what's out there, but so far one will have AI but no FARPS and the other will have FARPS with no AI. None have both. Thanks!
  5. Snacky

    Domination special request

    Thanks Chef I might take you up on that offer. I'll head to your web site.
  6. I apologize if this was already posted somewhere, but I didn't really find the answer I was looking for in the search function. I host a small ded server for my squadmates and we usually run a version of Domination. For whatever reason the AI always seem to be super human no matter what I do to tone them down. I've tried setting the difficulty to recruit and I've tried adjusting the server cfg where the AI effectiveness settings are, but it doesn't seem to make any difference what I do. Is the AI behavior hard coded into the mission itself and therefor not adjustible by me? Or should I be able to adjust it with server settings and I am just not doing something right? OR is this something that has to be fixed by BI? Thanks
  7. Thanks! I'll load this up on the server and check it out.
  8. Snacky

    Domination special request

    Understood and thanks for the reply. I will be the first to admit that I have zero ability when it comes to making missions or modifying them nor do I have the time. I know there is a lot of talent out there and I am hoping to tap into that. For all I know there might be a version out there that matches what I want so I figured it was worth a try. Thanks
  9. I haven't had a chance to read through this entire thread yet and I will when I get the chance, but I wanted to make a quick comment. I belong to a small squad of guys that play in a private server doing mostly coop stuff. The ACE mod was one of those mods that completely turned ARMA in a whole new game and in my opinion finally made ARMA what it should have been out fo the box. That being said it doesn't matter how good the mod is if you don't have good missions to run. Currently we enjoy Domination, but if mission makers don't include some of the new features that ACE provides then you never see the full potential of the mod. Would there be a possibility that the ACE people could get together with mission makers like Xeno, author of Domination, and put something together like an ACE version of Dom that really showcases what ACE has to offer? If this ARMA2 version of ACE is half as good as the original then I'm sure we are going to have many sleepless nights ahead. Can't wait! lol
  10. Snacky

    Spot the difference

    Nobody mentioned the fruity colored leaves on the ground did they? lol