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sas troop

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Everything posted by sas troop

  1. sas troop

    Project RACS

    Wld, continuing the thema of Mk48 :D As far as I know, and I am in this topic for a while, Automatic Rifleman should carry Light Support Weapon or Squad Automatic Weapon. There weapons are same caliber as assault rifles and this is why I am still asking for that. Guy with 7,62mm is machinegunner, while AR should carry 5,56mm support weapon. Mk48 simply doesn't fit there and I'd suggest to change it to eg. M249 or Minimi (I loved the version for ArmA 1!). BTW, you are also removing some possibilities from the mod: some people may keep with MMGs when simulating armies using 7,62mm as standard caliber (eg. Greece), but providing also some LMG would make probably not only me much happier :P
  2. sas troop

    Project RACS

    Well OK, but what is the reason for two MMG gunners instead of MMG and LMG? You have cut a bit much in their EQs...
  3. sas troop

    Project RACS

    Hmmm, why Automatic Rifleman carries MMG? They should have LMGs like Minimi, not the 7,62mm version...
  4. sas troop

    Project RACS

    Finally the hell! But mirrors really needed, megaupload sucks with such a great number of links :E
  5. Hmm, I have tested it once again, but now it seems to be working. BUT... sometimes they see me anyway. Thankfully it's relatively small percent of all engagements I had today, but I suggest to check it out once again before release. Just in case. Most of these bugged firefights were conncted with situation "I am in grass, they are not". It maybe seems AI sees sometimes in the grass when they are away? Of what if locations where one grass ends and another starts is bugged? These are only my thoughts anyway.
  6. Misunderstanding? I mean that grass: http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/arma2oa2011-04-2020-17-52-53.png For me, it is visible, or I have something broken badly: http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/arma2oa2011-04-2020-18-48-01.png
  7. Well, I mean rather normal high grass like this one on point-du-hoc, placed my mapmaker and visible on map as green dots and available with object ID. I had some testing just yesterday and... for me they see through grass. They are still shooting even if I crawl away.
  8. Question regarding last release of 31st Normandy map: Does AI see through that high grass eg. on Point Du Hoc? Because for me: yes, what makes map a bit unplayable. Is that true?
  9. sas troop

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    Would that work in Multiplayer when simply unpacked and put as single missions? I am asking because I would like to play with my friend, not edit half of the campaign before doing this :P
  10. Well, seems to be working now, however FPS loss is visible, instead of grow...
  11. Could you clarify? What is it and where I can find it? I had no muss to be interested in it before :P
  12. sas troop

    Nogovan Paratroopers

    Good one, but you could resize multicam a bit, I made something similar and think it looks more realistic: http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/lc1.jpg?t=1301410754 I used same resource you did, but resized it for -as I remember - 80% or little more. I cant help you with adjusting the contrast however...
  13. sas troop

    Mosul area Iraq

    Wow, this is nice map WIP. I don't prefer Iraqi climates, but this one gained my attention. Good luck for it! @Darkhorse I was driving near the shore with truck. It took me 4 REAL hours to do this at speed as I remember 80km/h. If speed is equal to reality in this game, Normandy map should be at scale 1:1,52 :P I expect at least half of that size BlackMamba :D
  14. One of IC-ArmA battles in participated in had 131 players or something like this on the server. There were 160 slot available and - as far as I know- few battles were close to that number. RR involves 4 player coop only? Answer is: LOL There is NO other game involving as great number of coop possibilities (PvP also, but focus on coop) than any other game. The biggest coop I was in was platoon sized, circa 33-34 players.
  15. sas troop

    Cheating vehicles

    Problem touches in fact only vehicles. Both ACE2 and vanilla. @Metalcraze - Not mobile sniper in ghillie suit lying on the ground is spotted by BMP-3 when it CANT see him, as is BEHIND the good damn slope. They ARE cheating... We have server settings on 0,67 for enemy skills, vehicles set on the lowest level of skill.
  16. I have found recently something interesting in MP missions. Me and my group are playing with ACE2, however the problem exists also on vanilla version, tested. We found vehicles are simply cheating. They see through bushes, they never loose target, they even locate our positions looong before we can see them. Once we were playing an ambush mission. Russian BMP drove from the hill. When we saw it, it was was already pointing his turret towards... sniper in ghillie suit. He was taken down with short burst from 600 metres. When we started to withdraw, I was targeted and BMP-3 did not loose me as a target even due too fact I was 200 metres deep into the woods. He was shooting through whole forest and I managed to hide behind the hill, as the bullets cut through dozen of trees and landed just near me. This is just one of many actions like this. I wonder if this is ArmA 2 bug or we failed with server settings. We have AISkill set on 0.99 and their precision is equal to 0.65. We generally didnt notice such a problem with infantry or aerial units. What's going on?
  17. sas troop

    Battle for takistan huge pvp campaign

    helling3r, war is never equal. Russians having enough firepower to stop americans are good for normal PvP, where people cry "because" they cant destroy enemy tank with 2 hits but 4, while enemy tank makes it in 2 hits". If takistani armoured forces are mainly T-55s, AFAIK T-72s were more rare, takistanis should use these tanks. In this case simply east players will have to think more. From Freerider's plan it seems NATO forces are attacking, so defence and terrain are main pros for them. I am completely up for this, I need to talk with the rest of the group, but currently they are up, too. We have only one demand: full realism. I played IC ArmA and then CF ArmA for quite a while, these were my best PvP memories ever. But it wasnt realistic enough. We are looking for full simulation, no respawn, ACE2 is VERY expected but not necessary and english-speaking at least friendly team leaders.
  18. sas troop

    Battle for takistan huge pvp campaign

    I do not. I told you about RealOps as absolutely working proof of concept. We are fighting against AI because there are not enough men to make something other. With 40+ people I consider AI units generally needless, maybe in exception of logistics etc. No respawn is most important factor for me. At least one community, where players watch for their ass instead of running like idiots and killing-as-much-enemies-as-I-can-before-they-gun-me-down. You should generally look towards coop groups, and hardcore ones. As a leader of 15 hardcore coop players community I can assure you that feeling will be outstanding, action maybe not so dynamic, but scary and frightening. That's what it is all about! BTW, you mean no respawn in one, SINGLE mission or permanent death for whole campaign? If second options, I'd think about it twice: after few actions there may be no players left. There can always be reinforcements way: death players are forbidden to play for etg. 2 missions, then they join back as fresh meat.
  19. sas troop

    Battle for takistan huge pvp campaign

    It shouldn't be considered PvP IMHO. but coop game. There is somekind of this type of play: RealOps. Basicly, RealOps focuses on PvP gameplay for coop groups and players. It involves uber-realistic model of ArmA 2, that means no respawns, formations, often no additional gear and - most important - "War is never equal". There are 2 or more sides fighting + Game Master. There are also plenty of AI units on the map, guarding locations, patrolling. Generally, we have full strategic situation, even logical systems etcetera. Both sides are given objectives to complete, so they attack/defend/patrol locations full of AI. Trick is, West doesn't know what tasks East have received and vice versa. Teams are trying to full fill their missions (and survive, what is most important part of coop). Soon (when Game Master is good, fail of course happen) teams meet each other, often as meeting engagement, rarely as task eg. "hunt East/West down!" and winner is soon emerged. With no respawn, that sounds cute :* Typical game for real men, not for run'n'gun pussies (joking, of course) :P Anyway, that campaign would have to involve at least 40 players with reasonable server. Also, some realism modifications could be provided like ACE2. ACRE probably wont handle such a big group and there are not enough frequencies not to get hacked quickly. If we have 40 players, unfortunately we can only provide medium firefight. That campaign may be quite long then, eventually more than one mission can be played. Well, 20 NATO troops assaulting 20 Takistanis is firefight for 30-40 minutes... and what then? So, missions should be created fastly and with avoidance of unnecessary scripts. Leave as much as you can to the players, they can make it on their own, really! I generally support that idea. I was even wandering about creation of similar campaign (but coop one) on Panthera, where second Yugo wars breaks off. However, think twice if - even with support - you are able to handle such an event. BTW, what to you mean NATO? One of my ideas was to allow groups choose their own army. Let Czech play with ACR, Brits are welcome with BAF (lite, too), Germans with BW Mod (if they prefer regular forces), Hexagon etc. Kinda much in download, but maybe worth of that climate?
  20. sas troop

    An Arma 2 questionnaire

    Q: How often do you play and for how long for? A: Mainly weekends, during worktime I rather concentrate on missionmaking for my clan. But I play ArmA 2 someimes in the week, too. Circa 1-2 hour a day, weekend - 5 - 14 hours, depending on events. Q: What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC? A: OA only, I have no DLCs, probably as most Poles (still unpopular here) Q: Are there any must have MODs for you? A: ACE2 + my clan adjustments, currently working on Georgians, besides I44. ZeusAI is my "must try" Q: What utilities/additional hardware help assist you? A: Quite expensive microphone, Edit Plus for config works, of course GIMP and cpbo/eliteness :P Q: Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most? A: Only MP and editor. I just CAN'T play SP anymore since I tried ArmA 2's perfect coop mode! Q: If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random? A: Clan only, rarely DAO/BaseCamp. I am 90% coop player, just 10% focus on PvP Q: What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer? A: Fav Role: I hunt tanks. Less aerial shit. Besides, I am Teamleading and Squadleading, happens also grenadier and basic marksman. I generally dislike medic role the most and sniper (Hell, I got ADHD, sniper is suicide for me! :P)
  21. Georgian Infantry ready, this weekend South Ossetian militia, then vehicles, if authors will agree, of course. Will be ACE only. About PS, some of these screens are made for short story working as introduction. That's why they are stylized for eg. posters.
  22. I am not best screenmaker... http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf_logo.png http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf1.jpg http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf2.jpG http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf3.jpg http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf4.jpg http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf5.jpg http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf6.jpg http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf7.jpg http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/sastroop/gaf8.jpg
  23. Ah, now I got it. Thought they are going to look for the vehicle in eg. 500 meter radius :D
  24. How exactly works that command?
  25. Is it possible to forbid AI run by UPSMON entering the vehicles? I can't leave non-closed vehicles because they are stolen less than 10 mins after mission start...