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sas troop

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Everything posted by sas troop

  1. sas troop

    SLA Redux Packs

    Taking as always those great addons, but thats better if you will make just a patch, because someone (thank God not me) with poor internet can fuck up a bit (Again 60MB!? What the hell!. Good to add new units. I think you should try to make now something like Vilas, a military personnel 3rd class. I mean boat crews, officers, mechanics, drivers, harbour personnel etc. That would be great for campaigns, especially those BEL type.
  2. sas troop


    Well, there should not be just a copy. YOu got imagination so make your type, the original one. THe only think is to add more terrifying alien infantry and strider - like vehicles. And know the best: Who will take a suicide mission of making animations for strider on something like this?
  3. sas troop


    Strider also, but Those sounds of its weaponry is ekhm... Psiu, psiu!
  4. sas troop

    Alien addon

    I cant load demo missaion with this complex. I havent got addon: What the hell!?
  5. sas troop


    Great pack, but I got a question: In further releases will be there something a bit more "not funny", the same Alien addon. Problem is that, we havent got such scary aliens. I think something like Combine Advisors would be great addition.
  6. sas troop

    1st Infantry Division

    Thanks very much! Finally with this addon on main US forces!
  7. sas troop

    1st Infantry Division

    Sorry lads, but I have seen few days ago a replacement pack for this addon and now I cant find it. Is here someone who knows where is it?
  8. sas troop


    No, FPS got down while in store and not fixing while off. WHen it happens that 6 FPS it keeps till I will turn off the game... BTW, my graphic card is Radeon Pro X1950 256MB
  9. sas troop


    Well, In fact I think we dont have to use those menus etc. I think just a normal addaction in some situations should be enough. Well, there are plenty of scripts with money using addaction, so I think you should modify one of them.
  10. sas troop


    BUt the bug appear ONLY when I get in buy weapons menu! Also, I sometimes got Tec-9, sometimes only AK-74 etc.
  11. sas troop


    Thx Ravenholme, but other thing is strange... I got FPS about 20-30, but when I choose buy weapon menu at flag pole near the docks FPS is... 5-8. And it is not changing even after e.g. 5 mins of playing... Other bug?
  12. sas troop


    If someone play can you report it here, so I can join some time? Best with IP or server name.
  13. sas troop


    OMG. works now! That should be fixed in further versions, cause its invisible and only with ENTER you can make it. Also, I know how to make missions very good, but if I unPBO it and connect all players as one team could I play as single player with one squad?
  14. sas troop

    V.I.R.U.S. What happened?

    How they could leave ArmA for this Crysis, shit. I never liked him, now I am sure for that. So f*** it and release it, that's all what I have to say...
  15. sas troop


    I have checked the flags. I am looking at it from 5-1 metre, moving on it a crosshair and nothing happens :/
  16. sas troop


    Ravenholme is right, a recruiting centre is needed. But I got serous problem. I... cant do nearly everyting! I cant buy a vehicle, no action, radio action, near vehicles, no shop assistant etc. I cant make anything near a bank I cant buy any weapons! Thats a bug or I have installed something badly?
  17. sas troop


    Thank man! I will test it, cause I feel it wil be great experience! BTW, do you know some servers which are palaying this mission on 1.14?
  18. sas troop

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    Ach, so your target was to make your hero HARD to hit or EASY to hit? Cause I dont understand.
  19. sas troop

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    I am polish and using English massively, in fact in all my missions is English. And I think all of us should keep it. And I dont mean your snipers ARE scripted. I mean the SHOULD be scripted, cause they are shooting too bad. They just cant hit me.
  20. sas troop


    I got a question: A topic is a bit too long to real all, so sorry if there was a info about that: 1. It work property in SP so good in MP or it's prefered to play only in MP? 2. Is there another link which is not connected with Rapidshare?
  21. sas troop

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    Great campaign guys! I have just finished it, and now I know why it wasn't working. Just OTK_mod badly unpacked itself. Great job again, but there are 2 things which I don't like: - Why they re talking in Russian? Both Sahrani countries uses the Spanish language, so you should talk in Spanish or English. - Informations about the mission is failed should be more visible. In big battle it's impossible to find this info so often. - I have scripted situations, but I think the snipers in the last mission should be scripted, cause they can't hit me! I have killed the closest one and took his M24. All US troops have been saved by FFN AI replacement, cause I didn't fixed armor of bodies yet. I mean they often got a 3 or more rounds and they were alive. OK, that is all. Al always, great campaign and I wait for more!
  22. sas troop


    Heh, I fought it will be a bit easy How to make flags in MP changing their side (USA/RACS/SLA/Neutral) and make points going on each side who ids controling flag like: 1 flag = 1 point per minute etc. I tried with missions, also with some tutorials, but I am n00b in MP mission editing, so can somebody teach me a bit this shit? Cause right now is for me total understandable!
  23. sas troop

    Tomb addon

    Man, great! This addong came to me from heaven! CANNOT LOAD MISSION: There are no addons: BH_pyramids WTF is that?
  24. sas troop

    (CWM) Chechnya War Mod

    Great job, but weapons are a bit to ArmA ones. You can use probably RHS ones right now till you make it better. Anyway, good job. The only thing which pains me is right now no Chechens. OK, there are nearly no bugs, but I found only one: A wheels in BMD-1 are static. If you fix it, whole pack will be great. Keep up good work gius!
  25. sas troop

    Ww1 minimod

    Great! I will back for this mod to OFP for sure!