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About Sgt.Wolf

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  1. Sgt.Wolf

    ArmA Collision Detection

    AI also don't like to go over bridges. They prefer to go swimming instead, or destroy their vehicles by driving them straight into the water rather than drive along the bridge.
  2. Sgt.Wolf

    Lurching effect?

    I've experienced it with 800x600 and 1024x768. Interestingly, lurching ceases as soon as I switch the grass off, even if I up the graphical details sky high to try and put the same loading or more loading on the system as if the grass was on it still won't lurch much if at all when compared to when grass is on. I can't help but wonder if this is something to do with ArmA's coding and how it is working with my graphics card?
  3. Sgt.Wolf

    Lurching effect?

    I've got a new PC up and running, and can post its specification if need be. Basically the PC is fully capable of running the game on mostly high settings, but if the settings or low or high it doesn't seem to solve this simple issue. The game "lurches" when moving and does so even more in the towns. It's almost as if the game is rendering objects and gobbles up the system memory for a mere split second, and it typically happens for a split second where the game pauses. This happens every five to ten seconds while moving along. I have tried tweaking the graphical settings to no avail. If someone could point me in the right direction on what to do in order to correct this fault, that would be very helpful. The graphics card that is in use is the ATI Sapphire HD 2600 Pro 512MB DDR2 Dual DVI TVO PCI-E. EDIT: After reading through some more past topics, it looks like I'm suffering from a mild case of leakage. I'm running with the latest Catalyst available from the ATI website, yet I'm still suffering the exact same problem? EDIT2: Leak is going no higher than 326 yet I still get the annoying 'stutter'.
  4. Sgt.Wolf

    ArmA and Mac?

    Hi again. Will Armed Assault run under a Mac without any problems, or are the two completely incompatible (to even the hardware)? You see, my PC just died (catastrophic hardware failure, so not feasible to repair for its 'value' and I'm looking at getting a replacement. By the way, I can say that there's plenty to give headaches when it comes to new hardware these days when compared to five or more years ago.
  5. Sgt.Wolf

    More 1.08 ??

    1.08 is worthwhile upgrading to. Firstly if you play online you will not be able to play on the majority of servers, and secondly 1.08 has bug fixes in it too.
  6. Sgt.Wolf

    Chammys Sound Mod + FDF Sound Mod

    Righto, cheers chaps.
  7. Is it not possible to run the two sound modifications (CSM and FDF) without suffering a crash with the game where the game just locks up and freezes? As this has happened to me repeatedly, although when I just run one mod the game doesn't appear to crash. I suspect this problem is down to the mods changing the same sound on a particular item. Is it? Cheers, -Sarge. EDIT: Bother, I just noticed that I posted this in the wrong forum. Sorry chaps. Please move it to the correct forum if you would.