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About SteelyDan

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  1. The campaign is nice. Not epic like the old Opflash campaign, but still enjoyable. You'll learn how to avoid the bugs.
  2. SteelyDan

    ArmA and CPU power

    Anyone running Armed Assault with a Phenom II yet?
  3. SteelyDan

    Air Combat..

    While i agree Armed Assault is far from optimal as a flight sim, it can still be fun flying in it. I recommend this little mod (addon+mission pack, if only more addons got released with missions): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2980
  4. SteelyDan

    Government internet filtering in Australia

    Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. Danish ISP's have started blocking several websites, The Pirate Bay being one of them. It started with ISP's being ordered to block access to websites suspected of being used by people with pedophile tendencies, and has now spread to other "unwanted uses of the internet". http://www.geek.com/article....0090121 (Almost every danish ISP is now blocking "unwanted sites".)
  5. SteelyDan

    Track ir

    I bought TrackIR4 with the TrackClip Pro recently, and this is my experience: -Holy cow...It really does boost the immersion factor. It's fairly fast, although it does have a slight response lag. -If you're flying, it's a very nice feature, especially when landing choppers, you simply look towards the ground to see where you're trying to land. -You get a much improved situational awareness, checking your six becomes a natural thing with this gear. -Remembering to launch it before Arma is not a problem if you set the TrackIR software to launch automatically with Windows. -The only con i experienced (apart from the price, which is not bad after they recently lowered the price), is the reason i stopped using it in Arma...aiming speed. When you use it as regular infantry (which i do 80% of the time), and you encounter other infantry, you first have to align your view with the iron sights, and THEN aim the reticule of the weapon on your target. This little detail ended up getting me killed, to the point of me not using TrackIR for now. My CPU is a little slow though, and i suspect the lag i get from this is making this problem worse than it should. I'm planning on upgrading my CPU, might make TrackIR much easier for me as a ground pounder. Bottom line: A great purchase if you're a pilot...as a ground pounder, you might not like what it does to your scores. But you'll have more fun playing
  6. SteelyDan

    ARMA with SSD / Flash drives ?

    SSD looks like a promising tech, but what you need to remember when reading about their claimed 220Mb/s data throughput, is that they get slower over time. When some hardware sites review SSD drives, they do it on fresh installs on new drives. There's a problem with this though, SDD drives get much slower when the individual sectors have been written to once. The next time a sector is written to, it has to first clear the previous data, which takes a while. Some (more thorough) hardware sites claim a typical SSD drive will only be running at half speed when it's been used for a while. I'm certain they're working on fixing this, but until they do, i recommend holding on to your money. If you can't wait, get a Velociraptor from Western Digital. A much better investment, especially if you use the money saved to upgrade other components.
  7. SteelyDan

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I'd definitely recommend the 4870 as well, should be plenty fast to run at that resolution. I applaud your choice of an AM2+ platform, with the new Phenom II's it's a kickass platform for those who don't have an unlimited budget. If you can afford it, get the Phenom II 940. It has an unlocked multiplier, meaning you can easily overclock it. People report it to go at 3.6 or even 3.8 ghz with air cooling with little effort. If you want the best "bang for buck" AMD CPU, the Phenom II X3 720 is highly recommended. It's priced comparably to the Intel dualcores, but you get an extra CPU core thrown in...Quite a bargain. Plus it overclocks like a champ, 3.5 ghz easily with just a slight increase in voltage. If you plan on upgrading your mobo later, you should get the AM3 version though, as it is compatible with both AM2+ and AM3 sockets, so you can still use it when you get a new mobo.