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Everything posted by SnR

  1. When he finished explaining that to you im hoping you gave him the bird and walked off.;) Keep looking for june the 19th onwards
  2. If their are exploding Barrels im sure Bigfoot has a stash, and follows all safety requirements in there storage.
  3. I understood that part :)Welcome and hope all goes well with your cancellation to obtain via Cdwow.
  4. SnR

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    Im finding my ATI custom face is slightly darker, but the hands are still pale:(
  5. SnR

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    Just tell the Tkr that the next Tk, FADE will automatically kick in and ruin his game;)
  6. SnR

    Enemy Accuracy way to good.

    Ive been over 800m away Ghilie suit in thick scrub. Line up my target, Bang contact down.........then a barage of AK puts dust all around me i have no chance. Puts ghilie suit away returns with Cobra,:)
  7. SnR

    Help logo squad

    Im under the impression when you Press P, you can see everyones Image except yours. Ive seen mine on Vehicles not in P view ?
  8. Au/NZ have always been here, even though press coverage hasn't As stated above servers already up = Aussies understand German:) Check GameTracker HERE
  9. SnR

    Odd little finding

    Its FADE:p Just kidding, everyone has this problem that i know:)
  10. Iam Playing atmo with the same Specs except i bumped my E8400 to 3.6ghz. Game looks great although plenty of room for Patch improvements. You will be content when you first start playing
  11. SnR

    Quad core testers are needed

    Going off my G15 Keyboard display, im seeing a huge difference. C2D E8400 3.6ghz, both going spastic over 70% With Arma 40%+
  12. SnR

    Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

    Ive seen him and he told me to tell everyone, that if you venture near him he can not be responsible for his actions. Also he wanted me to pass onto BIS that "he needs to outer terain sorted due to his mating habits.
  13. SnR

    German 1.01 Patch is final.

    @Thomas to assist you for future Patches. Aussie FTP to 1.01 Final and beyond http://gs01.games.gs.plat.net.au/~arma/patches/
  14. I have Vista and the mixer only shows Fraps ??Thanks Matt, but that seem a different situation unlike my forced level of sound:)
  15. Using your topic title with a twist. My situation is the total sound volume is so extreme and unchangable as far as the slider goes from max nothing changes intill off, im left with 2 choices only. 1.Off on all three options -Radio -Effects and music slider works fine. 2.Or a tiny bit shown on the bar % i say tiny because it dosent show a percentage or digit lines. This does not happen with Arma and makes comms on Ventrilo impossible. What can i do my end as a short term solution
  16. SnR


    Texture Detail - Normal Anisotropic Filtering - Normal Terrain Detail - Normal Objects Detail - Normal Shadow Detail - Normal PostProcess Effects- High Fillrate - 133% Res 1280x960 22" C2D E8400 3.6ghz ATI 4870 1gb 4gb ram 800 Vista x64
  17. SnR

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    Holy...... that scared the hell out of me, one big eye.Wipman time for your new sticky buddy:yay:
  18. Just had a look at my screen on my G15 Keyboard and CPU seems to be steady around 70 - 80 % both performance bars active. Arma was 50 - 60 % one always active C2D E8400
  19. SnR


    D/L Link fail
  20. As you can see above took me a couple of attempts, but yeh it is the CD Key not the codes down the bottom.
  21. My good run has come to a haltAfter Install we come to the Securom section add Serial Key. It provides a Lengthy Unlock Request code not CD key at the bottom so i copy and paste that. All i keep getting is Activation Failed with the option to Activate Manually:mad: with new Request codes. Mummy:( Some one walk me throught this please -------------------- Edit: got it Serial Number is the CD Key , im walking with head down that way lol----------->
  22. This is true, last night it started with the credit card -this morning D/Ling completed - 1500hrs this afternoon CD Key email arrived. Maybe they felt sorry for Aussies:p Patience is a required
  23. SnR

    ARMA 2 Micro AI Thread

    Very productive arnt they, well done on the videos too