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Everything posted by SnR

  1. SnR

    AIR Training

    Unfortunately the link is hard to follow as a non english download.:confused:
  2. SnR

    [Request]Insurgency gamemode

    Speak to Pogoman /Check Arma User mission thread.
  3. SnR

    Mission Cache

    C:/Users then AppData
  4. SnR

    Text Chat Issues

    I have the same issue, do we know this has been noted my BI or others ?
  5. SnR

    co12 Hijack

    Great, i will put out and say this a a fine mission for brand new Arma II players.
  6. Those of us in Aus that ordered via cdwow back in May, some of us recieved our Hardcopy this Morning:yay:
  7. SnR

    co12 Hijack

    Thank you Norrin has requested a more detailed report, which i have provided:)
  8. SnR

    co12 Hijack

    Fantastic Mission Very Pro, Although the revive had its moments.
  9. SnR

    server config

    Catch up with Wolffy to forward on ours
  10. SnR


    heheArmed Assault has 100's+ of missions with various game styles, Arma II which is yet to come out in most countrys thus mission numbers are low. Have a read through the USER Mission Thread and see what has been created and can be.
  11. Dragon Rising will be Fantastic..........for all those who have posted here with Couch boxes, your game will look fantastic on Consoles as it is marketed for Consoles. Your Dragon Rising Pc experience will only be utilised affectively for the continued CM flaming and Red Barrel discussions. If this upsets please Lean on me:cool:
  12. SnR

    Performance Issue!

    Maybe remove the config (My Documents), load up Arma II so it creates a new one
  13. Players always stay after they disconnect until mission is changed, new player score is unseen as its on 0 due to the max amount of player already shown. Its something thats not really brought up as Scores and Points for us do not matter. Deaths is where its at IMO:)
  14. Silly question can we with the game join our Demo brothers and Sisters, In Multiplayer ? cheers
  15. We Aussies have this covered' date=' but seeing as i will be asleep could you do it for us.Go HERE Choose "Submit File" and Fill in the blanks, give appropriate details this assists in the process. Choose Armed Assault as the "category"
  16. Aussie's If in doubt go Ebay :p http://cgi.ebay.com.au/PC-ArmA-2-II-Game-BRAND-NEW-arma-Warfare_W0QQitemZ390061550358QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_PC_Video_Games_Games
  17. Squad name -AEF Combat Team Bravo Timezone/location - Southern Hemisphere / Australia-New Zealand Squad gamemode preference - Coop & Project Reality Website address - http://www.aef-hq.com.au/aef3/ Servers -http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma2/AU/
  18. SnR


    And then post it up:yay: ;)
  19. Thanks southy i would quote your specs as being a good bench mark for 50 fps+ in Editor, but the question is Multiplayer, of course excluding Domination without Grass- My C2D is seeing 40+, must get online with you one night soon and find one of those many missions that give me 20fps+
  20. SnR

    Harry potter demo is out

    Agree Dragon Rising that way ------->
  21. i did FSAA=1; in my cfg and looks alot better
  22. This Thread has got to be the best one thus far, certainly is GOLD. I have a hard enough time getting my guys to focus on staying alive as it is. How are we to complete are objectives if every man and his dog is at a Chernarus knock shop "1 in position give me 10mins" or "2 taking command with leather strap"
  23. I can only provide the Manual Search option HERE Game Tracker has yet to setup for Arma II. Your freind only needs the server name anyway, via using the filter
  24. :rofl:you kidding me. Your ingame immersion is effected by Sickening Homo images of Sponge bob:rolleyes: Seriously how often would we have other images thrown in our face ingame. Its just one of those things that happen once in a while. Ps. i am married and do not condone same sex sponge bob activitys