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Everything posted by SnR

  1. Just more strain on FPS IMO
  2. Dosent work well with the betas online with others :confused: Unable to view Markers layed down, also found myself stuck in vehicles.
  3. SnR

    Project Aus

    Makes me laugh how the internets can be so Serious ;) I appreciate the work people do, but once the project is made public to those of us inside the internet its an open to usage. Seeing words as "Stealing" "Permissions withdrawn" is pointless and nothing will change this unless the up and coming Addon makers show compassion similar to a priest.Seeing as the Aussie Community needs something home grown and usable, i have no problems at all with old Aussie Arma gear being pushed into the future. Which will obviously benefit the community and make Arma II more attractive to those of us who have pet crocodiles and very big knifes. Good job Rhodesy
  4. I play multiplayer only, i need all AI Radio commands to disapear including the radio messages. Ingame VON is bad enough let alone with AI voices cutting in. I will be the first person to post on the modders thread with a dancing banana:yay:
  5. I remember a Post somewhere, unable to locate on the desired 3D setup for CCC. Any advise would be appreciated
  6. Has anyone counted the fuel stations on Chern yet ?
  7. SnR

    Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009

    Dragon Rising quote of the year award :rolleyes:
  8. SnR

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    Go Aussies Would love to see more
  9. That my freind was Awesome with meaning
  10. Was a fan with its presence in Arma, great to see.
  11. SnR

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Poor bloke, a committed member disheartened http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=396533
  12. SnR

    Secondary Monitor as Map

    This if possible would be magnificent addition:) I would go as far as stating that if BI gave away Dedi servers for this i would take it...............im kidding;)
  13. SnR

    BI Banner

    Thanks for that
  14. The members are in transition atmo, Forums - Server soon to return. Im hoping the down time has allowed them to spend some quality time on it.
  15. Remember with Arma 1 a Team ran there XML with wrong dimensions causing all ATI Players to CTD, when we looked at the ingame logo.
  16. As an Admin this is gold Note the Drop down box containing all missions within the server, ideal for preplanned mission change etc.
  17. SnR

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    +1 JPG face is fail for ATI users, PAA face is spot on and unfortunately cant be done due to oversize of PAA file for 512x512. You would think after all this time some one would have made the fix:confused:
  18. SnR

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Love that last one :o
  19. SnR

    co16 =RTY= Rogue Nation v1.3

    Hotlinking :rolleyes: So you will provide a mission link without the Buggys ?
  20. SnR

    Does anyone still play ARMA2?

    Remember PvP is second to Coop, this game is too stiff for fluid PvP. Also to get the most out of this game you need to be part of a team with Comms and organised nights, Public play is hit and miss.
  21. Looked like fun guys. If you guys with 69 had Dysnc problems, the rest of the world has no hope in achieving stable large battles :(