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Everything posted by SnR

  1. SnR

    Night Vision in OA

    Im sure this would have been offically reported as it is one of the biggest game breakers still left over.
  2. SnR

    X-Fire Coop-Crew

    To be moved HERE
  3. SnR

    Facebook competition

    Sort of works well with a Milsim :p j/k
  4. Cheers it seems it was fiddled with :(
  5. Saw this a few times last night on our Public server whilst full Admin. I instantly checked our ban list and found numerous auto submissions (15), our Admin submissions will have a descriptive scenario next to the ID number which tells me we need to remind ALL again to update there e.pbos' ASAP. Could someone link me the original discussions/announcements for the above i ve had no luck so far.
  6. Sorry Australia and New Zealand is next please wait your turn :p
  7. A clean BAF version would be nice.
  8. SnR

    CO16 Insurgency

    SLR ACE2 would be great, Opps sorry wrong thread :p
  9. Would love a seperate OA link, 25mb for all your missions from down here is taking forever :) Cheers
  10. A good enough reason for Aussie servers to have there own version going with all credit going to those who credit :p
  11. SnR


    And when other DLC arrives things may spread thin some more Arrowhead is wheres its at (No trees to please)
  12. Unfortunately not too many use the betas, your crates and the BI bug cause many CTD's. Any chance you could modify to eliminate the need for crates :)
  13. SnR

    So many black soldiers?

    Maybe a Caucasian addon is needed :p
  14. Same here, alot of them unfortunately are also wearing clan tags. Of course all are high pingers from OS.
  15. A Domination destroyer maybe ;)
  16. I'm waiting for a realism addon which allows me to hand out water and food to war torn family's:rolleyes:
  17. SnR

    Can't find menu UI or something?

    Make sure nothing ended up in you Main Addons directory:confused:
  18. We hit the first one and loved it, the second we found to be very, very laggy around the crates ??