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Everything posted by SnR

  1. http://ausarma.org/ You should get a response there.
  2. SnR

    A2 Free

    Set up for A2F 1.10 yes. Just plays the latest A2 Domination version
  3. SnR

    A2 Free

    Jumping on this thread for the tilte. What can i do to stop this entry into the server log, its producing thousands of lines ?
  4. Dam thats a good idea, pm me when its done ;)
  5. SnR

    User mission requests!

    Looking for a Co20 Huntforwaldo made for OA.
  6. Only started playing this on our server this week, very impressed.:) Will return with more ideas later, remember you can never have enough parameters.
  7. Running 11.6 and every time i play "Display Driver stops working" message comes up, to rectify the black screen i have to "shift - flush" most annoying :(
  8. 1 in a million, where i jumped out with my chute open to then land on a mine at our ambush point and got blown to smithereens :o
  9. All that is Au - http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma/AU/ All that is Nz - http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma/NZ/
  10. It will take only days for MP A2 servers to change over to A3, so i envisage most MP players to never return, due to no infrastructure.
  11. Apologies if this is right under my nose. A question about the final outcome for server use, licenses etc anything solid documented anywhere ?
  12. Is there a stock A2 version of this ? would be great for the A2Fr's to see it.
  13. Are you certain those folders are empty, the MP/Vote area reads from those folders
  14. SnR

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    14 people clearly have laptops :p
  15. SnR

    Fireplaces put out while raining

    Sorry mate, i too had a suggestion to see the leaves fall off when you hit the tree - didn't happen. I now go to Minecraft for leaf realism ;)
  16. SnR

    Arma 3 Chain of command?

    "4 taking command" :p
  17. SnR

    Advanced Combat Radio Environment

    +1 theres nothing like having it hardcoded.
  18. SnR

    common wealth pack.

    I thought Aussie's were the only ones playing Multiplayer, must look at my filter settings :p Nice idea, hugggeee job.
  19. SnR

    Limit map size

    Find a Community made small Island and go try PvP, you would see huge improvements :p
  20. We have servers out there that cater and claim to have 70+ players with no lag, warping they are the minority imo. The popular public missions stick to 20-30 slots for a reason.
  21. We need to have a better review system after the event, text docs with gibberish is in need of an upgrade. I want IP's and ID quickly identifying in detail who has what, and what is.
  22. SnR

    Arma 2 Revolution-new game mode

    Na its an RPG, you have to join to obtain, its the latest craze lol.
  23. SnR

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    Thank you BI you will recieve my money again !!!