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sgt gul

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Posts posted by sgt gul

  1. Dslyecxi, what type of mission is that online? I really liked it, its like a real battle simulation. Is it part of clan? if so how can a person join, and what if there isnt any teamspeak smile_o.gif please upload more of these vids. its great

  2. If Coop is played correctly, its very enjoyable. Last night i played Coop with dozens of guys, surprisingly most of the guys played in a good teamwork game. So its better to have some missions to do then just whack eachother in TDM. But Arma multiplayer has more potential, well just have to wait and see. pistols.gif

  3. First of all i want to say hi to everyone here, i am new to these forums. I have been following it since couple of days, i registered just yesterday. Anyways i have bought Armed Assault from a website, spootch or something? I have the English version patched up to 1.05 I am waiting for the official 1.07 patch release. I have some performance issues. I cant play it with reasonble framerates even on normal/low settings :S my specs are:

    P4 2.66

    1gig memory

    ATI X1600 256 MB

    I have disabled many things in the optionsmenu, but still no succes. Is this a common problem for most users? I dont have a super computer but with these stuff i should be playing it atleast good at normal settings?

    Any help would be great. thanks
