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Stagger Lee

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Everything posted by Stagger Lee

  1. It gives the impression that continued dev. support for ArmA will be lacking as resources are being put toward it's successor already. Great modders are less likely to put forth as much time and effort as they would otherwise if they know this is just an "in between" game. I'm not saying great total conversion mods like ACE aren't coming, but it's probable that they won't be as good as they would have been if the modders knew that there wouldn't be another OFP sequel for a long while. It's just a little disappointing really, leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I mean it's probably good for stockholders or whatever, but it's not good for gamers for game sequels to be in development when the present game still has so many problems yet to be fixed. It's kind of like catching your girlfriend oggling some other guy.
  2. The stick is detected by WinXP, calibrates, all buttons work. Made sure the "Joystick Enabled" checkbox was checked in ArmA. But it's just not working..made sure the correct axis assignments were chosen..but no buttons or sliders, or movements have any effect. Is there something I'm missing here?
  3. Regarding my "Is the Evolution mod too prevalent?" thread you locked this within a few minutes and posted this at the end: "Moved, now locking, use the Evolution thread." Why should all talk regarding Evolution be restricted to a single thread? Why is this thread not Pinned to the top of whichever forum it belongs to if we're supposed to intuitively understand that any talk regarding this mod belongs to this thread alone? Could you at least provide a link to the thread you are referring to if we're supposed to understand what you're talking about? I'm fine with having my thread moved to the Multiplayer forum, but locking it? Considering the majority of multiplayer servers available seem to be using this mod/map, forcing all talk regarding it to be restricted to a single thread is a bit over the top. What is the meaning of this? Please explain yourself and your actions. All of my communication on this forum has been extremely courteous and responsible. I expect to be treated the same.
  4. Stagger Lee

    Hoz why did you lock my Evolution thread?

    Freedom of speech unfortunately does have limits on a privately owned forum. I totally understand this thread would be locked and possibly deleted. Nevertheless I felt the need to post it, and I'm sure it will be read by whom it was intended.
  5. Stagger Lee

    Hoz why did you lock my Evolution thread?

    You're directing your question to me alone, why didn't you send me a private message instead of posting it to this thread?
  6. Stagger Lee

    Hoz why did you lock my Evolution thread?

    Where is this rule in writing? If nowhere, how is one expected to follow it? I have no problems following the rules of a forum. I do have a problem when I am expected to read minds.
  7. Stagger Lee

    Hoz why did you lock my Evolution thread?

    His actions were public, why shouldn't mine be as well?
  8. Stagger Lee

    Hoz why did you lock my Evolution thread?

    Quite possibly. All I know is I moderated a technical support forums for a living for a three year period and it would not have been acceptable for me to have locked a thread in such a manner with no explanation. For those who doubt me it was the Dell Support Forums, my username was DELL-Rance and I had over 28 thousand posts before last year's purge to save space.
  9. It seems a good 70% to 80% of servers are using this map and only this map, and this greatly reduces the variety of missions available in online multiplayer. I have nothing against the map/mod itself, it's pretty fun, in a sandbox sort of way, but the fact that it has multiple objectives means that players tend to each be doing their own thing and there's not a lot of teamwork going on. You may have players in 2s or 3s running around, but usually not much more than this. Maps with a focus on a specific mission, give all the players the same goal to work toward, encouraging better team play and organization. I just hope some server admins think about this and maybe the novelty of a "big map that tries to do everything" will wear off over time. This is not supposed to be an MMO, after all.
  10. It seems a good 70% to 80% of servers are using this map and only this map, and this greatly reduces the variety of missions available in online multiplayer. I have nothing against the map/mod itself, it's pretty fun, in a sandbox sort of way, but the fact that it has multiple objectives means that players tend to each be doing their own thing and there's not a lot of teamwork going on. You may have players in 2s or 3s running around, but usually not much more than this. Maps with a focus on a specific mission, give all the players the same goal to work toward, encouraging better team play and organization. I just hope some server admins think about this and maybe the novelty of a "big map that tries to do everything" will wear off over time. This is not supposed to be an MMO, after all.
  11. Stagger Lee

    Is the "Evolution" mod too prevalent?

    Is there a website or single location where I can find information about this map/mod? Because although I've been playing it for a few days there's a lot of its functionality I'm not sure about.
  12. Stagger Lee

    Is the "Evolution" mod too prevalent?

    Is there a website or single location where I can find information about this map/mod? Because although I've been playing it for a few days there's a lot of its functionality I'm not sure about.
  13. Stagger Lee

    MS Sidewinder Precision 2 not seen in ArmA..

    No one else has problems getting their joystick recognized by the game? This is on a fresh install..in fact I recently uinstalled, defragmented my HD, reinstalled and applied the patch. No other issues. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Stagger Lee

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Make sure you put it in all caps. I had that problem till I did that.
  15. Stagger Lee

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    For those of you with problems with hard drive thrashing and longer load times try this: Completely uninstall ArmA, defragment your drive or at least the partition you plan on installing it the game into, reinstall ArmA, apply patch. This will ensure that the files for ArmA are in one contiguous area of your hard drive which should increase loading performance. This has helped me greatly.
  16. Stagger Lee

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Ahh timezone issues..my mistake.
  17. Stagger Lee

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    paragraphic: What is this negative atmosphere you're jabbering about? I came before I purchased the game looking for opinions and viewpoints and was pleasantly surprised. Most of the complaints directed toward the game were valid and reasonable requests for improvements to certain aspects of the game. The only negativity I've seen are from people who shout down anyone who's trying to make the game better. This game is far from perfect, the developers obviously realize this (just look at the mile long changelog list with the latest patch), but there are certain fanboys who refuse to accept this (I'm not referring to yourself here).
  18. Stagger Lee

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Damnit why the delay? If it's done just put it up on bit torrent to avoid bandwidth issues.
  19. Stagger Lee

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Looking at the changelog it appears several performance improvements were included. I'm pretty sure this would be all inclusive to bring both Europe and US versions together.
  20. Stagger Lee

    I need more CONTROL!!

    Loving the game but seriously, we need more control over our avatars. If I'm in the middle of switching weapons or reloading and I suddenly hear shots whizzing by I should be able to stop what I'm doing and drop to the ground in an instant. If I want to drop to prone from a run I should not have to take three more steps before doing so: a half second is death in this game. If there is a two foot high wall I should be able to step over it. If I want to sprint I should not be kicked back to a normal jog just because I walked over a one foot wide incline in the terrain. You should only be reduced to a jog if there is a major incline over a distance. When prone I should be able to get up on my elbows so I can see through some of this tall grass. If I want to go from prone position to a full sprint, I should not have to wait through the transition animations of "slowly standing up", then running. There should be a separate animation for this so I can truly get running as fast as possible. It seems the player's 1st person viewpoint is tied directly into the animation system, and this is resulting in very awkward and abrupt camera movements. I really wish there was a way to smooth the camera out to compensate for the jerky animations.
  21. Stagger Lee

    I need more CONTROL!!

    I meant about your suggestion to use the change stance buttons to interrupt reloading. If you are standing and reloading, but need to interrupt it (like in the example I gave), your suggested control will not work properly - you'll have to crouch/prone and than run for cover? I think that a break-animation control would be the best: moving to interrupt is to sensitive; stance change is not that practical (and certainly unrealistic); sprinting (as opposed to simply walking) might be a good idea, since you probably wouldn't need to interrupt a reload unless you are in a dire situation. LE++: Yeah that would work great. The only times I have a problem with getting stuck reloading is when I want to run to cover or duck down, so making it so when you activate Sprint or change your Stance would work..there's a few ways to accomplish it if they had the mind to. Hopefully they'll look into it, or even a mod would be fine.
  22. Stagger Lee

    "Weapon On Back" ?

    Yeah it's a really important issue in my mind..since it's really easy to accidentally tap the left mouse button and fire a shot into the ground while maneuvering and signal your presence to the enemy long before intended. Double tapping the CTRL key is the best you can do until they fix this.
  23. Stagger Lee

    I need more CONTROL!!

    Yes you're right the auto centering steering with the mouse for vehicle control is very aggravating and makes it simply a chore to drive anything. Staying on the road should not be this difficult. Personally I just use the keyboard to steer and use the mouse to look around, but I have to double tap Alt for free look every time. Would be nice if we had an option for auto freelook with mouse when entering a vehicle. But if mouse control were better for steering and it didn't auto center I would probably actually use it for that.
  24. Stagger Lee

    I need more CONTROL!!

    Yeah hopefully they fix that. Joystick control for air vehicles needs to be improved, especially since this game has received the attention of some dedicated flight simmers lately. Not that the flight model is anything near a real combat flight simulator, but armchair pilots tend to enjoy the concept of supporting groundforces in multiplayer environments. Even www.SimHQ.com has been covering this game quite a bit. They even have a mission design contest and you can win a TrackIR Pro bundle: http://www.simhq.com/_contests/contest2.html
  25. Stagger Lee

    Beautiful Feeling

    Great thread people. When I play games the story is the most important aspect to me, not the story or plot in the mission design necessarily, but the story that actually unfolds in its telling based on random interactions and real players making decisions. This works best in an "anything goes" sandbox type of game that is OFP/ArmA. My favorite board game is Chess for this reason. I don't even care really if I lose, as long as I tried to win to the best of my ability, and that it was a spectacular loss with lots of shifting of advantages. Gaming is purely escapism for me. When a game can make me forget that it is a game for long periods of time, it is a triumph. No game comes close to this series in this respect.