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Everything posted by sphoenix

  1. sphoenix

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Escaping from the enemy hands... See mission War Machine War Machine @ Armaholic
  2. sphoenix

    Mando Hint

    Excellent Every little thing like that adds so much to a mission. I love you
  3. sphoenix

    New Island from USEC

    And more work. It's a nightmare to create environments as a mission maker, the buildings never fit correctly to the terrain.
  4. sphoenix

    Uhao island

    Btw - I went to Maui, didn't see Oahu much... But there it's much more civilized than the land you're showing us. Just a thought
  5. sphoenix

    Uhao island

    Beautiful However, you should sharpen those mountain tops...
  6. sphoenix

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Lead and daisies Grande Taille Addons: OFrP Sortie #1, ICP_Anims.
  7. sphoenix

    Cylinders and spheres

    Hi, I'm very new to modelling in O2 and my first project, to learn, is to make a table with a PRC-25 on it and a lamp. If I get cocky I'll do some wiring too. I have been unable to create cylinders and spheres; all I get is one vertex, no matter what the size of the wanted cylinder is supposed to be. Any clue on that?
  8. sphoenix

    MI 24 : Who wants it ?

    Am I reading Playboy? Feels like it
  9. FischKopp, I suggest you add sandbags on the tripods. This machine has so much recoil otherwise it's impossible to manoeuver it.
  10. sphoenix


    Right, like they did for the Rahmadi Conflict campaign. Good idea.
  11. Hey everybody! I'm trying to properly recreate the effect of weapon sounds on the AI but I'm having trouble with the SQF syntax. Here's my code: _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = _this select 1; _muzzle = _this select 2; _mode = _this select 3; _ammo = _this select 4; ArraySilencedWeap = ["M4A1SD","MP5SD","M9SD","AKS74UN","MakarovSD "]; ArraySilencedWeapFactor = [0.5,0.05,0.7,0.5,0.6]; ArraySilencedAmmo = ["B_556x45_SD","B_9x19_SD","B_545x39_SD","B_9x18_SD&quo t;]; if !(_weapon in ArraySilencedWeap) then {_AlertRadius = 500; _RandomFactor = 1}; if (_weapon in ArraySilencedWeap) && (_ammo in ArraySilencedAmmo) then { _AlertRadius = 15; _number = ArraySilencedWeap find format ["%1",_weapon]; _RandomFactor = ArraySilencedWeapFactor select _number; }; if (_weapon in ArraySilencedWeap) && !(_ammo in ArraySilencedAmmo) then { _AlertRadius = 70; _number = ArraySilencedWeap find format ["%1",_weapon]; _RandomFactor = (ArraySilencedWeapFactor select _number) + 0.2; }; _nearEnemies = position _unit nearObjects ["SoldierEB", _AlertRadius]; _cluelessEnemies = []; _otherEnemies = list OPFOR - _nearEnemies; { _x setBehaviour "SAFE"; _x setTargetAge "120 MIN"; } forEach _otherEnemies; { _distance = _x distance _unit; _Factor0 = 10*_RandomFactor + 1; _RandomFactor3 = _Factor0 - _distance _RandomFactor2 = 1 /_RandomFactor3; _Randomized = ceil (random _RandomFactor2); if (_Randomized == 0) then { while {_Randomized == 0} do { _Randomized = ceil (random _RandomFactor2); }; }; if (_Randomized == 1) then { _x reveal _unit; _x setBehaviour "COMBAT"; SoundAlarm = true; publicVariable "SoundAlarm"; }; if !(_Randomized == 1) then { _x setBehaviour "AWARE"; _cluelessEnemies = _cluelessEnemies + [_x]; }; } forEach _nearEnemies; { _x setBehaviour "SAFE"; _x setTargetAge "120 MIN"; } forEach _cluelessEnemies; It is activated by an Event Handler "fired". I'm getting a "Division by zero" error with both "ArraySilencedWeapFactor select _number" Â in the script, as well as a { missing for the last forEach. I'm really clueless. Could anyone help me? Thank you very much. SPhoenix
  12. sphoenix

    Background image

    Hadn't thought of that. Brilliant!
  13. sphoenix

    Background image

    Hello! I've been looking for it (including on the forums) but I can't find it anywhere. How can I put blueprints of the model in the background? I know it's possible, as I have seen screenshots of O2 with those in the background... Thank you very much
  14. sphoenix


    Now THAT is the fun part You have to declare each and every one of them in your description.ext and then call it with cutRsc (depending on how you declared it). You can find many tutorials, including in the biki, about how to do that. Your Ctrl, C, and V keys will suffer.
  15. sphoenix


    Two solutions. Recreate the battle everytime a player connects, on a different position on the map. You spawn the units, make them do the same things. Once it's done, you setPos the bodies to [0,0,0] and start all over at each connection. Or the suite of jpgs. It is a lot of jpgs but I think VirtualDub allows you to cut your video frame by frame. Reduce each jpg quality to something like 60-65. Half-size screen so... If we consider 22" monitors are the most common in the gaming community, that makes it 840*525. For example: if I take one of my screenshots, scale it and compress it as I said (here, 65): Size: 32.2kb So, for 300 images of 40kb (because I had 2 black rectangles), you end up with 12Mb. Unacceptable for you? Note that the more you reduce the size of your image (here, it's quite reduced) you can reduce the quality more. I think you can even go under 50 quality. Test with quality 45: Size: 23.7kb I don't notice much difference. Do you? Ultimately it's up to you. I think the movie is by far the most complex, heavy solution; moreover, if your mission is a coop or PvP there will be very little, if any, JiP. If it's more of an Evolution, then yes it's important.
  16. sphoenix


    You know, you may not have to code anything. If your video is under one minute long, and you have specific size requirements, you may just reduce its size. You may dismiss the idea of going full-screen altogether, even with any coded compression. If it is for offline play (i.e. SP missions / campaigns), then you may be open to sizes up to 20Mb in my opinion. If it is for an addon, forget about any limitations. Everyone has broadband.
  17. sphoenix


    You're asking the wrong n00b I just remember something done in OFP, I think it was CoC... They had a video of a cruiser launching a missile I think and it wasn't just a frame by frame... I think. It was a long time ago
  18. Ok... after many tries, I've identified the problem. The script enters the code block even when the condition to enter isn't true. Which creates the error (because the weapon isn't in the silenced weapon array). I've tried adding if not condition exitwith but it doesn't work. If my weapon is silenced: it's all good... except it says, at the end, a { is missing for the forEach _cluelessEnemies. Alright. I need your help UNN I've tried many things...
  19. sphoenix


    No. The only way is to either script your own compression codec, or to display frame by frame in .paa.
  20. Oh yeah sorry about the indentation, I do have it on my script, but when I copy pasted it I lost it. I'll edit to make it visible. I did declare the variables as you said I should; I still have that Division by zero error. Â I'm completely stalled, I have no idea where it comes from. EDIT: The indentation is there... The forum just doesn't allow for it.
  21. I completely get the concept of scope don't worry I'm just not familiar with the SQF syntax. Thank you very much for your help, I'll try that tomorrow.
  22. sphoenix

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    It looks amazingly real! The weathering is a bit odd though to me, but only because it's in white... you know? Maybe if you replaced the white "dots and scratches" by oil streaks and such, it'll make it darker, and you'll get a lot more true-feeling... Yet this really is nitpicking. If you want to spend more time on it, it's up to you: imho it doesn't need it. It's really a wonderful job you did there
  23. sphoenix

    Advanced Combat Environment

    It may be best to have it in a further release than the initial one... It does seem like a big gameplay thing but not vital.
  24. sphoenix

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Invasion Full Size RHS Hind
  25. sphoenix

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Ambushed Full Size