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About Shrekie

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  1. Finally got mission complete on this mission ... dont know how, but here's what happened ... Start mission, immidiate team switch to tank commander ... move with the other 3 T72's towards the pass and the first set of targets, let them deal with the stryker and Infantry, hang back and wait for the Huey to fly thru the pass, then take it out using MG ... proceed up to the pass with the others ... hold position there and you can zoom to the camp and long range take out the guarding stryker by the entrance ... pan left to take out another towards the bottom of the hill ... move down the pass to the bottom and take up position on the small hill to the left covering the road from the left from the next village, a vulcan136 moves along that road ... in the mean time the other 3 T72's are dealing with targets off to your right and move to take up position inside the camp ... once you have dealt with the vulcan, make a sweep round to the left and towards the camp dealing with any infantry, ... take up your position in the camp ... Team switch again to the pilot ... do a sweep of the area dealing with the last of the strays and some snipers near the T junction on the road that leads away from the camp ... then land next to the barrels in the camp ... thats when i got the mission complete!!! .... tried various other senarios but that 1 worked for me ... cheers
  2. Shrekie

    Stuck on Delivery Boy Mission.

    Hi you have to drive like hell to the pick up point, i took a short cut turning right just short of the village and follow the track around the edge, this saves time having to negotiate the right turn in the village ... as you approch the pick up point swing the truck around and reverse thru the gates, this will enable you to beat the other truck to the location and the troops to be collected will auto load onto your truck ... once they are all aboard dont wait for the order to go, but drive like hell again following the same short cut round the edge of the village back to the base, you only make it in time with seconds to spare, the troops disembark and you man the MG again to finish off the enemy GL