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About Sulu_03

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Sulu_03


    http://sbinfocanada.about.com/od/startup/a/createbizname.htm I fully agree with Meek ! The first addon is called A2T to remind the connection between Arma and Teamspeak.
  2. Sulu_03


    When you have problem, to sleep is always the solution ! :p
  3. Sulu_03


    oups error
  4. Sulu_03


    It is edited.
  5. Sulu_03


    You can't be 100% sure but just set the variable bwf_debug to true after the mission start. Then the script will spam you with ugly message saying who got the addon and who doesn't.
  6. Sulu_03


    Waiting impatiently for your work Rommel :) We tough about that but we decided to not try. By playing with this kind of feature, you take the risk of puting a terrible mess in the game. Audio feedback loop, very expensive for processor, and hard to build :p
  7. Sulu_03


    Version 003 updated with new DLL.
  8. Sulu_03


    I noticed this kind of problem since the first time i played Arma 2. The sound start at the right position and then does'nt follow your head mouvement. I don't know where it comes from but i'm not sure our addon has a matter with this. (but with the addon, you turn your head far more often than before, maybe the reason you noticed the problem ?) New version is up (02), with new features in teamspeak plugin, a doc and ACE recent vehicle management. If you download this new version, you have to update arma AND teamspeak side.
  9. Sulu_03


    We tried to implements the push to talk feature... But there were too many trouble (70% people were exepriencing crash, freeze, and other trouble). It seems that it comes from a conflict with ACE, but i'm sure ACE could handle that :).
  10. Sulu_03


    By setting variable bwf_debug at true you will get some flooding and annoying debug informations. Put : bwf_debug=!bwf_debug; in a trigger radio to be abble to switch in debug mod. Then you will (maybe :p) see where the probleme is.
  11. Sulu_03


    I understand that 500 meter is not enough. But, for gameplay reason, i believe that going over 1000m for the short range radio is a mistake. (to make long range radio usefull) In real world, short range radio certainly transmit over 1000 m but in real world, HQ is not located at 1000m from fireteam. New version with 1000 m for short range and the ACE_PRC119 is supported is uploaded. For the stereo sound, we used the 3D sound feature. If the sound is only stereo, i'm not sure we can do better... It's a teamspeak limitation.
  12. Sulu_03


    Copy/paste is not a bug :) The main process is actually using the windows clipboard. If you look at the picture i posted in the first page, you will see two little sign about this point.
  13. Sulu_03


    Yes client side only ! What server is having trouble ? Arma or TS ?
  14. Sulu_03


    Server crash ? Did you put the addon on the server ?
  15. Sulu_03


    Uhh Be carefull ! Every player have to be in the same channel in teamspeak to get this addon work ! If you disptach your team around multiple channel, you won't be able to hear them. The wishper teamspeak functionnality is not used. All the work is done by the 3D placement feature.