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About Stublore

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  1. Ok this is annoying the hell out of me, on the 3rd or 4th Mission, AT saboteur, it's night mission. Yet for no reason at all i suddenly loose the Night Vision. The screen goes from the green NVG view to a normal night time view. I don't remove the goggles, the game just seem to decide that they are not working. This is incredibly frustrating, any idea why? Pressing the NVG key does not return the view, and sometimes moving results in the Night Vision returning, but more often that not it does not work. Also the game has a nasty habit of crashing, and causing a reboot, and another of my "favorite" bugs, when i die, i get a black screen, and i can hear the game "continuing", meaning i have to Alt F4 to restart the whole process again ( Processor: AMD Athlonâ„¢ 64 FX-53 Processor, Â MMX, Â 3DNow, ~2.4GHz Card name: RADEON X800 XT Platinum Edition(Latest Drivers) DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c 1 GIG OCZ PC4400 RAM Arma ver patch 1.5