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About Snicke

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Snicke

    Sound loss with 1.05

    Just wanted to say the same thing. Im not getting any sound in MP games either. It REALY sucks!! Have tried both with EAX of and hardware acc. off. Nothing helps. Please fix this!!
  2. Snicke


    Are there no animal addons for arma yett? I would so like to have a deer or something in a mission Im making.
  3. Snicke


    What if the flag i not taken. (No flag on the pole) And can I make a person rise it in some way?
  4. Snicke


    Ah.. Thats to bad.. But can I use the changeflag command on those three? And what is the command?
  5. Im just trying to make a easy MP map. With one player to start south and one north. And a flag in the middle of the town. But do the flagtexture thingy work in arma like it did in OPF? Couldnt even find the command at wiki BI. But Arma filled it out when I typed it in the editor. But what are the texture names? Have made an area (trigger) around the town that will kill a player if he goes outside it for more than 30sec. Pretty cool. Want it to be a little like BF2 just to learn scripting and editing.
  6. Snicke

    Lip moves

    No way to delete own post? *sigh*
  7. Snicke

    Lip moves

    Ahh.. Thanx.. got it to work. Can you help me with this too. Im placing a crate on the map. And want the other player (opfor) to know about it, but not player one. (bluefor) How can I do that?
  8. Snicke

    Lip moves

    An okei way to do it. But I cant get your sample to work. 'Type Boll, expected nothing.'
  9. Is there anyway I can get the lips to move, so that I can pretend a person is chatting. And use sidechat or hint for the text. Tried looking for one in the 'playmove' but none where useful. And one more question. If I make a person with a placement radius. How can I make a waypoint or a trigger on him when I get close to him? Ex. I want a mission where Im searching for a random placed person, and want a trigger when I find him.
  10. Snicke


    Thank you so much, works like a charm. But can you please explain to a beginner like me how this realy works? Didnt understand anything in that line. And If i wanted to make a triger at another place of the map that turns off the lights, how do I do that? You had a triger named lighto1, but how does it work. How do I make it active?
  11. Snicke


    Thanx for the heads up in the action command. But on the other side, I cant get your example to work.
  12. Im trying to turn of the lights to a town. But I cant get it to work. Have only found out how to turn of one light with a trigger. : nearestObject [player, "streetlamp"] switchlight "off" But I cant find out how to turn it off to the whole town. And when I tried this on a car, the car starts taking damage instead of turning on the lights.?