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About Sgt.Goldberg

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  1. Sgt.Goldberg

    securom of my ass ...

    Just to end my story... today I got 2 mails (one from morphicon and one from securom) where I asked as well and where sent them the requested logfiles. In my case the culprit was running process explorer which was stated here in the thread already and what I was also able to confirm after testing. So while morphicon was a little bit "general" in his answer to stop applications like yasu or tools like procexp, Securom defined it correctly by naming process explorer and explaining in what to do. So anybody still having the problem with such SecuROM message I recommend to ask them by generating the analysis file (right click arma.exe in the installed folder and in the context menu click at "Launch Analysis". This will generate the error message in the beginning as if you want to start the game and then it will write a log and pop up with a message box about the reports name and location. Attach this file to an email with a short description of the problem and send it to support@securom.com . Just my 2 cents Andre
  2. Sgt.Goldberg

    securom of my ass ...

    Well, I was so pissed about the error and didn't know what to do through the weekend so I decided to delete WinXP and installed Vista. Now it works for me as well. The statements that it might be caused by running process explorer could have also been be the source problem here as I normally use this all time and had it in my startup group. @Dr. Mojo: Bad that this didn't work for you. But now knowing that it is caused by some app / service running, I would recommend to try the following: Start Windows and run msconfig.exe. Disable all autostart applications (Startup tab - > disable all) and disable all "non-microsoft" services (services tab -> first "hide all Microsoft services" then click "disable all"). Afterwards reboot. Then try to run Arma. Hope this helps. If it does you might reenable one for one or even groups, rebooting and running arma afterwards until you know which application or service is causing securom to make such trouble. Andre
  3. Sgt.Goldberg

    securom of my ass ...

    Well, as I said earlier, I don't have daemon, alcohol, yasu or alike (never ever installed) and I don't have drivers to install / use emulated drives. Thus I also don't know what to uninstall in order to get Arma working. However I don't wan't just to resign and I also don't want to buy the download version. I payed for the game to get an official license, so I just want to play it. Nothing more or less. And as I do have a valid license I'm also entiteled to get bugfixes (1.05 version). If Bohemia needs more details about my system, just let me know. -Andre
  4. Sgt.Goldberg

    securom of my ass ...

    @CG Man: Problems with the downloaded version are a different story. In this thread we are talking about a specific problem with the DVD version. - Andre
  5. Sgt.Goldberg

    securom of my ass ...

    I have exactly the same problem. I had 1.02 and upgraded to 1.05. Result: Getting the securom error message. Rebooting did not help either. Therefore I uninstalled the "non working" game and installed from scratch (1.0 DVD). Directly after installing 1.0 I installed the 1.05 patch - same error and still error after reboot. Uninstalling again and installing 1.0 - this time trying to start 1.0. -> works. Installing 1.05 again -> again Securom error. I even redownloaded the patch Arma_InternationalUpdate105.zip from another source and tried again but without luck. I also deleted the arma files in my userprofile but it still doesnt work. Btw. I don't have any application like alcohol or alike on this machine and never installed such... Here are 2 screeshots. Installation successful: Error message: Btw. does anyone know the meaning of error number 5024? I looked at the securom website (link) and also searched there, but couldn't find anything... Thanks Andre