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About Snoopy22

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  1. I cant stress how bad the 1.05 patch has been to me and my friends....we were very relieved and happy that the new 1.05 patch came out so we can finally have some video problems fixed(in which was fixed very nicely) hoping that not much else was changed but to find that my friends and I could not shoot 1 soldier with the crosshair aimed right on him while prone on the same level of ground while he is just standing there with 3 clips of ammo is horrible I dont think the american soldiers are equipped with crap like Im using in the new ArmA patch, plus every so often (and it gets very...very annoying) we suddenly turn into a random bird and we didnt even die or were in battle. I took the courtesy to make a fraps of these problems but youtube wont let you upload .avi's .... . Please make a fix to this BI. - I had no clue where else to post this so it could get heard. BI does not have a main bug report email that I could find.
  2. Im just wondering. ok I have a part in the map where I want a huge scene to happen infront of the players. The commander walks up to them with a move waypoint then talks to them.....what I want to happen is when he moves a bit closer I want him to die and all AI soldiers around him die also plus I wanted to see if its possible to make an explosion happen behind them or around them by lets say having tanks spawn with mines under them so it looks like a explosion or is there just a way of making a huge explosion happen. Is this possible? if u dont understand Ill try and be more descriptive.
  3. wait wait! since all you experts are here! since I got this working...the music only runs for a bloody minute! how do u make it run the whole song?
  4. Well the problem was.....I didnt actually put a description.ext IN the mission folder............dont laugh
  5. -___- I loooooooooooove you it is fixed.....I am so happy yet pissed.....
  6. Snoopy22

    Height aspect for waypoints

    bluaa...sorry trying to be helpful :P
  7. Snoopy22

    Height aspect for waypoints

    well if you want a soldier on a balcony that is in a building. All you gotta do pretty much is put the soldier in or outside the building. You have to be exact though, put the waypoint move in the building then move to the blacony and he should move to the balcony. Worked for me, hopefully this helps at all - I found when u put a waypoint in a building the AI will only stay on ground level unless you make specific waypoints up the stairs.
  8. I used it, ive been to like 10 different forms about this and it does not work! ive followed 2 tutorials it does not work! im going insane
  9. please...I cant take this anymore! its driving me nuts to the point that Im going crazy! NO COMMANDS ARE WORKING IN THE EDITOR or maybe Im not putting them in right. What I wanna do is I have oblivion.ogg (music file) that I want in a mission I made.so you place the music in a music folder in the mission folder, -_- there are 3 mission folders though C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\Missions C:\Documents and Settings\luigi 22\My Documents\ArmA\Saved\missions C:\Documents and Settings\luigi 22\My Documents\ArmA\UserSaved\missions In your Description.ext that is located in: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\Missions I put class CfgMusic { tracks[]= { Oblivion }; class oblivion { name = "oblivion"; sound[] = {\music\oblivion.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; }; }; I start up Arma, Put in a trigger with the command: PlayMusic "oblivion.ogg" doesnt work playmusic "oblivion" doesnt work playmusic oblivion doesnt work can u feel my pain? or am I just doing something very stupidly wrong