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About SeriaL_KilleR

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. SeriaL_KilleR

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    Okay, thx for the quick answer. You don't know a way to create physical map locations afterwards on an existing map, do you?
  2. SeriaL_KilleR

    Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

    friznit2, you said: Does MSO have a module, script, whatever that would create such locations if the map itself doesn't have any?
  3. Tried the findEmptyPosition thing, but unfortunatly, it takes ages for the missions to spawn, if they spawn at all. Is there a way to create a location by picking a random marker, lets say mission_marker1-70? How would i have to integrate this in the original code above? Sorry, but i am not really good at scripting, i know some basics but thats it :(
  4. Hello, i want to port wasteland, which is based on chernarus to another map. Inside this mission, there are scripts, which create objectives in random areas, including tanks, helis etc. to be captured. The code, which is used to pick a random area is the following: _rad=20000; _centerPos = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"); _flatAreas = nearestLocations [_centerPos, ["FlatArea"], _rad]; _randomPos = getpos (_flatAreas select random (count _flatAreas -1)); if(str(sideMissionPos) == str(_randomPos)) then { _flatAreas = _flatAreas - _randomPos; }; _randomPos = getpos (_flatAreas select random (count _flatAreas -1)); mainMissionPos = str(_randomPos); As you can see, it uses FlatAreas, which are defined inside the chernarus map itself. The script just grabs these information and uses them to create the objectives around FlatAreas. Now..the map i want to use doesn't have these FlatAreas :( I know that you can use the editor to create gamelogic markers, which can create locations, i tried it but somehow it didn't work. Maybe i made a mistake in the process... Can anyone tell me, if and how it is possible to create FlatAreas using the editor or a script without editing the map itself? Or does anyone know how to change the code above to use sth. different, not based on location types, to create the objectives in random areas all over the map?
  5. SeriaL_KilleR

    Problems with BinPBO and an existing map

    I digged a bit deeper inside the editor and by "within the mission itself" i think you mean to add locations under units/game logic? Thats a pretty elegant way of doing this. Really didn't know that. Thanks for pointing that out. As there are not all location types to choose...can i just put "this setType "RockAre" inside the init field to make it a RockArea? Regarding the missionthing...In fact inside the mission is a script that calls objectives to be completed which are generated at these "FlatAreas". The Script works fine if i change this to "NameCity" i.e. but unfortunatly, some NPCs are spawned inside buildings which kinda prevents you from completing the objective. So "FlatAreas" are chosen for a reason. Unfortunatly, as written above, the island i'd like to use, doesn't have any "FlatAreas" by default...I hope doing it within the mission itself, as you suggested it, will solve this problem. If not, ill try your patch.pbo way :) Thanks for your help!
  6. Hello, to make a certain mission work on a certain island i had to add "FlatArea" location types to this island as it doesn't have any by default. To do so i had to unRap the config.bin of the island to manually edit the "CfgWorlds.hpp". In fact i added around 70 classes like this: class AFlat_003 { name = ""; position[] = {3058.55, 3636.69}; type = "FlatArea"; radiusA = 100.0; radiusB = 100.0; angle = 0.0; }; After that i wanted to repack the contents to a PBO again including binarizing for the "config.bin" and also singing it with a key. Now.. the problem is, BinPBO kinda binarized certain *.P3Ds inside the island's *.wrp file making it a 8KB sized file (before it was around 45MB). When the Server loads the mission this causes an error like "could not load blablabl.wrp". I already tried to add *.p3d to the files which should be directly copied but it doesn't work. I also excluded the *.wrp from the addon's source directory so it wouldn't be packed inside this new PBO. I did this to just binarize the config files. After that i used PBOManager to unpack it and repacked it again with BinPBO but this time including the original *.wrp but without binarizing. At least it didn't binarize the *.p3d files but the server still had this "could not load blablabbla.wpr" error. Does anyone know what's causing this? Or how i could definitly exclude the *.wrp or the *.p3d files to be binarized in the first place? Or is there maybe an easier way to add "FlatAreas" to an existing map?
  7. SeriaL_KilleR

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    I just set up a DZS Test Server on our network but i'm constantly getting kicked from BattlEye because of script restriction #21. Any infos or a solution on this issue?
  8. SeriaL_KilleR

    Graphical Issue with Ground Texture

    thanks for the help ! It works fine for me ! Only while flying i still see this "zone" but that doesn't bother me too much
  9. SeriaL_KilleR

    Graphical Issue with Ground Texture

    i agree with you, and yes, it does...at least with the road textures for example...the white markings appear sharper in the distance the higher you set the AF Settings...but it doesn't affect this zone around the character ! I play with the highest AF setting, no matter where i set this (game or graphics card control panel) and it still looks like this.
  10. Hello Folks, I'm not sure, but i think i have a slightly problem with the ground textures in Armed Assault. There is a zone around the character, where the texture is perfectly clear, but a few steps in front of him there's a line where the texture begins to blur. I don't think it has something to do with the antisoptropic filter, because with changing this option, the distance, where road textures for example begin to blur, raises. But not this zone around the character...it seems to be static, no matter what AF Option i use...and of course, it moves with my character, which looks really shitty heres a screenshot of it...hard to see without motion but i marked it red ! [/img]http://www.dvdjunkies.de/pics/fehler.jpg[/img] My System: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Nvida Geforce 6800GT 256MB 1024 MB Ram Win XP SP2 Hope somebody can help me with this issue...