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About shaki

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi there! I'm working on extension for windows shell that lets you to view paa images content, its format and other info directly in windows explorer without any extra tools. Will that work be interesting among content creators?
  2. shaki

    Visitor & v1.14

    Because i had black textures in Buldozer too, as for me problem was an error pass to rvmat in Layers.cfg. mm.. I think that didn't understand your problem right. Have you tried to see BI Sample map in Buldozer? If it work fine, so problem with your project.
  3. shaki

    Visitor & v1.14

    dmitri, can you show me your layers.cfg?
  4. Visitor 3 Script RandomObjectPlacer v1.1.1 The script allow you to random place objects in selected area. Download Screenshot (Intencivity 50%)
  5. look CfgInventory in Arma bin.pbo It give some info about what'll be in arma2 i think
  6. shaki

    How to use cpbo?

    click cpbo.exe. You see message about associate cpbo with PBO files, press OK. Then all pbo'll have icon as cpbo. To unpack press rmb on pbo file and click 'extract' To pack press rmb on any directory & click 'create PBO'
  7. Check your turret config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">minTurn = 30; maxTurn = 150; initTurn = 90; maybe you didn't change it from default.... Also check model.cfg of your model, animations class (mainTurret, mainGun)
  8. shaki

    Tutorial for Visitor3 ?

    I have falling FPS, when using my island in Arma. There are 30-35 fps usually, but when load my island fps are 10 max. I loaded island without texture, only terrain, and it had same effect. With what it can be connected? There are no other bugs with island in game. In Buldozer FPS don't fall.
  9. shaki

    Visitor3 scripts

    Hi! There is my script - RandomObjectPlacer. It place objects in random position on selected area. You can choose intencivity of placement from 0 to 100%. Ideal for creating forests at that moment Download
  10. shaki

    POLL: Do you want ArmA Anti-Cheat?

    Yes. MadDogX, It's good work!
  11. Somebody has done dialog with control like RscHTML? When I write in it <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">filename = "test.html" , and in 'test.html' there are <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><h1>test test test</h1> nothing happenes in game when creating dialog. How this control works?