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Everything posted by snakei

  1. I tried to change the file associations and realised in w7 u have to go //Control panel>Programs>Default Programs>Set Associations Hope that helps for some... I had the same problems and in the end i just installed Eliteness from this link Now i just run Eliteness and UnPBO each file with it.....
  2. I have followed these instructions directly and if i try to preview a game it just dumps to desktop...:mad: So after a bit of head scratching i found out you have to delete the player in the 3deditorcopy_of_mission.sqf these lines.. if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;}; }; Then it seems to work fine
  3. If u add this to the init file it will spawn it on the carrier. "this setPosASL [getposASL this select 0, getposASL this select 1, 15.9];" Also i had to do some frequent saves to get the editor to remember where i put stuff etc..... As for swapping between the 3D editor and the 2D editor.... Cant for the life of me get this to work with the 2D editor.... Am following this thread and still no joy! I have made up a mission with all the static objects and presets from the 3D editor where i want them. Now i want to transfer the mission to the 2D editor to add the enemy etc...(As the routines and waypoints etc... seem to be easier to understand and control in the 2D editor)...Donk! It crashes... Now i know on a previous post they said it creates a 'bad' pbo so i can use the "used saved" folder and create a pbo with Eliteness. That runs the game but nobody can actually play it...let alone edit it :( Any ideas?