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Everything posted by Swatman

  1. bah dammit, sucks that foreign servers have high ping and i have no clue what they are saying.. so is there an automatic limit on ban or is it whenever that supposed douche feels like unbanning?
  2. i downloaded a 3rd infantry division model and put it in the add ons folder of ataris folders and when i play the game its still the old models..?
  3. venom i know about win rar LOL i have the pbo file.. how do i use the soldiers though that id ownlaoded
  4. i have the black hawk way point say load right on top of it and i put soldier waypoints on the load to say get in and it doesnt work
  5. preferably a squad from the US with a server. i am off of work on friday to sunday so that is when i can play the most. i use team speak
  6. Swatman

    1.06 latest version?

    i got arma from ATARIs site and its 1.06 but almost 99% of the servers are 1.05. whats the problem?
  7. i dont have the game yet since it comes out in the US in may, but how did you guys get those cinematic screen shots from the photography topic?