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Posts posted by Strag

  1. Since the idea of revive seems to be a hot topic, I'll offer my thoughts.

    In the games we've been enjoying at Tactical Gamer, we almost always have dedicated air transport.  Respawning at Paraiso Airport is not a problem, and we consider it part of the mission and an important part of its inherent logistics.  Revive is not necessary for our purposes, but perhaps it could be added as a config option for server admins (disabled by default); those who want it could enable it, and those who dislike it could leave it disabled.

    Now, if you wanted to reward transport pilots (to make the job more appealing), perhaps you could award points to a chopper pilot for travelling more than x meters with player cargo.  For example, if a pilot had three players in his MH6 and transported them more than one kilometer, he'd gain three(?) points.

    Anyway, what I really wanted to suggest in this post was a rank system that could be adjusted via config parameters.  I think your current rank system is great for pub servers, and that could be left as the default.  But for servers that are looking to tweak the game play a bit, perhaps the ranks could be configured via variables for each vehicle and weapon type.

    You could then remove the rank explanations from the briefing and add them to a "Rank Screen" (accessed via a "My Rank" context menu) so that they could be read from the config variables and displayed appropriately.  You could also display the player's current rank in his "Rank Screen" so that he could see it at any time.

    Just a few suggestions for your fine mission based on the game play we're seeing at Tactical Gamer.  You're hitting a broad audience already, but by opening up some of the mission settings to server admins, you could probably hit an even broader audience.  Keep up the great work; we all appreciate it very much!

  2. Would it be possible for the overall mission leader (the Platoon Leader) to have the ability to build a "Headquarters" where squad transfers could take place?

    You can transfer to different squads in vehicles that other squads are in.

    Get in a vehicle with a different squad leader, choose "my squad" from the menu then choose "my vehicle" from the squad page.

    That helps, but what if no vehicles are available at a given time? We're back to the Transfer building.

    @Kiljoy, a radio channel would be great!

  3. Hi KilJoy,

    I'd like to congratulate you on an impressive mission, as well as thank you for all your work.  We've been playing v3.0 quite a bit at TacticalGamer.com; in fact, one of our servers is dedicated to Evolution 24/7.  We've been enjoying games with 20+ people, and with those numbers we've really been able to take advantage of the gameplay that Evolution enables.  

    During our evening sessions we've been playing the mission as a structured coop, rather than a loose pick-up game.  We've been running two or three squads, along with a dedicated air element and a command element.  The air element provides transport, while the command element contains the overall mission leader (what we're calling a Platoon Leader) and handles logistics (resupply and repair) and strategy.  This has been working well, but we've run into some complications:

    - We use separate subchannels in TeamSpeak for our various squads and support elements, and we try to match these to our in-game squads.  We really like the ability to manage squads in-game via the Transfer building, but it becomes a burden when we get far away from the Paraiso Airport.  Would it be possible for the overall mission leader (the Platoon Leader)  to have the ability to build a "Headquarters" where squad transfers could take place?

  4. When installing only SIX_Tracers from the pack (the @SIX_Tracers folder and the Dta folder), I get this error when running ArmA:

    Addon 'SIX_Tracers' requires addon 'SIX_Misc'

    Is SIX_Misc now required to use SIX_Tracers?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just read that SIX_Misc is indeed required to run SIX_Tracers. Is there a possibility of releasing only SIX_Tracers by itself?

  5. ... A mission maker can FULLY override each and every setting through a very cool SIX_TracersCfg class in the description.ext, see Demo2 and see the included SIX_TracersCfg.hpp mate... Example here: http://pastebin.ca/556504

    Thanks, Sickboy -- this is great.  From both a mission maker and a server admin standpoint, I think this will allow us to customize our missions and servers as we wish with respect to tracers.

    So, if you're looking for a "default" setting, I'd recommend no more than one tracer per every five rounds for rifles.  Anything more than that, and I think we'll have what look like a bunch of Star Wars battles on our hands.  wink_o.gif

  6. @Tracer Realism etc:

    I would say as we always do "A good mix between Realism and Gameplay" is usually the perfect mix smile_o.gif

    Well, what about a sort of compromise between the two? Could you make it so that for rifles, a magazine contains a random number of tracers such that one occurs between every 5th and 10th round? In other words:

    One magazine would contain four rounds between every tracer.

    Another magazine would contain five rounds between every tracer.

    Another magazine would contain six rounds between every tracer.

    Another magazine would contain seven rounds between every tracer.

    Another magazine would contain eight rounds between every tracer.

    Another magazine would contain nine rounds between every tracer.

    Or perhaps some other, similar combination.

    This could represent the different ways folks load tracers in real life, but would still give adequate tracer effects to "make it pretty" (cringes). This would be the "vanilla" version of the mod, and then perhaps those of us who want more realism could tweak it how we want it anyway. wink_o.gif

    EDIT: Another possibility -- have a default setting for the mod (one tracer every five rounds, or something), but also have a variable that could be set by the mod user -- and perhaps also by mission creators, in case they wanted to override and force a certain tracer setting -- where tracers would appear every x rounds for rifles, and also perhaps a variable where tracers would appear for the last x rounds in the mag. After all, making the mod flexible will make it appeal to more people, and you've probably coded it each of these ways by now anyway.

  7. so does this work for the A4 and any new and updated BIS weapons? since the last patch?

    From what I can tell, it works correctly with all rifles that don't have attached grenade launchers (including the M16A4).  But, on rifles with attached grenade launchers, every single round is fired as a tracer.  I don't know if this is a bug or if it's intentional.

  8. @ June 10 2007,08:32)]Kinda don't know what's the difference but answer seems simple:


    Thanks for the Wikipedia reference. I'll take it for what it's worth.

    I'm really more interested in what the guys on the ground have to say, rather than what's done at a range. I see a lot of this:

    Quote[/b] ]When I was in Kosovo, I had a mag with just tracers in it for marking targets.

    Other than that, I ran the other 7 mags ball only.

    Quote[/b] ]I used one or two [tracer] mags for marking targets for the Brads and Abrams. Easier to dump on a target and tell the armor to follow the trail of lights than figure out a grid or direction mid firefight. Other than that I tossed em. Tracers point both ways though /nod.
    Quote[/b] ]I used to do the load the mag with 4 tracers at the end as another indication that it was time to reload when i was a grunt.
    Quote[/b] ]SOP, that's pretty much it. There are reasons for how you may mix it and I'm sure most of us have done it differently for different reasons. In the past I've always had 3 at the bottom of every mag and then one mag with strip of tape on it for all tracers. This is pretty much how we did things downrange (13 years later).
    Quote[/b] ]Assuming standard issue of 210 rounds (42 Tracer, 178 ball) I personally bring along an extra magazine (gives me 8 total) so I can download below 30 for easier mag insertions. Then I load up one mag full of 28 tracers, and split the rest at the bottom of the other 7 mags - 2 per magazine. I've thought I should probably leave a couple ball at the very bottom to give my non-observant ass time to react to the tracers, but haven't done it on deployment yet.
    Quote[/b] ]I've got pouches that hold a mag three vertical, and one horizontal. The horizontal being an all tracer.
    Quote[/b] ]The Brits I worked with would load every mag with 5 tracers on top. Some guys used 5 on top and 5 on bottom.
    Quote[/b] ]Ran 2 856s at 5th and 4th from last. I didn't want an "OH S--T!!" moment without a little buffer.
    Quote[/b] ]As an line infantry squad leader I put one mag in my weapon with ALL tracer for initial contact, then it was every 5th round a tracer.

    So some squad leaders may load one or two full mags of tracers, and some guys may load tracers at the end of a mag, but others don't use them at all.

  9. @ June 10 2007,08:10)]The rifling twist in both M16A2 and army M4s is the same and it's 7" in order to be able to fire tracer rounds more or less accurately. This rifling is a tradeoff and some actually say that M16a1 had a better barrel.

    Anyway when M16A2 was being designed it was a concern to make it practicall to use it with tracer rounds.

    Yeah, the M16A1 had a 1:12" twist, which worked fine with the M193 round's 55 grain bullet. But that's neither here nor there.

    The question is, what does a typical rifleman fire the majority of the time? M855 (green tip) or M856 (orange tip tracer)? IMO, the answer to that question should determine whether or not tracers are enabled in this mod for rifles by default. It would then be up to mission makers to configure their missions manually for the other case as desired.

  10. I have not disabled SmallArms Tracers per default. At this time, SmallArms Tracers can be disabled through the usage of SIX_TracersCfg.hpp, which MUST be placed and enabled inside a Mission. Instructions are inside the Cfg and the Readme. You can view a Demo of how to Disable SmallArms Tracers as mission: Demo2.

    I'd suggest disabling tracers for rifles by default, but leaving them enabled for machineguns. This way, for folks who are playing missions not specially set up to work with this tracers mod (which will likely be the majority of folks out there), those irritating rifle tracers won't show up.

    If a mission maker DOES want rifle tracers to show up for some reason, he can configure the tracers mod to work that way with his mission.

    EDIT: If you decide to leave rifle tracers enabled, could you also please release a version that does NOT have rifle tracers enabled? smile_o.gif

  11. It's coming along nicely!

    A suggestion -- if possible, add a brighter/whiter "core" to the tracer streak. Right now each looks uniformly red or green throughout, which doesn't look correct for a projectile that is burning extremely hot. The red tracers would actually have more of an orangish-white color, while the green tracers would actually have more of a greenish-white color.

    Also, the red tracers appear "fatter" to me out of the muzzle than do the green tracers. I don't know if this is an optical illusion, or if there is an actual difference in shape/size between the two different colors.

    Thanks again for all your work with this. Once finished, this will be a big part of making ArmA a more enjoyable game to play.

  12. Hi sickboy,

    Very nice work.  I've been following the cent_tracers thread and now this one.  Thanks for your work on this, as well as everyone else who has been involved.

    My personal observations of M856 Tracer (orange bullet tip) fired from an AR-15 with a 20" barrel at night:

    - Shooter's perspective: rounds were almost point sources of light, bright orange-white in color.

    - Observer's perspective from the side:  rounds were short streaks of light, bright orange-white in color -- similar to how they look here, but maybe a third of the length of the tracer round immediately in front of the AH-6.

    I hope this is of some use to you.

  13. We've tested the in-game VOIP quite a bit on the TacticalGamer.com servers.  It doesn't seem to work any better in the v1.07 beta versions than it did in previous versions.  Some people can hear some other people, but often those same people can't hear some of the others.  We're using Teamspeak for now, but we're really hoping the in-game VOIP is fixed soon.  Comms are a VERY imporant part of this game.

  14. This is a very nice script.  Thanks, Mr. Murray!

    I've altered it a bit for a mission I'm working on -- added a dialogue between the caller and the battery group leader, and also added a second battery for West available via Radio Bravo.  This all works fine.

    The problem I'm seeing, though, is that some of the functionality is not working on a dedicated server.  I'm guessing this has something to do with global/local running of the various scripts, but I haven't mastered that concept yet so I'm not sure.  Specifically, I'm not seeing the "crosshair" appear on the map when I place the impact coordinate, I'm not hearing the "Ari" sound (when the rounds come "whoosing" in before impact), and I'm not seeing the dust rings appear on impact.

    If anyone has any thoughts as to how I might tweak things to get everything working, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.
