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Everything posted by Sleepdoc

  1. No matter what I do and how I set my graphics on my Win 8 or Win 7 machine, my mouse cursor is not visible. EVER. and ALT-TAB does not cuase it to reappear. The Mouse is there. you can tell if you roll your mouse around, the features and buttons will activate. but you cannot see the cursor. this is true on my dual 560Ti system and my 640M laptop (both Nvidia) any ideas boys?
  2. Sleepdoc

    Loudness of movement

    Although some what exxagerated in GRAW-PC (1&2), this  sort of sound system is fully 3D and fully in place.  It adds an enormous amount of suspense and game play to the GRAWPC series and I miss it everyday in ArmA.  Kudos to the original poster for recognizing this. Although I do not wish to see it so exxagerated as it is in GRAW (hearing grass crunching on the other side of a concrete wall etc), this would be great.  If guys are running down a street at me, I should hear tehir boots clomping.  At some distance.  and if guys are walking on concerete, they should be realtively silent.  but if they are brushing through a forrest, they should make noise.  As should we.
  3. I have Kegety's "ArmA Launcher" v. 1.11 and I love the approach and intend to use it regularly. but after much experimentation, I have not been able to get it to launch my sound mod called "ModWarSound", and I am not sure why. Â I have tried may different approaches to getting it to load using this Launcher tool, but it won't. I use the US version 1.08, so this is the path to my mod as indicated in my typical properties section of the desktop shortcut for ArmA "C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\arma.exe" -nosplash -mod=ModWarSound Now I want my Kegety's ArmA luancher to luanch this mod when i use it. Â The read me says to place the path in the line that saks for where the mod is. Â Here is the path I have my mod in..... C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\ModWarSound\AddOns This line does not seem to work. Â I have also tried.... C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\ModWarSound and ModWarSound\AddOns and just ModWarSound What am I doing wrong? Â And what exact line do i need to enter into that luancher path line ot get this mod to launch? Â Or am I possibly making some other mistake? Also, is there some way to determine if my mod actually launched once I am in the game (other than obviously listening for a change in the sounds... like some sort of place to go see the text that the mod actually took?) Sleepdoc
  4. I noticed this too. My first thought was "who designed that worthless feature". I have no time in game to look through lists for a person that is talking. I wish they would implement a Teamspeak overlay type feature, where a name appears in a color, right on my active view, that represents the channel they are speaking on. Just like how typed chat functions ..... but with their player name lighting up on the screen some where in a corner or on an edge.......
  5. Sleepdoc

    Night Vision

    Report back and let us know how it turned out. As I recall, I had your beta drivers at one point, but has some issues (might have been this nightvision thing). So I rolled it back to an earlier beta, but not all the way back to 158.22. i'll look forward to reading your results with 158.22
  6. Sleepdoc

    Night Vision

    You know. I can't reall what made my bug go away, but I have not seen it in a liong liong time. My nighvision bug seems to have magically disappeared. I wish I could explain it but I cannot. i'm nit syre what changed for me, other than updating to 1.08 and updating my drivers to version I think these are some beta drivers I got off the Nvidia site. e6600 with 640 meg 8800 GTS with the same evga 680i Mobo
  7. Sleepdoc

    Shoot from moving vehicles

    I second that emotion!
  8. Just to be clear. Â I have a pretty good grasp of the key binding system in ArmA and I don't believe the issue lies in my mis-understanding of the binding system. But anything is possible becuase I am stumped at the moment. the place my ignorance is greatest is in ArmA itself. Â OK. Â Here is the issue.................... If I press the key combination ALT+1 or ALT+2 (etc), that command menu thingy appears in the upper right corner of the screen. However, If i look through the entire keybinding system under esc/options/controls, I dont see any place where it is bound. Â So, if those key strookes are not visibly bound to some action in the game, then why is it cuasing that menu to appear? I want to use the Alt+1, Alt+2 commands on my HOTAS (Saitek X-52) however i cannot becuase of this undesired effect. And before you ask, I do not want to change to another key sequence. Â I mich prefer to understand this issue, and get a solution based on better understanding. are the ALT+1 type sets of controls hard coded in the executable or something? Thank you for any new knowedge you can impart to me on this issue.
  9. Sleepdoc

    Key binding mystery - Plz help

    I can't stop it, makes me feel not so weak and pathetic btw. i was mistaken - in the controls it shows that keys 0-9 are reserved, but if you try to bind SOMETHING+[0-9], then it works (i tried it - v1.08), you just need make sure that the SOMETHING isn't used for some other action. Im still thinking you are missing my point here. but its possible I am missing your point. I dont want to bind anything in the game to ALT+1. that is already bound to a channel change in Teamspeak, and it works as advertised. What I want is for ALT+1 to do NOTHING in the game. Then when I hit ALT+1, TS changes channels and NOTHING ELSE happens. As it is is now, TS changes channels and ALSO that little menu in the upper right corner pops out at me.
  10. Wow. Great list and very helpful. Thank you. I'm subscribing to this thread, despite the annoying subscription feature of this board (one email per new entry even if you ahvent come back to the board yet)
  11. Sleepdoc

    Key binding mystery - Plz help

    LOL. Â Ease up on the drama there man. Â And you didn't answer my question. Â An answer was what I was looking for. Â Your "reply" was far from an answer. Â And are you a baby killer? Â You should stop that.
  12. Sleepdoc

    Key binding mystery - Plz help

    @5133P39 No. Â It is not obvious. Â if it were obvious, I would not have asked the question. Â Now **That** is obvious. Furthermore, your explanation is undetailed and totally inadequate. Â Take a look at Frederf's and Wamingo's explanation. Â Their explanations seems to understand the issue while your answer seems to indicate that you are more concerned with being sarcastic than actually reading the post you are replying too and understanding its nuances. @ Frederf Thank you for explaining this to me. Â I would never have expected this becuase it seems like a poor design and possibly even a bug if this is true. Â I will test and confirm your description of how the system works. Â But assuming you are correct about this, do you view this as a bug or a design flaw or what? I have never seen a game that interprets CTRL+R as 2 different and simultaneous commands (R and CTRL+R). Â Have you ever seen this before? Thank you Frederf, Sleepdoc P.S. Â Where do I know your call sign from? Â Frugals? @ Wamingo I am running 1.08 US. Â I am trying to use a key bind command from team speak which is ALT+1, ALT+2 etc to change to different squad channels in tema speak. Â So I cleared out EVERY SINGLE USE OF ALT in my key bind section. Â this includes the key bind for LOOK, FREE LOOK and any other thing i could find. Â I have combed through the key bind section. Â I have even gone so far as to bind the ALT key to something just to make sur eit wasn't red (red would indicate I have missed something, as you pointed out). Â then of course, I deleted the red. any more ideas would be appreciated. Â I just want ot understand this so i can make my X-52 profiles as robust as possible wihtout the unexpected (and poorly understood) key press outcomes.
  13. I would very much like to find a way to make the compass stay on screen persistently. Â And for those who think i am unfamiliar with tapping the letter "K" twice, that feature is not persistent enough. Whenever i zoom into my sights and return to normal view, the compass is gone. Â And although I appreciate some might make an argument that they did this for realism purposes, please step aside for those who can help me with my quest. I would like to know if this is moddable, or if this "feature" is somehow hard coded in the executable, and therefore not available to be altered. Now for the reason I want this.... When functioning as a fire team, teaching squad members to call their contacts and communications efficiently by always using compass headings is hard. Â And the fact that the compass disappears after zooming and they have to bring it back up in the heat of the contact in order to get tehir orientation for the radio comms, makes it even harder. Â If the compass could be truly peristent, this fire team communication technique could become far more accessible and training would be greatly enhanced. Â then later, once the fire team knows the map and gets oriented, it may be that they don't need a compass at all. Â But during training, I need to keep it up for me and all squad members at all times. Thank you for any educated information that you can provide on this issue.
  14. Wow. I'm glad to see so many people share my interest. Kinda validates my frsutration with this "feature". Now if we can just catch the eye of a modder (or even BIS) with this issue....
  15. Sleepdoc

    Joystick Sensitivity reductions for Helis?

    Serclaes, Great!. Thank you. Now if I can just find someone to make a little tool with sliders to alter these. as it is now, I would hav eto go back and forth, in and out of the software, to make repetative adjustments until i get it the way i want it. I'm not saying I'm so lazy that I won't do that. Becuase I will. but it seems that a convenient "adjust" tool could have been included in the controls section of the software. or someone could make one. anyway, thanks a million for puttin me in the right direction.
  16. Is there some way in the game (or in a config or ini file) to reduce the joystick axis sensitivities? I have gotten much better at ehlicopters adn really enjoy flying them. but my x52 pro does not have a sensitivity setting. Only deadzones. and that wont solve my issue. I would like to reduce the sensativity so that I can avoid getting into overcorrect-overcorrect cycles. I know that over time, I will get better and less "cyclical" in my contrlls, but if I could just tone down teh sensitivities a bit, it owuld really help me land and fly into tight spaces like between buildings etc.
  17. Canuk, I have to assume from your response that you did not understandmy point. You noted that "if the double tap doesnt work for me....". the doubel tap works fine. it fixes the compass on the screen. But if i go into iron sites and then come back out, the compass is gone. you have to double tap it again. I want the compass to remain persistent on the screen. even after (and possibly during) the iron sites. try it. double tap the letter "K and fix the compass. Then go into and back out of iron sights. Poof. the compass is no longer there.
  18. Sleepdoc

    Why the fascination with Evolution?

    Max, As a very new player to ArmA (and a guy who never played OFP), Evolution has a very important "evolutionary" purpose. Â In other words, evolution is kinda slow and allows new players like me to meet with experienced players and learn the many layers and complexites of this wide open architecture at an approachable pace. I think as a new player (actually I know), i will evolve (yep. Â Pun intended) into wanting more and deeper and varied experiences. Â ArmA strikes me as a game that will be around for a long timme to come. Â And right now, people are still cutting their teeth on it (like me). Â and just as importantly (and thank god) expereinced players (the old OFP crowd) are coming into Evolution servers and teaching us new guys the many things and strategies that can be done in this game. Â Evolution is a great sandbox and meeting place for the old guard to indoctrinate the new guys. So I think Evolution is popular becuase the game is deep and many are still learning. Â and Evolution has proven to be a great place to learn at an approachable pace. I'll bet that in 6 to 9 months from now, you will see less Evolution servers and start seeing more sophisticated and varied server mission styles including the PvP stuff you crave.
  19. Sleepdoc

    Night Vision

    MAK, I have an 8800 GTS 640 and a e6600 as well. This bug is definitely associated with this video card. But i do not get 5 to 10 FPS. i get 40 to 50. And so should you (except in that first singple player mission in that dense forest.. i can get bogged down i that mission as weel becuase of all the up close trees. I have all my settings set to high. Game looks great and the FPs is pretty good.
  20. Sleepdoc

    Night Vision

    It is not a feature. It is a bug. Here is something i have noticed. I had the bug in my USA version 1.06 but have not seen it since 1.08. And i noticed that when i use NightVision in 1.08, i see as though I am looking through a monocular. A round area all blacked out everywhrere else. This is how mightvision looks to me in 1.08. In 1.06, i did not see a monocular. I got full screen night vision. When i mentioned thison Teamspeak the other night someone ssaid that nightvision is also a monocular view in 1.06. But it wasnt for me! and it was glitchy. So i am wondering if there is some relationship between the code which puts you into monocular view adn the glitching out of the night vision. Have any of you guys seen the full screen night vision work? or have any of you seen the bug glitch out in monocular view? Sleepdoc
  21. Sleepdoc

    Night Vision

    This fix did not work for me. I changed the value to 16 but my Nightvision still flickers... HEEELLLPPPP!!!!!
  22. Sleepdoc

    Night Vision

    Where is this config file? I want to try this fix out, but upon review of the files in Arma, I dont see any file called config.something or something.cfg. Can you tell me the name of the file and give me the path to it please?
  23. Sleepdoc

    TrackIR Explained

    NP Vincent. Welcome to yet another forum where your presence is VERY WELCOMED. I cant imagine why someone would view the support guy from a critical peripheral which is integrated into the game as a spammer. some guys would B#$%H if you hung them with a new rope....you know? LOL. Its nice to see you here supporting. It sounds like the guy talking about "snap gunsight to sideways view" issue eneds to be understood and delt with. Prolly a BI issue, but you guys hould let them know about this frustration. So any word yet on getting TRACKIR support for the G-15 Keyboard? Sleepdoc