I know many people have already posted about this but I am still having problems and I know others are too.
This is what I have done so far...
I have retextured the us troops for Arma already but am having difficulties getting them to work. I understand the proper tools haven't been released yet so I am using a hex editor to edit the paths of the textures.
I did find the paths using UltraEdit (hex editor) and I did change them to the correct paths but yet I get an 'Out of Memory' error everytime I try to use them. My filenames are all the same amount of characters also.
I managed to get my skins working but only by just replacing the textures from somebody elses units and then re-PBO'ing the files but as soon as I go to edit the paths with a hex editor (I have tried many different editors) it stops working like if it corrupts the file or something.
Anyone who knows how to skin please help me so I can help and give back to this wonderful community.
This is what I just tried:
I used a pbo from someone else's retextured soldiers, and extracted it.
Then I retextured the us_soldieracu_co.paa file and called it us_soldieracu_sg.paa.
I went into us_soldier_teamlead.p3d and changed the paths from us_soldieracu_co.paa to us_soldieracu_sg.paa
Then re-PBO'd the file and tried but the game crashed with an 'out of memory' error when I tried to spawn using Team Leader.
I changed the us_soldieracu_co.paa file and it works for all the units that use it because I didn't have to hex it.
So something in the hex editing is messing up... I dont touch anything else but the paths that need to be changed. I named the file so it had the same amount of characters also but still did not work.
You can also send me an email if you'd like at: speirs506@gmail.com
Thank you