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About Seirrah

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  1. Seirrah

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    Is there a pc that can play ArmA at the top settings (medium AA and AF) at 1680x1050 at a comfortable frame rate (about 40fps say)? Can the top cpu and top graphics card manage that?
  2. How do you force vsync off in the NVidia control panel? I really having been looking a lot!
  3. Seirrah

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    The performance issues are putting me, and loads of my friends, off from buying the game. Shame they don't seem to have got better, but I'm sure they tried hard.
  4. Seirrah


    What resolution(s) are these benchmarks done at? I have a P4 3.2Ghz and a 7800GS and I'm trying to work out what needs to improve to get a decent frame rate when at 1680x1050 (or a lower widescreen resolution). It's hard to find out whether I need a better CPU or a better graphics card. I've tried the demo and it just doesn't run very well
  5. Seirrah

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    This may be a silly question then, but what would be the minmum spec required to play ArmA at full detail when at 1680x1050? Thanks
  6. Seirrah

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    Surely my CPU (Pentium 4 3.2Ghz) is pretty weak by todays standards? I would normally just upgrade the gfx card, but I get the slight feeling that ArmA is quite CPU dependent.
  7. Seirrah

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    Guys I hope you can help. I currently have : P4 3.2Ghz, 7800GS (AGP), 2GB Ram... I am running at 1680x1050 as my max resolution. My computer struggles with the demo quite a bit, even with fairly low settings. Being stuck on AGP at the moment I have the ability to upgrade my gfx card to a X1950, but I am wondering how much this would help. How dependent is ArmA on the gfx card and cpu? Bearing in mind I am using a 3.2Ghz P4. ie. Would a CPU upgrade be better than a gfx card upgrade in this instance? (How I would do that I do not know). All help is very much appreciated.