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Sgt JIB -16AAB-

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Everything posted by Sgt JIB -16AAB-

  1. Sgt JIB -16AAB-

    Easier ADMIN selection?

    So is the Dev team not going to let us know if anything is in the works for a remote admin tool? if we are to do away with the team killers we need to be able to admin from the outside to keep a 24 hour watch on our servers until these muppets grow up.
  2. Sgt JIB -16AAB-

    Public Ban List

    these sad people will learn when they can no longer get online to play a game in any server. just requires people to get on board with the GBL. If people dont want to be tked all the time by the TKC community then get supporting the GBL. with enough support there will be dedicated servers that muppets from the TKC will not be able to get into no matter how many times they change their ids and profile names. We are all still waiting on BIS to help out the admins and get us a remote tool to use.