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Posts posted by SWAT_BigBear

  1. Did you start the game from the shortcut inside your Arma-dir that the patch created?

    You will get that message if you try to start the game by directly clicking the new beta EXE.

    Well..what I noticed.... on the Sprocket dnld version (the pc has been shut down since Feb).. I can not get my activation to work if I want to load 1.01-1.05 (it claims invalid) . But trying to launch the exe in the beta folder gave me that error, which at least "told me something" to work with, which in fact let me activate with the 1.07 beta exe. Funny thing is..ALL the exe's show the locked icons still. Sprocket is/will assist me when I'm ready to get the official 1.07 (or which ever #) patch. Like I told them..it is working again. For now I just had to have same version as my other pc. This is helpng me keep an Evolution mission session on going.

  2. We run 2x275 opterons and using the firedaemon tool you can restrict any service you create to any core. The problem with settign the affinity using task manager is it will not keep this setting if you stop the serice.

    I have FD Trinity, it only gave me choices of cpu0 & cpu1.

    Task manager gives choices of all 4 cores.

    1 core seems to be plenty though.

  3. I have a question: Have any of you played RTS-IV in ArmA 1.06 and 1.07?

    I haven't had a chance to play it with either version since I have the Euro 1.05 version. Does everything still function fine in those versions?

    We checked it out last nite...it seems to work fine w/US 1.6.

  4. Can you restrict the dedi server to use only a single core if you run it as a service?

    Sorta...with FireDaemon. Except my choices are cpu0 or cpu1 (thats on 1 cpu)... but this pc has 2 cpu's, 4 cores.

    Someone with a single dual core would have to confirm your question.

    Edit= yes...Task Manager does let me pick 1 of 4 cores (Set Affinity).

  5. Quote[/b] ]Windows 32 Dedicated Server for ArmA: Combat Operations version 1.06 is available from Bohemia Interactive's ftp server

    Note: This server is compatible only with US version of the game 1.06 and it is not compatible with previous releases 1.00-1.05

    I can confirm this works with Vista 64bit Ultimate.

    I'm using FireDaemon to launch the server as a Windows service...and able to launch my game and play on that server at the same time, same pc!

  6. I guess if we have the sprocket version you cant play game on one pc and have a dedicated server on the other since you would have to reactivate arma again.

    Anyone have luck in creating sprocket dedicated server for arma with it already installed on another pc.


    Yes that works if you use the dedicated server launcher. I copied my 1.01 Sprocket/Czech w/English converter to our dedi box. When 1.02 came out...I had to patch my home version...then upload the massive sized file again to the dedi.

    ArmA has came to a complete halt within our group thanks to Sprocket/Softwrap/Lack of support!!

    The pc I installed my copy to, has used the "2" installs for 1.01 to 1.02 and the english converter. The server doesn't have it installed...just a copy.

    I've built a new pc, and eventually will sell the pc that has ArmA on it, after a format and new install of windows.

    I'm just taking this as a lesson learned from Sprocket.

    I will just wait untill Atari gets me a hardcopy locally, if I don't loose interest by then..(actually looking for more games designed for DX-10).

  7. I used 2 installs on the same pc, the 2nd was due to the english patch update. Softwrap email replies with their way of installing to a 2nd pc, which does not work!! So I'm stuck with playing on an older pc. This new pc will have to wait for a hardcopy. I'm sure not going to give Sprocket any more money for something they claim works, but doesn't!

    Oh, and they've yet to reply (3 weeks) to my issue, other than re-sending my registration and instructions for re-installs and new installs.

  8. But I've gt AMD X2 4400+, running game and dedicated server at the same time doesn't give any kind of performance hit even without forcing them to run on certain CPU.

    This is why I look forward to testing this pc. It's the Asus "4x4"...2cpu's, 4 cores......unlike Intel's Quad Xeon, 1cpu, 4 cores.

    I had a tuff time choosing between those chips....basically price and alot of AMD's I've built for work, myself and friends helped my decision.

  9. I'm still atleast a month or so away from getting a hard copy of ArmA... I'm curious about running a dedi server and playing at the same time on this new pc. The possibilities of creating/testing missions, would be alot easier compared to uploading to a dedi box for each lil change...just to test for multi~play errors.

    Tools like FireDaemon should make the task of pinning cpu's to apps fairly easy.

    And thx to the topic starter...even though this went way off topic, alot of great info has been shared. Atleast you did get your answer smile_o.gif

  10. Sound cards have allways been an issue with me and the gaming systems I've built to play on (all Creative SC's). Notice in my sig "no SC".. the board came with a 8 channel AC97, and since I mostly play with headphones, I saved a few bucks by not purchasing a SC. The drivers Vista installed seem to be fine... but I may try the beta's offered from Asus in the near future.

    I'm still waiting for a hardcopy of ArmA for more testing, since my 2nd install with my Sprocket Czech version doesn't comply. (error=This activation has been completed allready) and the fresh activation softwrap tells me to do, gave an invalid activation.

    About 3dmark06, In their forums, they claim scores should be close with XP vs Vista... they also claim that 3dmark06 advance would reconize the directx 9.0c it installs for Vista, but that did not work for me and several others. As long as we have DirectX 10 and video drivers that are betas... we cant publish scores. In my results, I have several "N/A's". It even showed my video at 512mb..and "cooperative adapters" NO....hmmm.

    So I'm going to ignore the $19.95 I spent for 3dmark06 untill I get the proper drivers. I do believe my system should score higher than the 12983 it gave with SLI on, compared to 11114 with it off.

  11. Well the peer pressure got to me.

    Vista Utlimate 64bit..before any tweaking of anything..only 2gb ram (2 more on the brown truck) running stock 3.18mhz x4,    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">swat-clan.net/xtra/desktop1.bmp

  12. I have all this in route and in my hands within 3-5days.

    The Asus software includes something called "Asus Live" and may be much better than Fraps. I will be glad to get several  small video samples at 1 point. I will also test running a server thru 1 cpu, while gaming thru the 2nd cpu. My only dilemma will be TRYING NOT to install my Sprocket/Czech version and wait for the US hardcopy.

    I've yet decided on XPpro or Vista. I do have 1 license remaining for Server 2003 I may use. And no... this is not just for ArmA whistle.gif

    Quote[/b] ]Thermaltake Armor Extreme Edition VA8004BNS Black Aluminum ATX Full Tower Computer Case

    ASUS L1N64-SLI WS Dual Socket L (Socket 1207FX) NVIDIA nForce 680a SLI MCP SSI CEB AMD Motherboard

    2x AMD Athlon 64 FX-74 Windsor 3.0GHz Socket F (1207 FX) DSDC Architecture Processor Model ADAFX74DIBOX


    2x WD 150GB RAPTOR WD1500ADFD 10000RPM 16MB SATA-150 3.5"


    CORSAIR TWIN2X2048-6400PRO 2GB KIT (1GB x 2) PC26400 800MHZ Matched Pair 5-5-5-12 240-PIN DDR2 DIMM W/Activity Leds & Heat Spreader

    2x Sony DVD/RW

    Currently playing on an AMD 64 +3000, 1.5 ddr@400, FX-5900 and about the only issues is all in video.

  13. Your proc will run it, but like me your video will lag you at normal to high settings. I have a FX-5900 and the 64bit +3000, 1.5 ram. I have settings mostly normal to low.. and it plays. Over long periods.. video falls apart..but it's still playable. I'm satisfied for now. Have you tried the demo? That should help with your question.

    FPS depends on alot of scenarios... some places I see 40+ some I see 10 or under.

  14. Someone needs patience...if your a true OFP fan, you should remember 1st patch 1.10 released 12/2001... last patch 1.96beta released 01/2004.

    The demo discouraged me with OFP, but I gave it a 2nd chance with the patches and fell in love with it.

    Now the community wanted ArmA ASAP, and myself jumped right in when the Sprocket site was setup. I to see the "minor" bugs compared to OFP bugs when it was released.

    The best part to ArmA is JIP!

    So instead of complaining... help with reporting bugs (which all of yours are allready noted elsewhere) so BIS may address them.

    And my money says you will buy this game sooner or later.. (if your the true fan you claim to be).
