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Posts posted by SWAT_BigBear

  1. I also will use/test guru of 3D drivers...no worries of them "causing troubles".

    When 1.08 came out...I did have to revert back to the WHQL 158.24... but the beta'S from guru3d always give better performance in other apps/games.

    I to will test/use these new ones in the next few days (can't for now due to an Evo game I've been in all this week)

  2. @KilJoy - Do you think it would be a good idea to perhaps change the city markers from gray to red when a city is "in battle"?

    That way it would be easier for a new joiner to know right away where the action is, and it might also encourage more concentrated team effort onto that one particular location.

    I like this idea also wink_o.gif

  3. because it is broken at present.

    That depends on the pc your playing ArmA on.

    I like the grass now that the enemy doesn't see me thru it untill I fire a shot.

    So if your able to turn yours off... you would have an advantage over me.

  4. I agree with Spectre-63.

    Most of my issues are 100% nVidia's fault. They have been trying since Febuary to get the proper drivers produced. Seems they can only fix 1 lil bug at a time monthly..sheesh!

    Oddly...OFP needs no tweaking to run on my pc.

    ArmA needs stuff like the -maxmem=512 added, and SLI doesn't last long with ArmA. (temp disabled sli in it's profile for now). It really is a clean, crisp running game on Vista, imho.

    I debated on which to install, 32 or 64bit...and went ahead w/64...and glad I did.

    I will point out though... older pc's will have big issues.

  5. This may have been asked before? dunno really.

    Has anyone tried using their Sprocket cd key code on another hard copy of ArmA?

    Having multi pc's and 2 copies of most "great" games is sometimes a must for me. But I'm not wanting to lose my Sprocket version to test my question.

    In theory...and legally it should work ehh?

    Edit=..a few of my games like RavenShield this does work.

  6. You know when you play Arma to much when:-

    Your having a conversation on your phone,and keep pressing your 'Teamspeak push to talk' button everytime you say something on the phone!  biggrin_o.gif

    and there I was thinking that I was being properly mad - i also seem to do it when the girlfriend asks me a question over my shoulder as I'm playing

    lol Oh and i do that too!

    I ask the missis something? and the whole of ts comes back with ck! we all heard that!

     biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

    This is a good one brought up..

    a few years back in a 5-6hr ofp game..1 member actually done this for over a hour..and some of us hearing...sometimes "automatically" answered him or at least responded to him periodically.

    It wasn't untill afetr he finished the convo.. that we could start busting balls pistols.gif

    Jim? nener.gif

  7. I tested it on Play and Server but there glitches so don;t bother with that. and yes JIP does not work.

    With many players still having issues like ctd's.... JIP is a must have when playing the long scenerios. A server could start with 1 or 2...then eventually fill up instead of waiting in the lobby for more to join.

    I want to try the new DVD @ crcti... but it to has this problem.

    I thought 1.08 was going to correct the issue for makers of cti's?

  8. Quote[/b] ]I read somewhere that BI had released the patch and gone on vacation. I'm starting to believe this..... How come there is no official statements regarding the vast amount of problem people are having with their program. If they are on vacation I hope the weather is pissing down on them.

    They are definitely not on vacation, and even if the entire Staff would be: Who says they are not allowed to have some days off just because the game doesn't run on your shiny Vista?

    There are dozens of topics here covering the problems ArmA has with Vista and the GF8800 series. Just a suggestion: Try it with the OS it was developed for? wink_o.gif

    Now that I've played for a few days with the 1.08 patch, I CAN say it works on my "shiny" Vista 64 Ultimate and a 8800gtx. I'm not able to use sli w/Arma yet (distorts over long missions), but it's getting better as drivers and game patches are released.

    I do use -maxmem=512 in the shortcut or ctd's will occur w/normal-high settings.(158.24 whql drivers are in use)

    I got the ArmA stopped responding, ArmA has encountered a problem, with other drivers I tested but not with 158.24whql.

    Even OFP plays perfectly w/Vista without having to tamper w/shortcut.

  9. I'm just reporting this in bug tracker as it does not seem to be in there and it really is a bug I guess?.

    As an admin of servers that uses PunkSbusted for other games, we examine screenshots for wallhacks, retlock,,,ect ect.

    In the Battlefield 2 series of games, several get accused of the "no fog cheat" with similar screenshots I see posted.

    This does need corrected somehow, but who to ask?

  10. I've tested the #cpu's/cores used on this 2 cpu 4 core system.

    The server is set to run on cpu#1-core2 which stays at 100% while playing on it.

    If I add cpu0 along w/cpu1..of 1 cpu (set affinity) while server is under load, all it does is switch the load to cpu0.

    Now the odd thing is..if I pick all 4 cores, the load spreads out to all of them...anywhere from 16%-56% each, but core #3 (cpu #2) seems to use the most.

    And I'm testing this while playing on the same box. whistle.gif


  11. When it comes to like a custom patch, it doesn't allow you to use any *'s in my name or clan tag. Our clan tag is *=SAS=* and i notice another person had trouble and it turned out *'s just won't show the patch/logo on their arm/jeep etc.

    This is old news, and I believe it's C++ fault (it doesn't recognize *)...not ArmA nor OFP.

    We had/have same issue with *S.W.A.T.*, we just use S.W.A.T. for the squad info.

  12. 8800 probs? what y talking about? 880 is one of the latest isnt it? i got rx800 ati (ancient something) and it still works great with _all_ settings on "low"

    There are still some driver related problems with the 8800 series.

    Nothing special, this cards are brand new DX10 hardware. wink_o.gif

    I was leary to try this patch. But, with lots of testing and several ctd's, I have it running properly w/Vista64.

    Seems only the nvidia 158.24 whql drivers will play it without problems(I prefer 158.45 beta crazy_o.gif ) I still have to disable sli in game video profile though. huh.gif

    1920X1200 seems to be the sweet spot for me now. (was 1280x768)

  13. dvd arma us 1.06 work very fine for me, 1.08 crash the game after 5 minute of playing, no error message just crash and my pc reboot automatic.

    window xp sp2

    intel 3.4ghz

    x1950pro ati driver 7.5

    2gig ram

    14 pages of everyones errors posted in 1 day with this patch?

    Think I'll just wait it out.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  14. And dont launch the beta patch inside, the beta folder.

    That is wrong info to be giving out.

    Read my post again ...it was the ONLY exe that would let me re/activate my game.

    1.01 thru 1.05 claimed invalid activation even after playing it for several months before.

    It's playing with beta 1.07.5157..thats all that matters at this point.

  15. On my old system, it has the same issue as the topic starter (can't notice slider changes), but going back into the game after making adjustments..they were noticeable.

    On this new system, onboard 8-1 sound, and Vista (even though it supposedly doesn't use EAX), if I disable it, I can hear an alien fart from Mars.

    I would be constantly looking towards the sky if any Helo's are flying anywhere.

    US hard copy, with both patches installed.
