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Posts posted by SWAT_BigBear

  1. In your Nvidia CP, make sure "Advanced Settings" are enabled, and you should see a "3D Settings" on the very top.

    In there click the "Show SLI Visual Indicators".

    Now, when you play SLI capable games, you will see a big nasty green vertical bar that shows performance of the SLI.

    The more it lights up, the better.

  2. I hope this thread helps others out there.

    This is 1 issue I see with these forums,

    is it auto prune, or just deleted?

    This is a very old discussion, which is no longer viewable.

    Hope it gets you fixed up.


    I do not have permission to post in the Hot Fix thread,

    If  any mod were to post "Ladder bug Fixed" in there, the search engine would find it.

    The word "Ladder Bug" is within a quote, which the search engine does not look.


  3. He is talking about Nvidia drivers for 1 part.

    I can go way back to 158.24 & .28 drivers, and ArmA works almost fine with 4gig ram and  adding -maxmem=512 to the shortcut.

    With the  newer drivers, I have to tell my bios to disable Memory Hole Remapping so the system only uses half of the total memory available. But the good side is, better graphics, higher resolution, maxmem not needed ect ect.

    We are just wondering as you said "It might just be my system, but who knows."

  4. Question: Is Arma running under Vista 64Bit as fast as under Vista 32Bit?

    ArmA is a 32bit application, so the 64bit OS runs it as 32bit.

    Now, in a game such as Crysis, that gives me the option to run either in 32 or 64....... I see a major difference, 64 is best.

    If ArmA was designed with that same option, I'm sure I would see the same results.

  5. The only time my game crashes now adays, is after several days of ArmA running, and using alt/tab while not actually playing.

    Back in mid 07' & those drivers, no SLI, -maxmem=512 (a must), and other tweaks...all gave me solid games, except I could only play @1600x1200 res or else it crashed within an hour or so.

    Now I can play at my monitor native res of 2560x1600, with no tweaks, which is twice as clear as before!

    Maybe 1 day soon I'll put XPsp2 on a separate raid controller so I can compare.

  6. What about this? What kind of setting should I pick?

    AMD Athlon 64 Bit 3000+, overclocked to 2.2 GHz

    Radeon x1650 Pro

    1.5 GB of RAM

    I first played the Czech/Sprocket dnld 1.0 through 1.05 on the AMD +3000,

    FX-<s>5500</s>, edit, 5900 Asylum

    Audigy sc,

    1.5 ram.

    I was suprised how well it played on low to medium settings back then.

    I'm sure 1.09b would have made it even better.

  7. Since I'm the only user on my pc, I disabled UAC (User Account Control) in Vista. I've had very lil issues with gaming. Stay on top of your updates for it and the pc, and perform everything listed from SickBoy, if needed, and you should be a.o.k.

    I'm ruuning games like OFP, ArmA, Ravenshield, NFSMW, CoD4, Crysis, BF series ect.

    For any bugs/issues I've stumbled into, they have been fixed by asking help in forums like these.

  8. Is it possible to get Arma working with 4gb memory in future?

    Quote from another thread concerning Vista.

    With 169.25 drivers I was able to reproduce the problem. Function IDirect3DDevice9::GetAvailableTextureMem returns unsigned int larger than 2 GB with those drivers, which is then our side mistakenly used as a signed int, causing arithmetic overflow, and making the game to thing card has no video memory at all.

    The fix should be available in the next patch.


  9. This is great news Suma.

    When I used 158.24 drivers, I had no problems with ArmA and 4gig mem, hence as to why I wanted to blame Nvidia. The game runs great on 2gig, even with a server running as a service, on this same pc. I will be glad to be able and test the game at full power again with todays patches/drivers.

    I guess if you hadn't picked up Vista, we would still be waiting for a fix? And, did you say that patch would be ready tonight? or tomorrow?

    [/insert]runs away[insert]

  10. Mr. Mike Melvin has posted at his forums,

    Quote[/b] ]RE: MFCTI for ArmA Update (New)

    By: Mike Melvin (mf256) - 2008-01-07 00:09  

    It is coming along well. Still slowly but hopefully there will be more info in another month. Sorry for all the "secrecy"...;)  

  11. I have found out on my pc, if I make several in game video option changes in a row, I will get those 1-2 sec freeze or skips, even in the main window of ArmA while the video cut scenes play.

    Alternatively, I make 1 or 2 changes, shut the game down and relaunch it, which has cleared those skips.

    This did not work, untill a few Nvidia updates allowed me to run ArmA at my monitor native res of 2560x1600.

    Maybe it will help you?
